How to Create a Freeform Roof Project in Revit

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Free Form Rebar Shapes in Revit Tutorial
Video: Free Form Rebar Shapes in Revit Tutorial


We will show you how to design an architectural form - a free-form roof in Revit. The form can be imported from other programs.


  1. 1 Export a 2D DWG model file from Revit to Rhino. You can export the model, but be careful when importing 3D data into Rhino 3.0, especially if you are not using bonus tools. The tools in the program can be found in the Tools menu, then you can open Options for Importing or Pasting DWG Plan into the Program.
  2. 2 Create a shape. We will be creating a form using Rhinoceros. This can be done by drawing a curve and a straight line to begin with. This creates a draped shape. You can then use a longitudinal curve and an extruded face to create a surface between the curves. The surface can then be turned into an array. You can import a surface into Revit, but a flat surface is difficult to render on screen.
  3. 3 Create a file with the model. Select the surface, use the File menu, then Export, then Selected Object. Select the SAT extension.
  4. 4 Create a roof in Revit. To do this, create a new array and import the SAT file you saved. You can edit its position to change the look of the roof.
  5. 5 When you're done editing its position, use the Roof Angle Tool and change the roof type. You can edit the bottom or top surface of the pattern.
  6. 6 Select a piece of roof interior to choose your purpose. Ready.


  • You can use the same method to create floors and other shapes with Rhino before importing into Revit.


  • Be careful when shaping a free-form roof in Rhino. Sometimes curves that overlap other curves will get in the way when you create a roof in Revit.