How to maintain self-confidence with baldness

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 23 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The key to confidence as a man and going bald
Video: The key to confidence as a man and going bald


Hair loss upsets people and makes them feel ashamed. Baldness is hard for both men and women. However, it is important to remember that this problem is common. Hair falls out for a number of reasons, but, unfortunately, understanding this does not make it easier for a person to come to terms with baldness. However, building self-confidence and adjusting to a new situation is a feasible task.


Method 1 of 3: How to Accept No Hair

  1. 1 Determine the cause of your hair loss. To come to terms with baldness, you need to understand what causes hair loss. All people lose hair on a daily basis (some have more, some have less), but this is considered normal. The causes of hair loss are most often associated with four main factors: heredity (hair loss in the family), hormonal changes, diseases, side effects of treatment. If you are experiencing severe hair loss but do not know the cause, you should find out. Ask your doctor to help you with this, and it will become easier for you to come to terms with this problem.
    • If you are experiencing hair loss, review your diet. Lack of nutrients can cause hair loss. The emotional state also matters. Stress can trigger hair loss.
  2. 2 Ignore negative comments. Sometimes strangers ask completely tactless questions. If your self-confidence suffers from people asking about your hairstyle, learn how to respond appropriately to those people. One way is to completely ignore it. Pretend you didn't hear anything and you don't even have to react to yourself. You might also reply that you don't have to explain anything to anyone about your appearance. All of these options are better than constantly thinking about the comments of strangers.
  3. 3 Try to find the benefits of not having hair. A bald head is beautiful and it has its advantages. For example, many people view bald men as socially mature and influential in society. At work, this kind of perception will be helpful. In addition, the lack of hair on the head is often associated with great physical strength.
    • Save time. Lack of hair eliminates the need to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror in the morning. You don't have to dry, comb or style your hair - just apply moisturizer and sunscreen and you are ready to go! You will be able to sleep longer in the morning, which will positively affect your mood and give you confidence.
    • Save money. You will still need to take care of your head, but it will cost you much less than hair care. Ask any woman (or man) how much money she (or he) spends on coloring, which is only enough for a month or two.
  4. 4 Think of the person who inspires you. There are many beautiful people in the world who can inspire others, and many of them have no hair on their heads. If you do not know personally a person from whom you could take an example, take a closer look at celebrities. Read as much as you can about bald people. A lot of celebrities have been bald, so you'll have a lot of options. Are you interested in sports? Think of Michael Jordan. Do you like movies? Look at Bruce Willis.
  5. 5 Appreciate your health. If baldness is the result of a medical condition, it can be difficult to deal with. You are already experiencing emotional and physical changes, so it is not easy for you to accept hair loss as well. Changing the perception of the situation is difficult, but possible. Don't think that chemotherapy has made you lose your hair. Think that the treatment is working and you see the result in the mirror every day. Good thoughts (and self-confidence) have a positive effect on well-being - both physically and emotionally.

Method 2 of 3: How to feel confident

  1. 1 Compliment yourself. Think about what you like about yourself. Have you performed well at work? Congratulate yourself! Finally showing the results of your work in the gym? Excellent! Try to come up with at least one thing about yourself every day. It will become a habit and your self-confidence will be strengthened. Before long, you will even feel better than before you lost your hair!
  2. 2 Develop your brain. By straining your mental muscles, you can find new reasons to love yourself. Try learning a new language or learning a new business, playing word games, or meditating. All of these activities increase the flexibility of the brain. The smarter you feel, the better you will relate to yourself. Intelligence is closely related to self-confidence. By developing your brain, you are working on self-esteem. You will soon realize that baldness does not characterize you as a person - you have many good qualities.
  3. 3 Avoid negativity. Try to banish negative thoughts. But don't be mad at yourself if they do visit you. Accept them, acknowledge them, and move on. Over time, you will wean yourself from thinking bad things. It will also help you to find yourself in pleasant situations more often. Surround yourself with loving friends and family who believe in you.
    • Try saying positive affirmations in front of a mirror. Look at yourself (including your bald head) and tell yourself that you look great and feel the same way.
  4. 4 Be confident. Walk with your head held high and your shoulders straight. When meeting a new person, smile and shake their hand tightly. All this will speak of your self-confidence. It has been proven that self-esteem will be strengthened by being confident.
  5. 5 Show people the best you have. You may not be sure of all aspects of your personality. It won't come right away, so for now, develop what makes you feel strong and confident. Put on your favorite item and smile. If you are confident in certain parts of your image, this confidence will gradually spread to all other areas. Soon you will be proud of not only the absence of hair, but also of your other positive traits.

Method 3 of 3: How to Improve Your Appearance

  1. 1 Buy a quality wig or hair extensions. Parting with hair can be psychologically difficult, especially if the hair loss is caused by an illness. You may feel better if you choose a beautiful wig for yourself. Wigs come in a wide variety of styles and colors. Before you buy a wig, flip through fashion magazines and choose the hairstyle you like.It is best to buy a quality wig as it will look more natural and require less maintenance. Choose a hairstyle that will appeal to you the next day.
    • When choosing a wig, ask a friend or your hairdresser for help. Ask a friend what hairstyle she would recommend for you. Ask your hairdresser for advice.
    • You can buy two wigs - one for every day and one just for fun. Use a second wig (it can be in bright, unnatural colors) when you feel sad and want to cheer yourself up.
  2. 2 Pick up new accessories. If you don't want to wear a wig, there are other ways to temporarily hide the lack of hair on your head. As you become more confident in yourself, you will no longer like many of them. Even if you choose to wear a wig to work, you can wear something more comfortable outside. Try hats, scarves, turbans. It is important to find a hat that fits well (measure your head) and is comfortable for you. This is the most important thing, because he can look whatever you want. Treat buying scarves and hats the same way you buy clothes - these items should reflect your personality. Choosing clothes that make you look great will greatly increase your self-esteem.
  3. 3 Take care of your skin. You may or may not want to hide your baldness, but you should take good care of your skin anyway to help you look and feel better. Many people don't realize that even if your head is shaved, it still needs to be washed with shampoo and conditioner. Many small hairs remain on the head, which also need to be washed. Remember to wear sunscreen on your head every day. Treat your scalp the same way you treat the rest of your skin. You will look better, become healthier, and this will be reflected in your attitude towards yourself.
  4. 4 Try a hair transplant. If you absolutely do not want to part with your hair, hair transplant can help you. Most often, this procedure is indicated for men or women who are genetically predisposed to partial hair loss, as well as people who have lost hair as a result of injuries (for example, burns). If you think this option might work for you, make an appointment with your doctor to learn more about the procedure and understand it better.
    • Study the available information. You will need a well-reviewed dermatologist surgeon. Ask him questions about the procedure itself, about the recovery period and possible side effects.
    • Try to build your confidence in other ways. Remember: bald does not mean ugly.
  5. 5 Use makeup. There are products that help mask small areas of hair. There is a special solid powder that is applied to the head and makes the absence of hair in a small area less noticeable. It can also be used to cover your hair to make it look less sparse.
  6. 6 Get rid of thinning hair. Many men and women experience hair loss for a variety of reasons. It is a natural reaction to try to hold on to the remaining hair, but you will feel more confident if you take matters into your own hands and get rid of the remaining hair. More often than not, a bald head looks better than a head with sparse hair. In other words, skip the comb.


  • Try to see the benefits of no hair.
  • Use your newfound self-confidence to embrace the lack of hair with dignity.