How to do a research paper

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My Step by Step Guide to Writing a Research Paper
Video: My Step by Step Guide to Writing a Research Paper


Research work or R&D is also known as scientific research. It's like a science exhibition. You need to conduct an experiment and present it in a science exhibition. In other words, it's easy to experiment, but there are actually many methods of doing it. This article will tell you step by step how to do R&D.


  1. 1 Come up with a research topic. All subsequent steps will be based on your idea. Make sure she doesn't break any rules that could get you suspended for breaking. If you don't have a theme, you can search for something for it.
  2. 2 Come up with a name. Usually the title consists of a question. Here are some examples. The question may start with "how", "can" and other options.
    • Can temperature affect mold growth?
    • Does salt affect the density of water?
  3. 3 Explore your topic. You should know as much as possible about your idea. You can do this by reading a book, searching the Internet, or discussing it with someone. Knowing as many things as possible on your topic will help you build your work.
  4. 4 Form hypotheses. The hypotheses will be the hypothesized results of your chosen research subject. You don't need to do research work for them. You are just guessing. Make sure the forecast is accurate and understandable.
  5. 5 Plan your experiment. Your experiment should support your hypothesis. Make sure the experiment provides answers or actually supports your hypotheses.
  6. 6 Make a list of the materials you will need to run the experiment. Make sure they are affordable and cheap. Try to use the materials you have in your home as much as possible.
  7. 7 Conduct your experiment according to the planned methodology. If it doesn't work, try a different technique or other materials. This will be an advantage for you if you really want to win at the show.
  8. 8 Record your results. Sometimes they can be kept like a schedule, but this depends on the type of work you do. You can write them down in a notebook so that you can view them later.
  9. 9 Draw conclusions. Now that you've confirmed your hypothesis, it's time to write your conclusions. You can answer the question in the title of your work. You can also tell whether your hypothesis was correct or not. Again, make sure the conclusions are clear and accurate.


  • Ask someone you know to help you.