How to come up with a name for your business

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Come Up with Creative Business Name Ideas for Your Company
Video: How to Come Up with Creative Business Name Ideas for Your Company


You know how to make delicious waffles at home, but you don't know what to call them in order to attract masses of consumers and take your market share. Follow these simple tips on how to name your business.


Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Create a list of promising business names

  1. 1 Build your brand. Before giving a name to your business, describe the niche in which you will work. Describe your goals and missions in the business plan. Software companies may want to emphasize the quality and simplicity of their products (Apple), while an accounting firm may want to emphasize their accuracy.
  2. 2 Define your target consumer group. You need to understand what your potential customers like and what they are looking for when they come to you. If your target customers are wealthy, you might want a name that caters to their high-end taste. If your target clients are working mothers who don't have enough time to clean their homes, you may want to come up with a name that recognizes their busy schedules and their pursuit of cleanliness and order.
  3. 3 Make a list of words that reflect the properties you want to sell. In one column, list the qualities you want to convey to your customers. The other column contains a list of your customers' needs. Use nouns, adjectives, and verbs.
    • Come up with a large number of words that are specific to your business. The name "Rover" might be appropriate if you are planning to start a dog walking business, while "Persimmon" might be a great name for a Lebanese restaurant.
    • Refer to a dictionary to find the definitions of the words you choose, use the thesaurus to find synonymous words or phrases. You can also use a software application designed to help with this type of brainstorming.
  4. 4 Come up with a simple one-word name. Trendy upscale restaurants often have short, punchy names that emphasize simplicity and quality, such as “FIG” (“Fig Tree”) or “FEAST” (“Feast”). Similarly, the footwear manufacturer Timberland (forest area) specializes in the production of work boots, and its simple name accurately reflects the purpose of the product. While the name "Tom's" expresses a human touch.
  5. 5 Come up with some simple noun and adjective phrases. “Black Cyprus” or “North Face” - both names are universal and evoke associations. One definition and one noun allows for a simple and precise name, such as "Urban Outfitters" or "American Apparel"
    • Try participial phrases. This trend will make your business name fun, dynamism and goodwill. Laughing Planet is a burrito chain while Turning Leaf is a wine maker.
  6. 6 Use your own name. Including your real name in your business name is a great way to get personal, even if it's not a real person. McDonald's has never been owned by anyone named McDonald's, but Papa John is owned by a real person named John.
  7. 7 Compose a new word. For example, the word “wallet” consists of two words, as well as “Microsoft” (“Microsoft”) and others. This gives an innovative color to your business, makes the name fresh and modern. Inventing a new word is important to get a feel for the start of entrepreneurship.
  8. 8 Play with words. Some simple sound literary tricks can give your company name a catchy personality:
    • Repeat the initial sounds of the words. This technique is called alliteration, and it produces well-readable business names such as Papyrus Press, KD's Coffee, and Smith Sound. Like alliteration, vowel rhyming brings interesting results. Blue Moon Pools, Hali Gali Cafe is an example of rhyme.
    • Rhyming, precise and imprecise rhymes will help make the name of the company memorable. "Reel Deal" ("Reel Diil") can make sense as the name of a theater or a shop.
    • Playing with sayings, proverbs is another way to come up with a catchy name for a business. A bar called "Fire Water" or a cafe named "Fir Trees Sticks" - use that.Using this technology, it is possible to choose a banal name, but make a list of as many names as possible, and then work with it. You can always cross out the bad name later.
    • Historical, literary or mythological references also work well. For example, the Starbuck's cafe chain was named after a character from Moby Dick.

Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Evaluate names from your list

  1. 1 Look for a short title that's easy to write and pronounce. Shorter names are easier to remember than long ones. The Texas Oil Company has shortened its name to the shorter Texaco. It’s hard to imagine how successful Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web would have been if they hadn’t dared to rename it to the shorter “Yahoo”.
    • If you are using imaginary or creative words, make sure they make sense in terms of the product or service they represent. "U-Haul" (translated as "you drag yourself") and "Flickr" (file (image, video) storage on the Internet) work, despite their strange spelling, because they serve as an accurate name for the business, and not because that they are written strangely. Giving a business the name "d'verse'tease" is too clever.
  2. 2 Universal name. It might seem like the best idea in the world to name your construction business “Daedalus Construction” because you have studied ancient Greek mythology, but your clients may find the name confusing.
    • Some consumers who are obsessed with Batman comics will love to visit a comic store called "Jim Gordon" (a character from a Batman comic), but other consumers will be put off by this name from your store. It's a good idea to name an upscale restaurant in an upscale area of ​​the city in French, but if the restaurant is in a poor area of ​​town it might be a bad idea, people might just be “out of tune”.
  3. 3 Avoid clichés. Too often, the adjective "bumps" into the noun, and the dreaded corporate name is ready, for example "Rusbank" or "Ameribank". Names like these lack personality, and your business won't stand out in a market full of similarly styled names.
    • If your company name includes: “Rus”, “Ros”, “tech”, “tron” (and others like that) as a prefix or suffix, you should revise it and come up with a more individual name for your company.
  4. 4 Choose names that can work anywhere. Specific geographic names will block your business in a certain region of the country, if you want your business to grow further, you will need to change the name of the company. Smolensk Water Supply Company will work in the area of ​​plumbing repairs in the city of Smolensk, but this name will not help conclude a contract for the maintenance of water supply networks and sewerage systems in Volgograd. At the time, "Kentucky Fried Chicken" officially changed its name to "KFC" for this very reason.
  5. 5 Choose the most accurate name. Bob Dylan's backup band was called "The Band". Once this name stuck tightly, and they stayed "The Band" forever. If it is customary to call your copy center “City Copy Center”, do not risk renaming it “Super Duper Mega Copy Center”, because the name given earlier does not sound cool enough. After all, your product or service is the most important thing, and the name is just the packaging it comes in. And if your business is doing well with that name, don't change that name.
    • Alternatively, if your chosen name doesn't work, take the risk and change the company name. Even if you ordered letterheads for a new company, change the unfortunate name and move on.

Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Register Your Firm Name

  1. 1 Make sure that no one else in your industry has a name similar to yours. Check your list of names to make sure no one has registered any of them before. On the Internet, you can check for free if your name is not occupied by anyone.
    • Registration of a trademark, brand, name or name as a trademark on the territory of Russia is carried out in the Federal Patent Office - ROSPATENT, usually through patent specialists, patent attorneys or through patent offices.
    • In the United States, this is the Bureau of Patents and Trademarks, headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, with branches throughout the country.
  2. 2 Prepare the required documents. It's more than a name - it's a concept, a model for your business. You need to be clear about what you want to register. Whether you want to register a word, slogan, logo, design, or a combination of these things.
    • A trade mark and a service mark are different things, one for goods (trade mark), the other for services (service mark) ..
  3. 3 Register a trademark for your business. Fill out the application, pay the required fees and track the passage of the application through the authorities. You can consult with a patent attorney throughout the process to make sure you haven't missed anything.


  • You can use a name that someone else is already using if you work in another business or are located in different geographic areas. Consult a patent attorney if you have questions.
  • When choosing a name, choose whichever one you believe in. If a name is not attractive to you, then you cannot make it attractive to others.


  • Do not use the word “corporation” in your name unless your firm is a corporation.