How to create a Facebook profile

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Create A Personal Facebook Account
Video: How To Create A Personal Facebook Account


With the help of the social network Facebook, you can always stay in touch with your friends, share photos and news. To create a Facebook profile, follow the instructions below.


Method 1 of 1: Creating Your Facebook Profile

  1. 1 Register a Facebook account. In the form located under the "Register" button on the home page, enter your first and last name. Next, enter a valid email address and duplicate it in the field below. Facebook will send registration confirmation to it, and in the future it will send notifications and newsletters. Next, enter the password you have invented, indicate your gender and date of birth, and then click the "Register" button at the bottom of the page.
  2. 2 Confirm your email address. Facebook will send you an email confirming your registration. Log into your mailbox, open the letter and follow the link - you will find yourself on your profile page.
  3. 3 Find friends. You will have to follow several steps to complete your profile. First of all, Facebook will offer you to fill the address book with the addresses of people who also have an account on this site, giving you the opportunity to add them as friends. Just enter your email and password and Facebook will find your friends. Check the boxes next to those you want to add and click on the "Add as friend" button. After that, you will be prompted to select friends through the address book and send them an invitation to register on Facebook if they do not have a profile.
  4. 4 Find your classmates. Click on the "Find classmates" button. Next, select from the list the country, city, school number and years of study (if you are looking for a specific person, just enter his first and last name), then click on "Search classmates". Browse the search results and add anyone you know or would like to befriend as friends. You can also provide a friend request with a text message.
  5. 5 Find workmates. Click on the button "Find colleagues at work". Enter the name of the company and the name of the director, if required. Then click the search button to see the results that Facebook will return.
  6. 6 Become part of a regional network. This is a very useful option, because people from the same area will see more of each other's profiles, even if they are not friends. By joining a regional network, you can find your friends much easier. You can specify your place of residence on the Facebook home page. Select the city in which you live from the list and click "join".
  7. 7 Complete your profile. Click on the "My Profile" button and you will see that all fields are empty. You don't need to fill in everything, you can leave them blank if you like. Remember that Facebook is a public social network, so think carefully before posting any personal information on your page.
  8. 8 Add your profile photo. Click on the photo icon to download an image from your computer's hard drive for other people to view.Click on the download button, find the image on your hard disk, put a check in the box to confirm the rights to the image, and then click on the “Upload image” button to confirm. You can also take a picture with a webcam by selecting “Take a picture with a webcam” and take a picture when you are ready. Wait three seconds and the image will be ready. Then click "Use Image". Note: covers and profile avatars are publicly available and everyone who visits your page will see them.
  9. 9 Add a cover. A cover image is a large image at the top of your page, right above your profile picture. Click on the "Add Cover" button, you will be given a choice: upload an image from your computer or select one of the photos in your album. When you select a picture, you can define the area that will serve as your cover by clicking on the picture, and then you need to click the Save button. Note: covers and profile photos are publicly available and everyone who comes to your page will see them.


  • First of all, set your privacy settings. This will help you control the leakage of information from your profile.
  • Do not give personal information to strangers or enter into correspondence with them. And even more so, no photos!


  • You don't need to offend other people in the course of correspondence or create groups with content that could harm someone. You cannot know what consequences such actions can lead to.
  • Do not add strangers as friends, especially if you are under 18 years old. If you add a stranger as a friend, you may run into someone dangerous. Ask yourself where you have seen this person before and if he carries any threat in himself.
  • Do not add your phone number or home address to your profile, even if you have the highest level of confidentiality in the settings, because you can be hacked (or a banal information leak will just happen).
  • If you work somewhere, but secretly do not tolerate your work, you should not mention this in your profile: you may have colleagues or bosses as friends, you may be connected via a local network with company members. You could, without any ulterior motive, once add the boss as a friend, in which case you risk paying with your work and reputation. Therefore, you should not do this.
  • Don't create a Facebook profile unless you are 13 years old or in high school. There are reasons for the age limit.
  • Before posting anything to your profile, think carefully about the content of the post. Think about what you write, what groups you join or create, what photos you post. Employers and colleagues will study and rate your Facebook profile. If you post something perverted, you will be thought of as a pervert.
  • Do not post pictures of you using drugs or claiming to be. You may be in trouble with the law.
  • If you have not reached the age at which alcohol consumption is allowed, do not publish on your page photos in which you drink alcohol. Or you walk with people who drink, despite the fact that they are also prohibited from doing this.
  • If you drink alcohol in countries where the drinking age limit is low, post photos at your own risk. Employers and colleagues will understand, of course, but in reality, you are playing with fire. If you do decide to publish them, make sure you drink alcohol in moderation on them, and make it clear that you are in another country.
  • Make sure you only make your profile visible to friends. If you make it open to everyone, you will become vulnerable to potentially dangerous people, not to mention obsessive fans.