How to lower the temperature of a young child

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hot Tips to Stay Cool When Fever Strikes - First With Kids - UVM Children’s Hospital
Video: Hot Tips to Stay Cool When Fever Strikes - First With Kids - UVM Children’s Hospital


An increase in our body temperature is a natural response to infection in the body. It encourages our body to produce more white blood cells and antibodies to fight infection.Some scientists believe that it is not necessary to bring down the temperature, but on the contrary, it is important to let it help the body. But the temperature in a small child, as a rule, is very worrisome for parents who want to alleviate the condition of the baby by bringing down the temperature. If you are very worried, then seek help from your pediatrician. Here are some tips on how to lower your young child's temperature.


  1. 1 Measure the baby's temperature. The most efficient and convenient measurement method is to place the glass thermometer under the baby's armpit for 3 minutes. Digital thermometers are faster, but not as accurate.
  2. 2 See how tall it is and whether it is worth worrying about.
    • Temperatures between 36 and 37.2 degrees Celsius (97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit) are considered normal for young children.
    • A temperature of 37.3 to 38.3 degrees Celsius (99 to 100.9 degrees Fahrenheit) is considered low and should be monitored but not treated unless the child has any other symptoms.
    • Temperatures of 38.4 to 39.7 degrees Celsius (101 to 103.5 degrees Fahrenheit) are fairly common for most children and can be treated at home to help relieve the child's condition. If the child has such a high fever and there are no other symptoms such as cough or cold, see a doctor immediately.
    • Temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) and above are very dangerous, especially if accompanied by drowsiness, extreme irritability, stiff neck muscles, pallor, purple spots on the body, difficulty breathing and / or vomiting. If your child has any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away.
  3. 3 Choose whichever method of temperature reduction works best for your child.
    • Do not wrap your child up. For his body to breathe, simply put on light cotton clothing. If your baby has chills, cover him with a thin sheet.
    • Give your child the correct dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Read the instructions on the package for the correct dosage of the medication. This usually depends on the age and weight of the child. It is advised to alternate ibuprofen and paracetamol every 4 hours, so as not to exceed the rate of the same medication the child receives. If your child is taking any prescription medications, check with your pediatrician first before giving fever medication.
    • If the child experiences vomiting, and, as a result, the medicine becomes useless, then paracetamol suppositories can be used. Check the instructions for the correct dosage of the drug.
    • Wiping your baby's body with a wet sponge can help bring down the temperature quite quickly. Place the baby in a bathtub filled with just a little lukewarm water and moisten his arms, legs, and torso with a sponge. This will cool the baby's body and give him some relief.
  4. 4 It is necessary for the child to drink more liquid. These can be drinks without gas and caffeine, juices and broths. Plain water is not recommended as it does not contain enough electrolytes and glucose for a child with a fever.
  5. 5 Monitor your child closely in case of any side effects from the drugs injected.


  • People's opinions vary widely. Some people believe that it is not necessary to give the child medicine at a temperature, since children often have a fever. They prefer to lower the temperature with a lukewarm bath. Others find this method terrifying ...


  • Do not give aspirin to children under 12. It is associated with the appearance of Reye's syndrome, a serious disease that can lead to liver problems.
  • Do not rub your child with alcohol to lower the temperature.This will cool the baby's body too quickly and the temperature may rise.
  • It is not recommended to give your child cough and cold remedies from the pharmacy, even if they contain antipyretic drugs.