How to make a girl want you back

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
She Lost Interest | How To Re-Attract Her & Get RESULTS!
Video: She Lost Interest | How To Re-Attract Her & Get RESULTS!


Getting your girlfriend back can be tricky, especially if your relationship ended on a minor note. However, if you think that there is an incredible connection between you, then it is worth collecting the cooled coals and trying to rekindle the extinguished flame. If you want the girl to want you back, give her time to remember and understand how adorable you are. And to understand how to do this, just follow the next steps.


Method 1 of 3: Step aside temporarily

  1. 1 Give the girl some freedom. Perhaps you think that the best way to get the girl back is to fight for her with all your might and by any means, in fact, it is better to give her some respite than to immediately rush into battle. Unless she's in a serious relationship with another boyfriend and you're determined to break them up, take it easy, give her time to heal and take a fresh look at the relationship.
    • This does not mean that you need to cut all ties, unless you think this will be the best way. But you shouldn't write to her every five minutes or ask her to walk with you all the time, as you will only push the girl away.
    • If you leave her alone, she will most likely think of you too. She will think that she hasn't heard a word from you in some time. For a girl, this will mean that you are good without her. This will intrigue and make her think about how you are doing there.
    • If she initiates meetings early enough, that's good. But don't rush to get too close when you are together.
    • Giving your girl some freedom will make you look more mature. This will make her want to bring you back even more.
    • Of course, you shouldn't delay taking action. Give the girl enough time to heal her wounds, but not too much time to forget all the wonderful moments associated with you. Cases are different - trust your intuition. However, there is a general rule of thumb: give her at least a couple of weeks, but no more than two months.
  2. 2 Think about what went wrong. While giving the girl some freedom, do not sit with folded arms, watching the movement of the clock hands. Instead, think about why things ended between you two. If the reason is obvious, like you haven't spent enough time with it, great. But if the situation is more complicated, for example, you did not let her know how much you value her, and you spent too much time partying, then you need to pinpoint the problems that have cooled your feelings.
    • If the girl was the initiator of the breakup, then the problem is more serious. Think about all the reasons that could have pushed her to break up. If things are cut short, go through your mail and text messages to find a possible reason for the breakup.
    • If you end your relationship, that's another matter entirely. You need to convince the girl that you will not break her heart again.
  3. 3 Make a plan for solving the problem. Got the problem? The decision is yours. If there are multiple problems, there must be multiple solutions, or one comprehensive solution that will solve each of them. If the relationship is broken because you spent too much time with your friends, find an opportunity to give your girlfriend more attention by arranging weekly evening dates and looking for more activities together. And if it’s because of your inability to communicate well, add honesty and empathy to your day-to-day relationship.
    • First of all, you need to work on yourself. It's clear that you were flawed in the relationship.
    • Change your attitude towards the girl. If her fascination with horses is driving you crazy, find a way not to get so annoyed about it before moving on.
    • If there are a lot of problems, make a long-term plan of action, regardless of whether it relates to psychotherapy, quitting addiction, or some kind of overhaul of the soul.
  4. 4 Work on yourself. Even if you think that you have accurately identified the problem and found a solution that will allow you to instantly return the girl, nothing is so easy. Better to work on becoming a more attractive person in general. And when you face the girl again, she will feel the difference. We are talking about both internal and external work on oneself. A new hairstyle is unlikely to impress a girl, but the cheerfulness and conscious changes that you make to your image will make her pay attention to you.
    • Dedicate more time to your favorite hobbies, be it cycling or mechanics. When a person devotes himself to what he likes, he becomes more positive, and it becomes much more pleasant to communicate with him.
    • Develop a more positive attitude towards life. If she feels happier just by being around you, chances are she will want to see each other as often as possible.

