How to make a girl feel special

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
7 Unbelievable Ways To Make A Girl Feel Special And Loved
Video: 7 Unbelievable Ways To Make A Girl Feel Special And Loved


Every girl wants to feel that the guy considers her special and unique, a real treasure. But how do you show her that she is really special to you? Nothing impresses a woman more than a man who treats her like a princess.


Part 1 of 3: Compliment her

  1. 1 Compliment her different qualities. Girls love compliments, and this is not surprising: they say that you are really interested in the girl and increase her self-esteem. Compliment both her looks and personal qualities, and she will feel that you like everything about her (and not just, say, external attractiveness). However, try not to say "you have a good figure" or "you are sexy" because it sounds corny and impersonal. Also, don't compliment her too much, or she might get anxious or think that you want something from her in return for your kindness.
    • Instead, tell the girl that she is "pretty," "cute," or "adorable." These words are much more sincere, and there is more emotion behind them.
    • Also compliment her personality. It is important for girls to feel their outer and inner beauty. Sincere compliments to the girl's personality will show that you like her for what she is at heart:
      • “Every time we are alone, I think how great it’s just be together».
      • "You are as beautiful on the inside as on the outside."
      • "For you, I want to get better day by day."
      • "When I look at you, I understand what it means when you are really good and comfortable next to someone."
  2. 2 Tell her good ones sincere, original compliments. It is good to have a few basic compliments in hand and occasionally say them to your girlfriend, but it’s just as good to also pay attention to some special feature and tell her how much you like her.
    • Perhaps you are fascinated by her through the eyes... Tell her what her eyes remind you of: “I love the way your T-shirt brings out the color of your eyes.”
    • Maybe you like how hair frame her face: “Your hair is so soft and silky; just the perfect frame for your eyes and lips. "
    • What if you like it when she laughs? “You have such a wonderful infectious laugh. He always cheers me up. "
    • Finally, you can say something about her generosity... Many women naturally love to be caring. If you say anything about her kindness or generosity, you hit the mark: “You taught me what it means to be kind and what it feels like when someone cares about you. I hope I can do the same for you. "
  3. 3 Show your affection spontaneously. It's great to give a girl a compliment that she expects and wants to hear, but to say unexpected a compliment is even better. Take a moment alone with her, think about what you like, respect or admiration about her, and suddenly tell her about it.
    • When she doesn't expect it, hug her, gently hug her, kiss her cheek, neck or forehead, and say something nice to her. When complimenting her, look her in the eye and her heart will melt.
    • Tell her that she comes first and that you will do your best to keep her happy. Don't just talk, but get ready to do it! Girls won't respect you if you say one thing and do another.
    • Send her unexpected messages or call her. This way, she will know that you are constantly thinking about her. Distribute calls and messages so that every time they are a pleasant surprise; if you call or write too often, the girl will constantly expect it. Here are some messages you can send unexpectedly:
      • "I miss you; just thought of you ... "
      • "I love everything we do together."
      • “I just want to say hello. How I wish I could kiss you right now! "

