How to behave with your girlfriend

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Keep a Girl Happy (In a relationship) ♥
Video: How to Keep a Girl Happy (In a relationship) ♥


Any guy can find a girl, but not everyone will treat her like a real man. Respect, honesty, a little playfulness and flirting are all the rules of the game that you need to know in order to behave with a girl the way she deserves. Read our tips and learn how to treat your girlfriend the right way!


Part 1 of 3: Respect Your Girlfriend

  1. 1 Never lie to a girl. Honesty is the cornerstone of any relationship. Sometimes, when you are in a romantic relationship, it can be very difficult to tell the truth, but you should never take the easy route by cheating on your girlfriend, even when it comes to everyday little things. Lying will show that you don't trust her. Being caught in a lie, especially regarding your relationship, you very much run the risk of disrupting the harmony of the relationship, or even provoking a breakup.
    • It should also be borne in mind that in the long run, telling the truth is much easier than lying. Constantly keeping in your head a complex system of petty deceptions and omissions is a huge stress for you. One wrong word and everything will go to dust.It is worth listening to the famous quote from Mark Twain: "If you are telling the truth, you do not have to memorize anything unnecessary."
  2. 2 Respect her judgment. Like you, a girl may have her own thoughts and opinions. If your opinions differ, Nothing wrong with that. The fact that your friend has a different point of view does not necessarily mean that she came to this conclusion because her logic was “wrong”. If, for example, your girlfriend thinks differently than you about art, politics, or leisure, the most you can do is listen towhy she thinks so, and to object with the help logical arguments. You may find that these disagreements are related to the fact that you have different life experiences, and for sure it turns out that you should not take them to your personal account.
    • but some types of disagreements should be taken seriously - namely, those that relate to your relationship. For example, if you expect a strong long-term relationship in which you will be the only one with each other, and your girlfriend is not looking for stability, you should seriously discuss this, otherwise you will not know where to go next. Also think about how you react to her actions and if you can put up with them. For example, she dropped by to visit her friend after midnight: will you be jealous?
  3. 3 Listen to what she has to say (and remember). One simple and surefire way to show your girlfriend that you respect and appreciate her is to let her know that you are listening when she speaks. Participate actively in the conversation, show interest, express your thoughts to her and rememberwhat she's talking about. Of course, no one remembers 100% of what his girlfriend says, so if you don't have a brilliant memory, don't try to memorize every word. First of all, remember important things (place of birth, dietary restriction, middle name, and so on), and also try to remember a few small facts and subsequently mention them in a conversation.
    • It may seem cynical to you that we suggest that you specifically select a few facts about a girl that you will remember and can repeat. Try to look at it the other way, think of it as “I am making an effort to show how valuable this person and his thoughts are to me” rather than “I am trying to earn more points in her eyes”.
  4. 4 Be attentive to her. Partners in romantic relationships don't have to compete for each other's attention. Show that you respect your friend by giving her attention (with few exceptions) when you are together. For example, don't let yourself be distracted by the TV behind her in a restaurant, a video game that you are passionate about the moment your girlfriend comes to your house, or, worst of all, to another woman. In general, when spending time with your girlfriend, spend it really together.
  5. 5 Come to an agreement about what kind of behavior is considered gentlemanly. Men and boys are taught to be gentlemen towards their girlfriends from a very young age, but the result can be conflicting. For example, a guy's father could reprimand him for not moving his girlfriend's chair when she sits down in a restaurant, while she, on the other hand, may regard this gesture as overly patronizing. The best way to avoid these embarrassing situations is to talk directly to your girlfriend early in your relationship about which traditional "gentlemanly" actions will be present in your life and which will not.
    • It's important to respect your friend's independence by taking her wishes in this area seriously. Not insist on opening the car door for her, moving a chair, and so on if she doesn't like it or is uncomfortable. This can turn into a huge embarrassment in the long run. Real a gentleman knows that de facto respect is far more important than antiquated expressions of etiquette.
  6. 6 Respect her boundaries when it comes to expressions of love. Different ideas about how can And How it does not follow expressing their love can easily lead to conflict between partners. For example, if you enjoy kissing and hugging in semi-public places, and she is shy about it, consider her feelings. Respecting your girlfriend sometimes means refraining from what you would like, but not her - in general, sacrificing little.
    • Imagine the opposite situation: would you be pleased if a girl kissed you when you don't feel like it at all? Of course not. Put yourself in the other person's shoes to see how small actions at first glance can affect your relationship.
  7. 7 Do not be afraid of anything. One way to show how much you respect your girlfriend is to not be afraid to express your thoughts and feelings in front of her. This does not mean that you have to share deeply personal information early on in the relationship. Rather, it means that you should be open in relation to her. Don't be afraid to talk to her about how you feel, even if it's a negative feeling.
    • Paradoxically, the absence of fear also means the ability to fearlessly talk about your inner fears... You can (and should) occasionally talk to your girlfriend about things that bother you deep down - for example, about your performance in school, difficulties at work, problems with your parents, and so on.

