How to make the background of an image transparent in Adobe Illustrator

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Adobe Illustrator CC - How to Make the Image Background Transparent
Video: Adobe Illustrator CC - How to Make the Image Background Transparent


When processing images in Illustrator, it is important to know how to make the background transparent. This is especially true for multi-layer images, when it is necessary to make sure that the background layer does not overlap the front one. In this article, we'll show you how to do this in Adobe Illustrator.


  1. 1 Start Illustrator. Open or set the path for the desired file, then from the main menu select File> Save For Web ....
    • In the window that appears, you will be prompted to save the file in one of the available formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG-8 and PNG-24. To create an image with a transparent background, you can choose any of them, except for JPEG.
  2. 2 Save the file with the PNG extension (eng.Portable Network Graphics - portable network graphics). You can choose PNG-8 or PNG-24. The main difference between the two is that PNG-8, like GIF, only covers 256 colors. PNG-24 is a lossless format and supports up to 16 million colors. When you choose a format, make sure that "Transparency" is checked (it should be checked by default).
    • A checkered pattern should appear on the image, as shown in the illustration above.
  3. 3 You can also save the file as GIF (eng.Graphics Interchange Format - "format for the exchange of images"). Just as with PNG, make sure the Transparency option is turned on.
  4. 4 Ready! The background of your PNG or GIF file is now transparent and can be added on top of other objects.