How to get a girl who is very angry with you to forgive you

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


It's easy to get discouraged when the girl you like is angry with you, especially when you feel like you didn't deserve it. Getting a girl to forgive you is not easy, but try to push your pride and ego aside and make a sincere effort to regain her trust and affection. Start small - apologize from the bottom of your heart. Let the girl speak up, share her point of view and her feelings about this situation.Then ask what you can do for her to fix it, and get down to business right away.


Method 1 of 3: Offer a sincere apology

  1. 1 Ask for forgiveness and express your feelings as honestly as possible. Be honest and tell the girl that you are sorry it all happened this way. For example, it might be a good idea to start a conversation with something like, “Forgive me for this situation. I was wrong". It is unlikely that you will be able to get the girl's favor without even apologizing, so first you need to admit your guilt and ask for forgiveness.
    • Pay attention to the tone of your voice: it should not sound rude or derisive.
    • If you think that this girl offended you, and not you, you do not have to apologize, but in this case, do not expect forgiveness and sweet treatment from her. If your goal is to win the girl's favor, it is worth asking for forgiveness, even if it seems to you that you did nothing wrong.
    • The phrases “I'm sorry” and “I'm sorry, I was wrong” sound much better than just “well, I'm sorry”, in addition, this phrase can even sound offensive and aggressive with a certain tone of voice.
  2. 2 Admit your mistake and accept the fact that you are wrong in this situation. You will not be able to move on to your goal until you admit that you are wrong, so you should not bother yourself with trying to wrangle. If you feel insanely uncomfortable trying to apologize and admit your mistake, take a deep breath and make your apology as clear and concise as possible.
    • Say, “I should tell you about this job first and then my friends. I screwed up. " Or: “I know it was wrong not to call you after work and tell you that I’m at home. Sorry".

    Advice: if you are worried that this will only provoke a new quarrel, if you cannot calm down in any way, consider writing your apology in a letter and passing this letter to the girl. This has the added benefit of showing her that you're really worried and taking the time to write down your thoughts and feelings.

  3. 3 Express remorse so that she knows that you are really worried. If she sees that you care, that you are truly worried and regretful, the chances that she will forgive you is much higher. Showing guilt is a sign that you know you did something wrong. If you tell the girl that you understand her feelings, understand why she is angry with you, it will be easier for her to forget about this situation and forgive you.
    • For example, you might say, “I shouldn't have left you alone that night. I feel just awful. "
    • Even if you are not dating this girl, you still need to explain to her that you understand why your mistake is so terrible and how it ruined your relationship with her. Say: "You are my best friend, I cannot understand why I ignored your calls so much," or: "You are my sister, and I will never deceive you again."
  4. 4 Promise to never make this mistake again. End your apology with a promise to never do that again or upset her. Explain that you just made a mistake, stumbled. And now you will never do it again.
    • Speaking about your deed, it is better to use the word "mistake" or "misconduct". This suggests that you were not going to knowingly hurt the girl.
    • Needless to say, you will "try not to do that anymore." Your words should sound in the affirmative: "I will not do this anymore." If the phrase sounds like you are not in control of yourself and the situation as a whole, the girl will perceive it in such a way as if there is still a chance that you will repeat the same mistake in the future.
    • If you want to explain your behavior, it is better to boil it down to a general phrase, for example: “I will never say anything like this again. I thought it was just an innocent joke, and I realized too late that it was terribly stupid. "Making excuses will only make the situation worse.

