How to get drunk quickly

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Get Drunk Fast!
Video: How To Get Drunk Fast!


Attention:this article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

While alcohol is best consumed slowly and in moderation, sometimes circumstances may require you to do the opposite. There are ways to get drunk faster.However, be careful - excess can lead to alcohol poisoning. Drinking too quickly can end up drinking too much alcohol, which is unsafe for your health. Try to keep the norm. If you feel very drunk or unwell, take a break. Don't forget about your health!

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only and is not an advocacy of inappropriate or excessive drinking.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing the Right Drinks

  1. 1 Pay attention to the alcohol content. Different types of drinks contain different amounts of alcohol. If you want to get drunk faster, choose drinks with a higher alcohol content. Typically, the alcohol content is indicated on the label. If the drink contains more percent alcohol, it means that with it you can get drunk faster.
    • The strongest beers contain 15-18% alcohol. These varieties are often produced by small breweries rather than large companies.
    • Beer with an alcohol content of 11% is also quite effective. If you can't find a beer with 15-18% alcohol, look for beer with an alcohol content of about 11%.
    • Remember your rate. A few glasses of strong beer may be overkill. Slow down your pace if you feel yourself getting drunk. In case of severe intoxication or malaise, stop drinking so as not to harm your health.
  2. 2 Take low-calorie drinks with alcohol. To get drunk faster, mix alcohol with low-calorie drinks such as soda. Regular drinks are perceived by the body as food, which can slow down the absorption of alcohol, while diet soda does not have this effect and promotes the rapid absorption of alcohol.
    • Often people do not notice that they get drunk faster when mixing alcohol with diet drinks. Be alert and in control when mixing alcoholic drinks with diet soda. Never drive a car.
  3. 3 Try carbonated spirits. This will help you get drunk faster. If you want to get drunk faster and like champagne or white wine and soda, order sodas.
    • Carbonated spirits include champagne, sparkling wines, and tonic cocktails.
  4. 4 Choose stronger drinks than beer. Strong alcoholic drinks contain more alcohol and you will get drunk faster than beer or wine. The body absorbs alcohol more quickly from spirits. In particular, vodka has been shown to accelerate alcohol intoxication. If you want to get drunk quickly, try drinking hard liquor.
    • Be aware that the same drinks may have different strengths in different bars. For example, bartenders can mix drinks in different proportions.
    • At the bar you can order a double portion of a drink. You can get drunk faster if you drink more and faster.
    • Be careful with strong drinks. Do not abuse them so as not to harm your health. Try to limit yourself to a few servings.

Part 2 of 3: Effective ways to get drunk faster

  1. 1 Try to relax. High stress levels can slow down alcohol intoxication. If you are busy with some stressful activity or are under stress, this can slow down the drunkenness.
    • Try to relieve stress shortly before the party. Do something to help you relax: watch your favorite TV show, read a book, or do breathing exercises.
    • Drink with friends, with whom you can relax. If you are feeling stressed, it will be more difficult for you to feel drunk quickly.
  2. 2 Have a light snack before the party starts. Never drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach, as this is very dangerous.However, do not eat too much before the party, as this will slow down the rate at which your body absorbs alcohol. You will get drunk more slowly if you start drinking after a hearty lunch or dinner.
    • Have a light snack about two hours before drinking. Eat a chicken salad, sandwich, fish dish, or a small serving of spaghetti.
    • Never drink on an empty stomach. While this will lead to faster drunkenness, it may make you sick as a result. Drinking alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach is very dangerous for your health.
  3. 3 Drink with company. In a fun company, you will be able to get drunk faster. People drink faster when they are in a large group. Together with your friends, you can drink more and get drunk faster.
    • However, do not lose control and keep track of the amount you drink. In a fun company, you can drink too much, especially if you are surrounded by people who can drink a lot. Monitor your condition. If you feel that you are not doing well, stop drinking immediately and do not be persuaded to drink more.
  4. 4 Drink from a curly glass. You can drink more from such a glass than from a regular glass or straight beer mug, since it is more difficult to determine the amount of liquid in a figured glass by eye. You can get drunk faster if you have a weaker idea of ​​how much liquid is left in your glass.
    • Bars often serve beer or champagne in curved glasses.
    • Try purchasing some inexpensive curly glasses from your local supermarket or kitchenware store.

Part 3 of 3: Remember Safety

  1. 1 Know your rate. If you are going to get drunk quickly, you need to know how much alcohol will be enough - you do not want to feel bad about drinking too much. Keep track of how much you've drunk and don't lose control.
    • The norm can be judged by past experience. For example, you may know that if you drink more than a certain amount, you will feel bad.
    • If you have little experience, then you may not know your norm. In this case, listen to your feelings. If you feel physically unwell or dizzy, then you should stop. You can also ask your friends to keep an eye on you and let you know if they notice that you are losing control.
    • Even when drunk, the situation should be controlled. This can be tricky if you want to get drunk quickly.
    • If you find yourself getting drunk quickly, take a short break. You don't have to drink all evening. As soon as signs of intoxication appear, you should stop immediately.
  2. 2 Do not drink on an empty stomach. Some people deliberately do not eat before drinking in order to get drunk faster. However, this is a bad way. At least a little, but be sure to eat before drinking alcohol. Should also be eaten during the party. Choose protein-rich foods like cheese or nuts.
  3. 3 Practice in moderation. Of course, you can get a little drunk sometimes, especially at a fun event. However, when abused, alcohol can negatively affect your overall health, so during meals, do it in moderation and do not drink too much so as not to jeopardize your health.
  4. 4 Before drinking alcohol, remember what medications you are taking. Alcohol can interact with a variety of drugs. Read the directions for use of any medications you are taking before drinking alcohol. Make sure they don't interact with alcohol.
    • Do not take pain relievers after drinking alcohol. They can interact with alcohol, which can damage the liver and other organs. In this regard, drugs that include paracetamol are especially dangerous.


  • The amount of alcohol you need to drink in order to feel drunk depends on your weight and how heavy you have eaten, as well as your alcohol tolerance. Consider these factors and do not try to keep up with others, as they may be better at tolerating alcohol than you.
  • Bar cocktails can be of different strengths. Some bartenders prepare stronger cocktails than others.
  • Rapid drunkenness does not mean that one should too much get drunk for a short time. Drink several servings, then take a half hour break so that your body has time to process alcohol.


  • Drinking alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach can be very dangerous. Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Have a light snack a few hours before the party so you don't feel heavy in your stomach, but also don't be hungry.
  • Always practice in moderation. After drinking, do not drive a car, do not drink alcohol during pregnancy, and abstain from alcohol until you reach the age of majority.

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