How to make a Faraday cage

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Build A FARADAY Cage that actually works
Video: How To Build A FARADAY Cage that actually works


The Faraday cage, named after its inventor Michael Faraday, is a device that protects electronic devices from electromagnetic radiation. The principle of operation of the device consists in alternating layers of conductive and non-conductive materials. This creates a kind of screen for any device inside and protects these devices from radiation. Even though the device seems complicated, you can make your own Faraday cage out of aluminum foil. You can even make a bigger version of the cage by using a steel bin as a base.


Method 1 of 2: How to make a Faraday cage from aluminum foil

  1. 1 Wrap your electronic device in plastic wrap. Or, alternatively, put it in a plastic bag. This will be the barrier between the electronic device and the conductive aluminum layer. Also, a bag or film can protect the device from water.
    • You can wrap the device in a cloth beforehand to prevent sharp edges from tearing the film and aluminum foil, but this is not necessary.
  2. 2 Wrap the device carefully in aluminum foil. The aluminum foil will become a conductive layer. The foil should not be torn, the entire device should be wrapped in foil. Use your hands to wrap the device in foil so that there are no gaps. This will be the first of three layers of foil.
    • Foil is a conductive layer. The metal layer conducts radiation, while cellophane or cling film is an insulating layer that prevents radiation from reaching the device.
  3. 3 Alternate layers of foil and aluminum foil. Every centimeter of the device must be covered with at least three layers of aluminum foil. Protection will become even more reliable if layers of cling film are placed between the foil layers. This wraps your device in alternating layers of conductive and non-conductive materials to protect it from harmful electromagnetic radiation.
    • The Faraday cage is needed in order to protect electronic devices from the effects of EMP (electromagnetic pulse).It is a high-intensity charge of radiation emitted from a weapon or from a powerful natural source of radiation (such as the sun).
    • You can also use a Faraday cage to stop your cell phone or radio from receiving signals. In this case, you will need fewer layers of protection, since such radiation is much weaker than with an EMP pulse.
    • If the layers are held together with a bonding agent such as glue, your Faraday cage will become more durable, but the structure will be more difficult to remove.

Method 2 of 2: How to Build a Large Faraday Cage

  1. 1 Find a conductive container of the correct size. A stainless steel bin with a tight-fitting lid will work. You can look for other metal containers or cans. This will be the first level of protection against electromagnetic radiation.
  2. 2 Place a bag inside the container. As soon as you decide on the choice of a trash can or other metal container, cover it inside with cling film or a plastic bag. This will protect your devices from contact with the conductive surface of the trash can, as well as any liquid.
    • For additional insulation, you can first lay out the container inside with cardboard.
    • Multiple layers of foil and film can be added to increase the efficiency of the Faraday cage. The more alternating layers, the more effective the design will be, even if the layers are very thin.
  3. 3 Put your devices inside. Once you have enough layers in the container, place your electronics inside. It will be best if, in addition, each device is enclosed in a separate small Faraday cage (for example, made of aluminum foil). You can even buy a Faraday cage bag and keep your devices in it. The trash can will be an additional layer of protection.
    • Once the devices are inside, you can glue or bolt the cover to give the cage strength. It is a good idea to mount such a cage on a wooden beam or fasten it to the wall with metal brackets to make the device more durable.


  • Do not attempt to use electrical appliances such as refrigerators or microwaves as a Faraday cage. They will not be able to provide an adequate level of protection.
  • Instead of cling film, rubber can be used as insulating layers.
  • Conductive layers can be made from other conductive materials such as copper, but this will be more expensive.