Part 2 of 3: Take care of your girlfriend

  1. 1 Be proactive. Like the vast majority of people, girls tend to do not ask treat them well - they want you to do it yourself, without being prompted. If your friend constantly has to ask you about what she would like in your relationship - for example, that you take her by the hand, listen when she speaks, remember her birthday, and so on - then these special things will cease to be special and will not bring the joy that you would if you did them without additional prompting. She may even feel lonely and neglected. Therefore, be proactive and try to consistently treat the girl with due respect so that she did not have to ask you about it.
  2. 2 Be in touch. It’s hard to be an important part of your friend’s life all the time (and vice versa) if you’re rarely in touch with her. While each couple will have a different natural "rhythm" of communication, in general you should try to see, call, or at least text your girlfriend at least once or twice a week, if not more often. This should stem from a natural desire to know what she is doing, what plans she has, what things she has successfully completed in the past few days, what problems she faced, and so on.
    • Get in touch first, and don't just answer her calls or messages. By taking the initiative, making that very difficult first call, you let know that you want to communicate with the girl as much as she does with you.
  3. 3 Don't get hung up on the material. There is nothing less romantic than a man who misses the most important thing in life, thinking only about his money or property. Your girlfriend should be more important to you than material goods or pleasures. For example, you should never skip your anniversary dinner to polish your new car. Don't neglect your girlfriend for weeks on end while playing an addicting video game. Don't devote every minute of your life to work. Think about the future, because true love will give you joy for much longer than any material goods.
    • On the other hand, a good friend will never knowingly ask you about things that are bad for your financial situation. While mythical gold diggers are far less common in real life than popular culture claims, beware of women who demand expensive gifts from you.
  4. 4 Make the girl nice just like that. Any normal guy shows his love and care on the girl's birthday, holidays, dating anniversary, and so on. Exceptional the guy will give her signs of attention and in ordinary days. Surprise your girlfriend. For no festive occasion, simply because you value her. You don't have to book a table at an expensive fancy restaurant - a simple love note, a rose (or her favorite flowers), a gentle text message, and other such things will show that you think and care about her.
  5. 5 Strive be yourselfwhen you're with her. One of the goals of any successful relationship (for both partners) is to get to the point where you don't have to try to appear better than you are. In a relationship, you should be your true self, and not play one of the roles that you play at work, school, and so on. It won't happen overnight, but it must happen so that your relationship develops.
    • Sometimes this can mean openly expressing negative emotions that you may experience in your daily life for whatever reason. Be honest and open about expressing these emotions as they are part of your personality, but don't let them become the only talking point in your relationship.
  6. 6 Let your girlfriend know that you value her. This refers to something deeper than everyday compliments that can become hackneyed and boring if repeated too often. Instead, when you want your friend to feel wonderful around you, say specific things, give examples from your life with her, and try to be honest about your thoughts. Also, try not to make your comments seem too corny to the girl. Finally, choose rare but significant moments for such statements: even if you are distinguished by extraordinary eloquence, you can "devalue" your thoughts if you repeat them constantly.
    • For example, if you know that your friend is good with light sentimentality, then instead of commenting, “Hey, great dress,” you might say, “I like your dress. It reminds me of the one you wore on the day we first met. " This will make your compliment much nicer and show that you remember the day you met.

