Get on the first page of Google

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Easily Rank Your Local Website On The First Page of Google Search in Under 10 Minutes Free
Video: Easily Rank Your Local Website On The First Page of Google Search in Under 10 Minutes Free


Figuring out how to get to the first page of Google [1] can seem like a complicated challenge. Google uses various tools and algorithms that are regularly updated to determine which websites are displayed in the search results. By following these simple steps you can create a website that ranks high in Google search results. Start at Step 1 to learn how.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Adjusting your content

  1. Create high quality content. The best thing you can do to increase your ranking is to create a quality website. Hire a professional designer to have your website made (if you can't afford that, at least make sure your website doesn't look like it was from 1995). You will also want to focus on the quality of the text. Google likes texts that are in good order in terms of grammar and spelling. Also, make sure that the text on your website corresponds to what people are looking for when they preview your site: if you fool visitors or they leave your site immediately to search for something else, then your ranking will suffer.
  2. Create original content. Duplicating content across multiple pages will not benefit your ranking. You will also be disadvantaged if you steal other people's content. It's not about people catching you; Google's bots do all the heavy lifting. Rather focus on creating original quality content that you have written yourself.
  3. Choose matching images. Google also searches for images and photos (the quality of the images also plays a role!). Choose images that match your text and enhance the experience. Do not steal your photos and / or images! This can negatively affect your ranking. Use images that are not copyrighted or create your own!
  4. Use keywords (keywords). Use Google Analytics to select the best keywords for your industry (this process is described in the "Using Google" section). Then use these keywords in your text. Just don't use them inappropriately and inappropriately. Google will notice if you deliberately clutter your text with keywords, and will disadvantage you for doing so. Make sure to include the keywords in your text, but don't overdo it.

Part 2 of 4: Adjusting your code

  1. Choose a good domain name. If you succeed, you can include an important keyword in your domain name - preferably as the first word in the name. For example, if you run a winery, choose "". To boost the ranking, as a local company, you can also choose an appropriate TLD (top level domain, such as ".nl"). This will increase your chances in the Netherlands, but your ranking abroad will suffer. It is therefore no problem if you run a local business. Don't replace the letters in your domain name with numbers (and other '90s tricks), and don't use a subdomain.
    • This also applies to your subpages. Use descriptive and valid URLs for every page on your site. Name the pages so that search engines and users know what is on the pages. Don't choose generic names like "page1" and the like. For example, if you can organize weddings in your winery, choose "".
    • Keywords in your subdomains also do you no harm. For example, if you are also a wholesaler, choose an address such as "".
  2. Use descriptions. The code on your website allows you to add invisible descriptions for photos and pages. Take advantage of this, and try to include at least one keyword in the text. That one keyword will already benefit your ranking. Call in a web designer if you do not know how to process this in your HTML code.
  3. Make use of cups. You can also add text in the headers of the code. Take advantage of this, and try to add at least one keyword to the text. That one keyword will already benefit your ranking. Call in a web designer if you do not know how to process this in your HTML code.

Part 3 of 4: Join the community

  1. Try to create good backlinks. Backlinks are links on other websites, preferably websites that get more visitors than yours, that link back to your website. Try to find websites that fall in the same vein as yours, and ask the owners if they are willing to do "cross promotion". You can also contact relevant blogs and ask if you could write a guest blog for them - again, you can generate an additional link to your site.
    • You want the backlinks to be of high quality. Google sees the difference between good backlinks and pure spam. So it makes no sense to spam your links as comments under blog posts. In fact, you will negatively influence your ranking with it.
  2. Make use of social media. "Likes" and "Shares" are increasingly being rewarded by Google these days - especially when it comes to relevant, current topics. This means that you will have to create social media accounts. Try to collect as many followers and friends as possible who like your page and share it with their friends. Just be careful: it makes no sense to spam!
  3. Actively participate in the online community. Update your website regularly. Google rewards sites that are regularly updated and maintained. So if you've been neglecting your site since 2005, you have a problem. Try to find small ways to update your site. Consider, for example, new prizes, a blog post every month, photos of events, etc.

Part 4 of 4: Using Google

  1. Learn how to use Keywords. For website owners, Keywords is the most important tool that Google has to offer. It is a tool that you can find on the Google AdSense website. You can find out for free what people are most looking for. For example, for your winery you can search for the term "winery" (add any relevant filters). If you click on the "Keyword Ideas" tab you will be able to see how often people search for that term and how the competition is doing. You will also see alternative search terms that are often searched for. Find the most popular relevant search terms and use them!
  2. Learn how to use Trends. Google Trends can tell you exactly how your interest in a particular topic is doing. Search for your term and map out when you can expect a peak in sales. Savvy website owners are able to anticipate increases and look for ways to meet that demand and differentiate themselves from the competition.
  3. Add your business's physical location to Google Maps (if applicable). Businesses are shown first in Google Maps when someone enters a local search term. Adding a listing is very easy: log in to Google and fill out the online forms.


  • Make sure the content on the website is good, and that it doesn't seem like your website is full of spam. A site that only contains keywords, but no useful information, is a big turnoff for potential customers. But that's not all: search engines penalize such sites as well - these sites will not show up in the search results at all.