How to find out how long you are pregnant

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How soon can I know that I’m pregnant?
Video: How soon can I know that I’m pregnant?


In order to determine the length of your pregnancy, you just need to count the weeks since your last period. If you have an irregular cycle, you will most likely need to have an ultrasound scan to find out how long you have been in the position. In fact, the most reliable way is to see a doctor, but even here one cannot guarantee one hundred percent accuracy. However, like most people, you can count the weeks yourself or with an online calculator.


Method 1 of 3: Seeing a Doctor

  1. 1 Confirm your pregnancy at your first appointment. The first thing a doctor will do is make sure you are pregnant. He will also take your medical history, including information about your periods, and take urine and blood tests to check your health.He will also want to know what medications you are taking to make sure none of them will harm your current situation.
  2. 2 Get ready for a medical examination. The doctor will also need to do a physical exam, including a Pap test, to check for any problems associated with a serious medical condition. In addition, your blood pressure will be measured and you will be weighed. To find out how long you are pregnant, the doctor will check the size of your uterus by pressing on your belly. Based on this information, he will get a general idea of ​​how long you have been in the position.
  3. 3 Get an ultrasound scan. Another way to determine the duration of your pregnancy is to do an ultrasound scan. However, this procedure is usually not done before 10-13 weeks (plus 6 days). During the ultrasound, a sonographer (ultrasound echography specialist) will measure your baby, which will give a more accurate estimate of how long you have been pregnant.

Method 2 of 3: Calculating the weeks after your period

  1. 1 Think about what day you had your last period. Most doctors calculate the number of weeks from the end of the last regular period. To start counting, determine when your cycle was last. Count from the first day of your period.
    • This count will only work if your cycle is relatively regular, that is, almost on schedule, for example, every 29 days.
  2. 2 Count the weeks. Once you calculate the first day, you can determine how many weeks you are already pregnant. When counting weeks, do not start right from the first day. For the first week of the term, only the already completed week is taken into account. So, if you are 14 weeks old, but 14 weeks are not over yet, then you are 13 weeks pregnant.
  3. 3 Calculate the day of birth. This will be your 40th week of pregnancy. Count 40 weeks from your last period to get your day of birth. However, remember that this is only an approximate date. The child will be born when he wants it!

Method 3 of 3: Using an online calculator

  1. 1 Find an online calculator. This is an easy way to determine when you are pregnant. You can search for calculators yourself or try this one for example:
  2. 2 Fill in your information. You will need some basic information, such as the time of your last period. Enter the first day of its occurrence. You also need to know how long your cycle lasts on average. Usually it is 28 days, but everything is individual for each person.
    • If you have an irregular cycle, you won't be able to easily determine the timing using this method.
  3. 3 Submit information to get the number of weeks. After entering the data, all you need to do is click the “calculate” button. The calculator will show you the calculations for the date of conception, gestational age (number of weeks of pregnancy) and due date.
    • Remember that these are just estimates. Due date may change.