Method 2 of 3: Try to understand her point of view

  1. 1 Listen carefully to the girl and try to look at the situation from her point of view. Do not argue with objection to her every word. Better just sit quietly and listen to her opinion on this situation. Perhaps the girl noticed something in your behavior that you did instinctively, without even considering it to be something significant. Perhaps she has a suggestion on how to solve the problem. Even if in this conversation the girl did not tell you anything new that you yourself would not know, remember that the ability of a partner or friend to speak up is a necessary and integral part of a healthy relationship.
    • Of course, it's rather unpleasant to just sit back and listen to accusations in your direction. But try to control yourself and don't get discouraged. Learn to actively listen to your girlfriend and be open to remarks and comments.
  2. 2 If you see that the girl is insanely upset and worried, give her the opportunity to speak out and do not interrupt her. If she gets so angry that she starts bullying you, give her some time to cool down and deal with the anger and resentment. Believe me, no one will get better from the fact that a girl will keep these negative feelings to herself. Plus, the girl will feel much better if you let her speak up. If during her monologue the girl's emotions start to overflow, just sit quietly next to her and let her speak up and deal with these emotions.
    • When it is her turn to speak up, she can tell you a lot of unpleasant and even offensive. If so, it may be acceptable to say, “You are hurting me with these words,” but never interrupt her.
  3. 3 Listen actively and you can understand the reasons for her anger. Listen carefully to the girl and try to look at the situation from her side. Take a moment to figure out why she is so angry with you. This will make it easier for you to figure out how to make amends.
    • You will probably be very upset and even confused when the girl says that she is offended and angry with you. Try to fight this feeling. Otherwise, you will not be able to focus on the most important from the very beginning.
  4. 4 Don't try to argue and point out her mistakes to her. If a girl is angry about some kind of joke or comment, at first you will probably think that she is acting stupid and overly emotional. Especially if the girl herself provoked you (in your opinion) to this comment or joke. In this case, it may seem to you that she has no right at all to be angry and offended at you. But don't give in to the impulsive urge to blame and criticize her back. Trust me, there will still be a good time and place to discuss both points of view (hers and yours). But at this very moment, when the quarrel is in full swing, in no case should you criticize her in return, otherwise she will be upset and angry even more.

    Advice: there is a difference between provocation and asking you to explain the situation from your point of view. So don't be afraid to ask questions and try to find out exactly what upset her, but don't belittle her feelings.

Method 3 of 3: Get her forgiveness and favor

  1. 1 Ask the girl if she needs a little time, if she wants to be alone to sort out the situation. Respect her answer. The best and easiest way to find out if a girl needs time is to just ask her about it. Try to formulate your question in such a way that the girl understands that there is nothing shameful in the fact that she wants to be alone for a while. Tell her that you understand that she will most likely be better off being alone and sorting things out. There is nothing wrong with offering your girlfriend some privacy. If she really wants to forget about this situation and move on, she will most likely turn down your offer.
    • Say, “Listen, do you need to be alone for a couple of days? If so, I will respect your decision. We can come back to this topic later, when you have cooled down a little. "
    • Many people just need time to cool down and calm down. This does not mean that she no longer wants to be your girlfriend (or just a friend if you are not dating).
  2. 2 Offer to try it all over again by repeating the date (or just the conversation that pissed her off) from the beginning. For example, if you offended her with a phrase during a conversation or an important date, suggest trying to “replay” the date. This will show the girl that you've honestly tried to fix everything and improve your relationship with her, and it is also a good way to show that you are ready to change.
    • You can say something like this: “I know I ruined everything last time, but I’m ready to try again if you give me a second chance. Let's try that date again? " - or: “I don’t know why the last time I was seized with a fit of envy. But I really want to hear about your vacation. I promise not to act like a fool anymore. ”

    Advice: if you angered the girl with a nasty joke or an offensive comment, do not try to "replay" this conversation.

  3. 3 Give her a cute surprise or small gift to show how you care for her and her feelings. For example, giving her chocolates, flowers, or other niceties is a great way to show her that you are willing to do your best to make amends. If you're dating, taking her out to dinner at her favorite restaurant is a good way to have a relaxed conversation and resolve the situation.
    • If you don't have the money, making a DIY gift is a great way to show your girlfriend that you care about her.
    • Give this gift in addition to the apology. Say, “I have something for you. I'm really very sorry for what I did. By the way, when I saw this, I immediately thought of you. "
  4. 4 Ask for forgiveness and find out what you can do to make amends. If you've spent a lot of time away from each other, chances are you will feel awkward when you meet, even if you've already apologized and given a gift. Be blunt and ask how she is feeling to see if she still has negative emotions about the situation. Ask the girl if she has forgiven you, and if her answer is no, ask what you can do to make amends.
    • Start with something simple. For example: “How are you feeling? I understand that most likely you are still upset. " If she says it's okay, ask if she has forgiven you.
    • If the answer is no, ask what you need to do: “Tell me, how can I make amends? What can I do to make you understand that I really regret what happened? "