Download podcasts

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How To Download Podcasts
Video: How To Download Podcasts


Podcasts are fast becoming one of the most sought after entertainment pastimes. If you want to listen to your favorite podcasts on the go but don't have an internet connection, don't worry! There are a few ways to save podcasts offline for easy listening.

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Method 1 of 2: Download podcasts on your phone

  1. Install a podcatcher. To download podcasts on a mobile device, you need an app known as a "podcatcher". Since there are all kinds of podcast chers available for both iOS and Android, you can choose; in general, however, you should find podcast apps with a large, comprehensive library, clear interface, and easy operation.
    • iOS: Apple's more recent models actually include the free Podcasts app already installed. If you don't have a recent iPhone or iPad, you can just download Podcasts for free from the App Store. Overcast is a good alternative to the standard software.
    • Android: Apps like Pocket Cast and DoggCatcher cost between $ 2 and $ 5 and are highly recommended; however, if you don't want to spend a lot of money then Stitcher Radio and Podcast and Radio Addict are both fantastic free options for Android. You can download them from Google Play.
  2. Adjust your settings. Once you've downloaded a podcatcher of your choice, make sure the accessibility settings allow you to download items through the app. You usually do this by opening the app's restrictions via the phone's settings and adjusting them accordingly.
    • Many podcasting apps also include the option to automatically download each new episode of a subscription. However, this can quickly use up the hard drive or cloud space, but it remains a good option for users interested in some autonomy.
    • In addition, many podcatchers make it possible to adjust specific subscriptions. Most include features such as viewing options, automatic or non-automatic download of podcasts, and sorting.
  3. Find a podcast. Open the search function in your podcatcher to search. Ideally, you already have an idea of ​​what you are looking for; if not, most podcatchers' interface will include the "popular" or "top" tab. This is always a good place to look when you are running out of ideas.
    • Once you've found a podcast that appeals to you, find the "subscribe" button in the podcatcher interface. Often this button is well marked - a plus sign in the corner, for example - but it differs from app to app. Subscribe to a podcast when it resembles something that interests you.
  4. Download your podcasts. Typically, each episode will appear on your podcatcher with a download sign - a down arrow for example - next to its name. If you are sure that your podcatcher has access to your hard drive or cloud, you can press the download button.
  5. Open your podcasts. Depending on the model of your device, you have a different default app for podcast playback: iOS uses iTunes, while most Android devices use Music Player. Many podcatchers also offer the option to play your podcasts within the app.

Method 2 of 2: Download your podcasts to your computer

  1. Install a podcast manager. If you want to listen to your podcasts offline, you will need to download a third party client to convert URLs to MP3 files. While there are tons of free options across all platforms, managers such as Juice, gPodder, and Zune come highly recommended.
    • Another great option is iTunes. Even if you don't have an iPhone or iPad, iTunes is a great music, video, and podcast manager, especially as it is consistent in terms of updates and is free.
  2. Adjust your settings. Once you've downloaded a program of your choice, look for options to adjust aspects such as file type, download destination, and playback preferences. Some managers, such as iTunes, allow you to play your podcasts from the interface.
  3. Find a podcast. Unlike mobile podcast platforms, your computer gives you the freedom to search all public podcasts rather than just the ones in the app's database. Use this to your advantage! Once you've chosen a podcast, click it to watch specific episodes.
    • You may need to create an account with a podcast website before you can view specific podcasts, so enter a valid email address and password if necessary.
  4. Save your podcast. If you are using a manager such as iTunes or Zune, simply click "save" or "download" next to the episode name to save it to your computer. Otherwise, you will need to copy and paste the podcast's URL into your manager.
    • Each manual client differs slightly in the method of downloading, but they usually use the URL to open the podcast's feed. You may want to click on the "subscriptions" tab or similar in your chosen manager; after this step you can download specific episodes.
    • You can press the "refresh" button to check for new episodes.
  5. Open your podcast. Once your podcast has been downloaded to the file location you chose, play it back to make sure the podcast was downloaded completely and correctly.


  • All podcast websites offer the option to download episodes directly from the site as MP3 files. While time consuming, this method is more convenient than installing completely new software if you only want to download a few broadcasts.
  • NPR offers a large selection of professional, quality podcasts that are also free.
  • Although apps like Pocket Cast cost a bit, they more than make up for it thanks to the clear interfaces, podcast offerings, and customization options. If you listen often, consider spending a few extra bucks on this.
  • iPhone users in doubt can use the free Podcasts app and iTunes support.
  • It's best to always save your podcasts on a mobile device, but if you don't have a smartphone or not enough free space on your existing device, use your computer as a backup.
  • Since podcast files are quite large, consider storing them in the cloud instead of the hard drive of your mobile device; unless you have a huge amount of storage space on your phone, otherwise you will likely experience some performance issues.