How to make your dog love you

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Your Dog to Love You More than Anything
Video: How to Get Your Dog to Love You More than Anything


If your dog looks scared or hesitant when you are around, it is worth working to improve your relationship with him. Make sure that your pet lives in a comfortable environment for him, give him a cozy and safe place in the house or apartment. Educate your dog by training it and treating it to treats.Once your pet feels that you are taking care of him, it will be much easier for you to get along with him and get closer. Walk the dog, play with it and just be a good friend. Over time, your pet will enjoy spending time with you.


Method 1 of 2: Provide Your Dog in a Comfortable Environment

  1. 1 Create the right environment for your dog. Most dogs like to sleep in bed with their owner. Decide in advance if you are ready to let your dog sleep in the same bed with you, or if he will sleep exclusively in his place. To create a cozy and comfortable bed for your pet that he will like, you can set aside a corner for the dog in the room and put several soft blankets and bedspreads there, as well as put toys that can be chewed and chewed. Thus, your dog will have the opportunity to relax in its own cozy corner, while remaining in the company of its beloved owners.

    Advice:When the dog is resting in his corner, it is important that other animals and children do not bother him. Your pet should feel relaxed and calm in this corner ..

  2. 2 Take care of your pet and feed him. Many dogs just instinctively love the people who feed and care for them. Feed your pet every day, as well as interact with the animal. For example, from time to time you can hand feed the dog or hide treats in special puzzle toys. In addition, it is imperative to take care of the dog's appearance and regularly check the condition of its coat if there are doubts about its health.
    • Watch for any irritation on your pet's skin that may bother the pet. For example, if you find fleas, talk to your veterinarian about the best treatments to get rid of the itch as quickly as possible.
  3. 3 Reinforce your training with positive things. Your relationship with the animal will improve if the dog knows how to respond to basic commands (eg, "sit", "stand", "towards me", "serve"). Try clicking training, in which the owner reinforces the good behavior of the dog with some positive association (for example, clicking). If your pet is good at following commands, be sure to give him a treat as a reward, and also praise him.
    • For example, if your dog is following your "stand!" Command, you can give him a treat. Praise your dog "great, great!" If he runs towards you when you call him in the park.
  4. 4 Don't punish your dog when it misbehaves. If you are going to stick to the theory of positive training, you do not need to punish your dog for bad behavior. Just calmly correct the behavior of the animal, and then praise or treat him with a treat as soon as the dog begins to do what you want him to do. Never yell at your pet, do not hit him or frighten him! If you react with anger to the behavior of the animal, the dog will be afraid of you - this will badly affect your relationship.
    • Be patient with your dog. Some animals are slightly more difficult to train than others.
  5. 5 Socialize your pet. When trying to get your pet to love you, it's easy to forget that your dog needs to interact with other dogs and people. Keep in mind that your pet will be much happier and his life will be more fulfilling and interesting if he interacts with other animals and people. Provide proper companionship with other dogs in a quiet, calm environment, rather than in noisy public places where the dog is likely to be uncomfortable.
    • For example, instead of just walking your dog on the dog playground, go visit a friend who also has a calm dog. Give the animals a chance to communicate, but do not force them to communicate.
  6. 6 Monitor your pet's health. It is very difficult for an animal to feel your love if you do not pay attention to its basic needs. Take your dog to the vet regularly and get it vaccinated on time. If your dog is hurt or sick, provide it with proper care and treatment.

Method 2 of 2: Strengthen the bond with your dog

  1. 1 Find out what your dog likes. Once you understand what makes your pet happy, you can better meet his needs, which will be good for him and you. Plus, letting your dog do what he likes can help boost his self-esteem.
    • For example, if your dog enjoys playing with sticks or digging holes, you can play ball with him every day, or arrange a suitable space for the dog to dig (sort of like a dog sandbox).
  2. 2 Buy toys for your dog. Play with your pet as often as possible. If you are tired of the same stick games, buy your dog some interesting new toys. Be sure to choose toys that are appropriate for your dog's size. If the toys are too small (or contain small parts that can fly off), your pet may accidentally swallow them. If the toy is too large, it will be difficult for the dog to play with it.
    • Regularly check the integrity of the toy for breaks or protruding threads that could cause suffocation.
  3. 3 Pay attention to your pet. It is not necessary to set aside special time each day for play and communication, but make it a habit to pet your dog as often as possible, gently ruffle his coat, and give other signs of attention. Regular physical contact will show your pet that you love and care for him.
    • Chances are, you can tell for sure if your dog likes these little attentions. For example, your dog might stick out its tongue or look at you affectionately when you pat its ear.

    On a note: dogs do not like to be squeezed by the face or patted on the head. In addition, do not hug your pet too much, because he will probably be uncomfortable.

  4. 4 Take your dog for walks more often. Dogs like it when they have the opportunity to stretch their legs, explore the territory and just be close to the owner. Walk your dog 2-3 times a day to bond with it and increase your physical activity a little. If your dog really enjoys walking, consider organizing a long walk or taking the dog on a hike as a special reward. When you walk your pet, give him the opportunity to examine and study everything.
    • If your dog enjoys playing in the dog walking area or running around, you can take your pet to the area instead of going for a hike or long walk.
  5. 5 Be close to your pet. Dogs love to be around their owners, so let your pet enjoy your company. Throughout the day, pay attention to your pet and let him run after you everywhere. When you are around, the dog feels safe and comfortable.
    • If dogs don't get enough attention and companionship, they become lonely and misbehave.
  6. 6 Take your pet on trips. Keeping your dog company means taking it with you when you go on a trip or journey. Take your pet with you to give him the opportunity to see new places, meet new people and animals. Choose places where animals are allowed, such as some beaches, lakes, dog walking areas, forests, or dog shows. Your pet will love exploring new places with you.
    • To keep your pet comfortable and the interior of the car always clean, consider spreading a blanket or blanket in the interior.