How to make a detangling spray

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Make a Hair Detangler Spray - Get Rid of Those Knots!
Video: How To Make a Hair Detangler Spray - Get Rid of Those Knots!


Is your hair tangled? Is your daughter crying because it hurts her to comb her hair? Detangling products can be expensive, especially if you use them on a daily basis. In that case, cook it yourself!


  1. 1 Fill a spray bottle with conditioner halfway. It can be a leave-in or regular hair conditioner. Make sure it suits your hair type. Also, if possible (and your hair is not very damaged) choose something for daily use. If your hair is damaged, use a leave-in conditioner.
  2. 2 Fill the bottle up to ¼ with water. Close the lid and stir well.
  3. 3 Find a hair spray. Yes, it is necessary! Add it by squirting into the bottle for about four seconds. If you skip this step, your hair will become unkempt and greasy when you start using the product. Stir well again.
  4. 4 Add a spoonful, or 50 cents, of hair gel. This will help you avoid oily hair. Mix well.
  5. 5 Spray the sink to adjust the spray bottle. It will be harder if you spray your hair for the first time.
  6. 6 Congratulations! When using this remedy, start at the hair roots and spray on.
  7. 7 Ready.


  • You might want to test the elbow spray. Like any other food, it can cause an allergic reaction.

What do you need

  • Spray
  • Conditioner (leave-in or regular)
  • Hair spray
  • Hair gel
  • Water