Part 3 of 3: Enjoy Your Time Together

  1. 1 Be creative on your special dates. While most girls (as well as guys) will appreciate a classic dinner or movie trip, there is no need to drive yourself into the traditional couples box and arrange a standard date. Be creative - go with a friend to a place where you have never been, do something that she would never even think to do. Stepping outside your comfort zone can be a great opportunity to strengthen your relationship. As an added bonus, unconventional dating ideas can help you save a lot of money if you're still young.
    • It would be a great idea to do something with the girl that she has repeatedly expressed interest in conversations. For example, if she enthusiastically talked about how amazing the inhabitants of the underwater world seem to her, you can sign up for a diving course together. If she loves art, you can take her on a hike in the scenic forest with easel and paints to create your own masterpiece together.
  2. 2 Dedicate the evening to her alone. If you are planning an epic date, then this is not the time to be distracted by other people or commitments. Put everything aside for a few hours. Stop thinking about any upcoming projects that may require your attention, and devote yourself only to the girl for the whole evening.
    • Be sure to turn off your phone, pager, laptop and / or any other distractions. Nothing can ruin a romantic moment like answering a business call during a candlelit dinner.
  3. 3 Pay for her (if she doesn't mind). The eternal question should or should not a man to pay for his girlfriend on a date is more relevant today than ever, as women are increasingly paying for themselves (and sometimes it is expected of them). In general, if a man asks a woman out on a date, he should at least insist on what he will pay. Do this to show how important your girlfriend is to you, not for the sake of old-fashioned notions of gender norms.
    • If your girlfriend insists that she will pay or that you should split the bill, you can show symbolic resistance to show that you are serious about paying for her, but you should not argue with her about this. Some women may feel overwhelmed when their man pays for them all the time on dates, so you can show that you value your friend as an equal partner in a relationship by letting her pay.
  4. 4 Praise her personality. A special evening together is a great opportunity to express overt, passionate emotions that are usually not voiced. Feel free to be sentimental or passionate if you have a heart for it, but let your compliments focus on the girl's personality, her sense of humor, beauty in a romantic sense, on the feelings that she evokes in you, and not on the sexuality of her figure. There will be time to talk about her sex appeal, but you should not think about her at a special romantic moment, so as not to spoil it.
  5. 5 Make her feel special. Your friend is undoubtedly important to you, so let her know about it. If you’re not busy during your date, tell (and show) the girl that she really means a lot to you. Anything else - entertainment, adventure, time together - is nothing more than a way of expressing this truth.
    • The best and most enjoyable way to tell your girlfriend that she is important to you is to just be completely honest with her. Flamboyant, sophisticated words are no substitute for genuine emotion - almost any girl will be able to recognize when you are being honest and when you are not.


  • By hugging her, you are saying that you are attached to her and want her to be there. Hugs are a universal medicine!
  • Always try to speak to her gently.
  • If you're typing a text message for a girl, take a few extra seconds to write in full, "I love you."
  • You don't have to look for a reason for a gift. Give your girlfriend gifts on regular days. If you have no idea what to get, send her a love letter or a postcard.
  • Ask her out on dates more often. They don't have to hit your wallet: a walk in the park is a great idea.
  • Girls are not things, and they don't like being treated like things. Don't be possessive and treat her with the kindness and respect she deserves. If she is dear to you, prove it unconditionally.
  • Tell her everything, don't keep secrets from her, especially if you love her. This will show that you trust her.
  • Send her flowers, but do it in an original way. Send them to the hairdresser when she visits her, the dentist's office, or, in extreme cases, to work - in general, in some public place where she least expects to receive them, and besides, not on her birthday, on Valentine's Day or after a fight.
  • Try to be not only her lover, but also a friend. You probably have common interests. Spend time together and do what both of you enjoy.
  • Write her a love poem. This is a great way to express your feelings and show that you are willing to put in the effort for your relationship with her, especially if you are a shy person.
  • Don't get between a girl and her best friends. They may not like it, and in the worst case scenario, they will persuade her to end the relationship with you.


  • Your girlfriend may have friends in your office. Never talk about your sexual exploits at work.