Part 2 of 3: Show that you care

  1. 1 Go and have fun together. Walk with a girl in the park, go shopping with her, relax on the beach ... There are many places where you can go together to make her feel good and loved.
    • Do something fun and fun together. There are wholes in this two plus. First, this is how you show her that you want her to be involved in your life; and secondly, going on an adventure together will help you bond, as it releases a chemical called oxytocin, which is responsible for feelings of love.
    • Show that she is important to you by participating in what she loves to do. For example, go to a romantic comedy with her if she loves them, even if you think it will be boring. So she will understand that you are thinking not only about yourself, but also about her. Even if you do not get much pleasure from watching, do not spoil her mood. It's best to honestly admit that you don't like the movie, but really want to keep her company. She will appreciate your efforts.
    • If she's going to a clothing store, ask if she wants you to go with her. If she agrees, help her find the best outfit! It is often difficult for girls to make choices. Whether she is looking for a dress for a special party or a simple summer dress, a swimsuit for the pool or beach, shorts or a skirt for everyday wear, or something else - help her find what you think suits her, goes with her other things or reminds of something she loves. For example: "Of these dresses, I think yellow suits you best - it's your favorite color, and it goes well with this hat." Or: "I think this blue swimsuit is what you need: it is just the color of the summer sky that you love so much." If a girl buys the thing that you advised, he will subsequently remind her of you every time.
    • Speaking of clothes - even if you're not happy with your girlfriend's desire to wear revealing clothes like miniskirts, shorts, or crop tops, it's best to put up with it calmly. This is another way to show her that you respect her wishes. Perhaps she loves such things because she is proud of her body and is not ashamed of it.
  2. 2 Show in public how proud you are to be with her. Don't feel that affection is only worth showing in private. Show the whole world how you feel about her. She will have the feeling that she makes you happy - and she really is. Feel free to kiss her on the cheek or hold her hand in public. Pull her to you when you introduce one of your friends.
    • If she actively uses social media, use them to show everyone that you are together. Post photos where you two are, tag her in places where you went, change your relationship status. Let her see that you are not hiding your relationship and are proud of her. However, if she, on the contrary, does not like publicity, such actions can make her feel awkward.
    • Don't be afraid to introduce her as your girlfriend, if she is. She may not be very pleased if you introduce her simply by name. Conversely, if you have not yet decided whether you are a couple or not, limit yourself only to the name.
    • Don't let go of her hand when another guy or girl walks by. She will think that you are shy of her or trying to impress another girl. If you are holding hands, wait for the right moment to remove your hand. When another girl is around, try to make your girlfriend feel like she's the only one.
    • On her birthday or anniversary, do something nice for her in public. Buy or bake a cake for her birthday, or give her a card for your anniversary. Give one gift or romantic gesture in public and one in private.
  3. 3 Talk to her and study her personality. Dig deeper and find out what she likes and what she doesn't. This is very important if you want the girl next to you to feel special. Many guys are reluctant to get to know a girl better, because all they need is physical intimacy. Don't be the kind of guy who knows almost nothing about his girlfriend or forgets what she likes and doesn't like.
    • Ask what her hobbies are and what she enjoys. Every person is interested in something, even if it is hidden somewhere deep inside. Find out what she enjoys doing the most. Try to understand why she likes it and get interested in it too.
    • Ask a lot of questions. Ask the girl about her childhood, parents, siblings, goals, fears and desires, and what she loves and doesn't. The more you know about her, the better you will be able to support her in difficult times, inspire her when she is at a standstill, or calm her down when she is nervous.
    • Learn to listen. Don't ignore her. Whatever she wants to tell you, listen, analyze with her and express an informed opinion, if you have one. If you don't have a definite opinion, you can tell her about it and reassure her that you are always ready to listen and think about a solution together.
  4. 4 Be patient. Sometimes you might think, “What am I doing, this is crazy! This is definitely not normal. " You are just getting used to the new norm and you need to be patient. The girl will be grateful to you for this.
    • If she is late or forgets something, wait patiently for her. Try to treat her with understanding. Don't make her feel guilty, especially the first thing she says is "I'm sorry." Who knows - one day it may turn out that she will be waiting for you.
    • Let her win the argument. Sometimes it's better to just let her insist. Defend your opinion and what you believe in, but learn to give in at the right time. In the long run, you will only benefit.
    • Listen to her criticism. No one wants to be criticized, but you have to compromise if you want to be successful in a relationship. So listen to what she has to say, try to change what you can, and let her know that you are serious about change.

