How to Concentrate When Distracted by Other Sounds

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Study with INTENSE Focus - 7 Essential Tips
Video: How to Study with INTENSE Focus - 7 Essential Tips


Your neighbor loves heavy metal, and you have an exam tomorrow. We all faced noisy surroundings and couldn't concentrate. There is a direct relationship between background noise and stress. In this guide, you will find various ways to combat noise and restore your calm and concentration.


Method 1 of 3: Coping with a noisy environment

  1. 1 Use earplugs or noise canceling headphones. The plugs are good for suppressing ambient noise and are cheap. Noise canceling headphones are much more expensive, but they are used as substitutes or complements the earplugs.
    • If you are sitting in the office while socializing or studying, you will be tempted to share why you are using earplugs or headphones. Reassure people that they can still talk to you, and encourage them to pat you on the shoulder, come closer to you, or ignore you. Make sure your boss is up to date with your actions, of course.
    • There are various types of headphones, earplugs and noise canceling devices. Experiment with the ones that make you feel comfortable; each of us has our own preferences.
  2. 2 Organize your work differently. Decide on a time when the noise is loudest and leave light things to do at that time.If you are at work, you may be able to move to the library, another room, or a conference room if you need more concentration.
    • It is not always possible to leave your desk. If there is nothing you can do about the noise, the best solution is to recognize and adapt to the noise.
  3. 3 Listen to music. If you are able to think, concentrate and study while listening to music, this technique is the best way to remove background noise. Instrumental music such as classical, trance or ambient are the styles that often help you concentrate best.
    • Set the music volume as needed. If the music is too loud, you will be unable to concentrate and may disturb your colleagues.
    • Alternatively, use white noise. White noise is static sound used to block out background noise. It is often used for children. If white noise doesn't work for you, try pink, gray, or brown noise. You can easily find them on the Internet or download an application for your phone.
    • Put on your headphones, but don't listen to anything. For some people, simply putting on the headphones is enough to suppress noise and concentrate effortlessly.
  4. 4 Take a break from the noise and relax. Background noise can be extremely stressful and detrimental to your health. A good way to resume your concentration is to take a short break and take a walk or go to the bathroom. You can also try various techniques to calm yourself:
    • Sit comfortably and breathe deeply and slowly. If your body has adjusted to it, close your eyes and focus on something relaxing. Do this for at least 10 minutes.
    • You can also try to relax the muscles in your body. Sit comfortably and stretch the muscles of your face. Smoothly rotate your head and move your shoulders. Stretch your arms and legs and rotate your wrists and palms.

Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Environment

  1. 1 Identify the problem. If you cannot avoid noise, such as the sound of the radio at work, try to politely discuss the issue with those present. It is important to keep in mind that everyone in the workplace or study area feels comfortable. You will find out that you are not the only one who has encountered this!
    • If your colleagues are reluctant to reduce noise levels, talk to your HR department about it.
    • If you have noisy neighbors, always stay calm and polite. Conversations between neighbors can immediately become unpleasant.
  2. 2 Create a separate room and block out noise. This is a short term strategy for isolating the room you are working in. Make sure the windows and doors of the room are closed. Sounds usually come through cracks and peepholes. The following ideas can help reduce background noise:
    • Various barriers can muffle distracting sounds. Place some pillows against a wall to absorb sound from the back of the wall while in bed.
    • Buy thermal curtains for your windows. They prevent outside noise in the same way as the heating of the room by the sun's rays.
    • Place a rug on the floor to block out sounds from the lower floor.
  3. 3 Call a professional. If you work from home or rent a work space, you can call a professional to soundproof your room. This decision can cost a pretty penny, but it will give you more freedom and long-term satisfaction.
    • There are several ways to soundproof your home. You can install sound-canceling panels on the wall and rubber floor mats.
    • Always ask for a quote and call several experts for a comparison. Don't choose the first specialist right away and try to bargain.
  4. 4 Move. Moving from a rented house or apartment may seem like a radical solution, but if you are “poisoned” by background noise and work from home, this option is the easiest and longest lasting. You need to take care of your health and stress levels.
    • Plan your move correctly.At best, you need to view different locations and observe the noise level. You don't want to move to another noisy place! If you find a place that you like, visit it several times to be sure about the acceptable noise level.
    • Identify potential problems. Do not move to locations close to a football stadium or nightclub. Avoid bars and crowded places.

Method 3 of 3: Charge Your Body with Concentration

  1. 1 Make sure you are not hungry or thirsty. Thirst or hunger reduces your ability to concentrate and makes you more vulnerable to external stimuli such as noise.
    • Try to eat a healthy diet. High blood sugar has been shown to affect your concentration. Poor quality food is also associated with decreased attention span.
    • Drink plenty of water. It's good for your body, and research has shown that it increases the brain's ability to concentrate.
  2. 2 Avoid stimulants like coffee, energy drinks, sugar, and tea. If caffeine gives you an energy boost immediately after you consume it, its benefits do not last long. Consuming caffeine produces an autistic effect, including headaches and difficulty concentrating.
  3. 3 Sleep well. Not getting enough sleep affects your concentration and makes you vulnerable to background noise. If you are working in a noisy environment, try to rest.
  4. 4 Relax outside of work. If you are overwhelmed by the noise, try to rest at home. You can try aromatherapy or go for a massage. Your overall well-being will inevitably affect your ability to withstand outside noise.
    • Sports are a great way to relax your muscles and body.
    • Hang out with friends and try to forget about the work environment. Don't be obsessed with noise.
    • If you are having trouble relaxing, see your doctor. Stress and noise can be exhausting, so it's likely time to take a break.


  • Constant difficulty with noise can be a symptom of autism, sensory disease, or ADHD.