Part 3 of 3: Make the Extra Effort

  1. 1 Be there when she needs it. If your princess is in trouble, you must be by her side during this difficult moment. If she splinters her finger, is offended at school or someone is seriously ill in her family, support her to show her that the most important thing for you is her peace and well-being.
    • If she is sad, ask her how you can fix it. Don't just sit and say "what a pity", staring blankly at the wall. Girls like guys who can support them when they feel bad, cheer them up when problems arise. Try your best to cheer her up.
    • Protect her when she needs it. If she's been insulted, called ugly, or threatened in some way, stay close and protect her. Tell her abuser that you will never allow him to behave this way. Don't fight, but don't let other people hurt you or your girlfriend.
    • Whatever happens in your life, be by her side. Tell her that you will always support her. Girls want to make sure you don't run away if something happens. Reassure her that you will stay close.
  2. 2 Be romantic with her. You may not consider yourself a romantic, but you need to learn how to be a little romantic if you really want to do your best. For girls, romance should be like in the movies: your gesture should be a little over the top (but only a little!) And demonstrate that you had to make an effort to make her feel special.
    • Find out what her favorite flowers are and send her a bouquet. If you’re in the supermarket together, casually ask her what flowers she likes and remember that.Remember that different flowers have different meanings: red roses mean love and romance, white roses mean friendship.
    • Surprise her with a date. Often, the very fact that you put in the effort to arrange a surprise date is enough. You don't need a date to be incredible. Schedule a meeting place for her or pick her up yourself. Pretend you're busy with something boring, like work or household chores, and then surprise her with a date - for example, invite her to a movie, a cooking class, or a picnic in the countryside. She will happily throw herself into your arms or look into your eyes with love.
    • Do something for her. Giving gifts as a token of love, such as cards, jewelry or flowers, is a classic. But what if you want to take your courtesies to the next level? You should definitely do something for her yourself. The more personal it becomes and the more energy you put in, the better.
      • Make her a diary of your relationship. Buy a beautiful blank diary or scrapbook. Write in it about your first meeting, about all your first dates and about your feelings for her. Attach photos and other memorabilia, such as movie ticket stubs. Tell her that you would like you to take turns writing in this diary.
      • Make a collage for her of all the memorabilia you have kept during your relationship. Save brochures, tickets, receipts, receipts and photographs that mean something to the two of you. Glue them with tape or glue on a beautiful poster sheet and present them to her.
      • Make a video for her. You don't need it to be a piece of art - just a regular video, like for Facebook. Tell on camera how you feel about her, what you like about her, what you thought when you saw her for the first time. Put it all to music and send it to her.
      • Do something for her parents. Maybe her mom needs help organizing a family celebration. Offer to help with the music, or volunteer to meet relatives from out of town at the train station. Your girlfriend will be delighted that you get to know her family and come to the rescue at the right time.
  3. 3 Do the nice little things. When we talk about special gestures, we do not always mean the grandiose romantic acts that are shown in films or books. Often the little things matter just as much, provided you do them with feeling.
    • Sing romantic songs to her, even if you have a terrible voice. Choose a song that will be "yours". Even if a bear has stepped on your ear repeatedly, you will at least laugh with it heartily!
    • Take pictures with her more often. The girl will be pleased to look at the photo where you are standing next to me and smiling. It is also a great reminder of your feelings and a wonderful time together. And feel free to hug her or kiss her cheek or forehead as you pose! Such a picture may seem even more touching to her.
    • Find ways to send or leave little notes and symbols of your affection that will remind her of the fun times together. A simple handwritten note is a very personal and meaningful gesture.
  4. 4 Love her for who she is and for her beliefs, because that is not likely to change anytime soon. Easy to say but hard to do, but it's true: love her for who she is, despite her flaws, because she loves you just the same.
    • Goodbye her. Yes, she made a mistake, so what? Everyone in the world makes mistakes, but only how people deal with them or correct them shows what they really are. If the girl is honestly and sincerely apologizing, try to forgive her. She will most likely do the same for you.
    • Respect her. Don't belittle her, manipulate her, or say bad things when she's not around. Treat her as a gentleman should treat a lady. Respect her time, efforts, convictions, and you will quickly gain her trust.
    • Try to get along with her friends, even if you don't like them.Her friends play an important role in her life. She wants them to get along with you, and you with them.
    • Try to get along with her family. Most likely, her family is the foundation of her happiness. If she has a great relationship with her family, try to be a part of her when the time comes.


  • Don't bring sex into your relationship too early, or she might think you only need it for physical pleasure.
  • Try to always make eye contact.
  • Always talk about your feelings for her, and she will feel more desirable.
  • Protect her from anything that might harm her.
  • Always tell her how much you love her. Material love is not so important, just be with her, especially when it is difficult for her, and she will understand that you really love her!
  • Always take good care. If she is bored or sad, talk to her and try to entertain her.
  • Always reply to her SMS, emails and messenger messages. Always call her back.
  • Talk to each other, even small things.
  • Do not talk too much about other girls in front of her, because she may think that your interest in her has faded, and even become a little jealous.
  • Be careful. Listen to her.
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