Method 2 of 3: Make the Girl Want You Back

  1. 1 Show your girlfriend that everything is fine without her. If she finds out that you are completely unhappy, cry in public and shout her name at every corner, she will forget about you faster than you can say that you miss her.Instead, make her know and see that you are having a great time every day without her. She will see you as an active, energized person, and will wonder why you are not openly demonstrating that you miss her more and more.
    • Have fun in places where you are likely to meet her. Show that you are having fun with your friends, let her see you laughing and having fun, but don't overdo it.
    • When you see her in society, such as at a party, don't drop everything to run and ask how she's doing. Ultimately, approach her, but make it clear what an active social life you have without her.
  2. 2 Let her friends know that she needs you. Here's a fact: you can't get a girl back if her friends don't stand up for you. If friends don't like you because you were too controlling, careless about them, or simply because you are a bad guy, then your goal is to convince them that you are not so bad, and then they will pass this information girl.
    • When reaching out to her friends, take the trouble to have a sweet conversation and not seem too intrusive.
    • When talking to her friends, don't mention her right away. Although you can casually ask how she is doing and really let them know how painful you are, if you are able to be so vulnerable.
  3. 3 When the time is right, slowly approach her. When enough time has passed and you are back in her field of vision, you need to slowly begin to return to her life. When faced with her, stop and talk for a couple of minutes, or at lunch, casually place your tray next to her, or even write her a message if you know that her favorite show is starting on TV.
    • Keep calm. Be nice to the girl by letting her know that you just want to be friends. Don't shower her with compliments on the second date after a breakup.
    • As soon as you start chatting again, raise the stakes slightly. Offer her something simple, like having a coffee or getting ready for a library class together. This is not the time for romance.
  4. 4 Show how you have changed. Screaming "Look how I've changed!" - not necessary. Just spend more time with the girl so that she understands that you have changed your attitude towards life, if necessary. If she thought you were too sloppy, work on your appearance. If she criticized you for being constantly late, make an effort to come early for your next date for a cup of coffee. You should not focus on what you have changed in yourself. Let the girl see for herself and she will be truly impressed.
    • Change should come naturally to you. Do not change anything just to appease the girl, otherwise everything will return to normal at the first opportunity.
    • If you feel like you actually hurt your girlfriend when you dated, it's never too late to apologize. She will be touched that you thought so much about the relationship after it ended.
  5. 5 Stuff yourself. Yes exactly. Even when you think that you have almost returned the girl, even when she finally realizes what a tidbit you are, it is not yet time to declare your love. Instead, throw the rod so that she realizes that she still has to fight for your love, and not just throw herself into your arms. As you start dating more and more often, remember that you don't need to be available all the time.
    • Get lost for a few hours and let her think where you are. She’ll just go crazy.
    • After dating, mention them without too much detail, and she thinks she might really lose you.
  6. 6 Make sure she wants you back. Once you feel like you've got her attention and made her jealous, it's time to make sure she really wants you back before confessing your feelings.You don't need to be 100% sure about her feelings, but the more confident you are, the less you will blush. Here are some signs of her desire to renew the relationship:
    • Pay attention to her body language. When you speak to her, does she lean closer to you and look into your eyes? Does she look down every time she is embarrassed?
    • See if she's jealous. She asks if you are dating other women, or does she look upset when you hang out with girls? If so, then she wants you to be only with her.
    • Observe, she may have started treating you like her boyfriend again. Does she hug you, compliment you, and invite you on dates with particular enthusiasm?
  7. 7 Confess your feelings. Once you make sure she shares your feelings, it doesn't make sense to beat around the bush. Find a time when you can be alone, and a romantic place with the right atmosphere. Now look into her eyes and tell her how much you missed and how you want to be together again. Do not humiliate yourself, but you need to show that you thought a lot about a failed relationship, and now you are determined to change everything for the better.
    • Be convincing. Show how much effort you have made to change instead of making empty promises.
    • Give her time. If she refuses you at first, don't get angry or disappointed. Remember, even if the girl wants you back, her mental wounds may not be healed yet.

Method 3 of 3: Maintain Your Relationship for Years to Come This Time

  1. 1 Give your new relationship a fresh breath. If you're lucky and the girl has decided to give you a second chance, try to freshen up the relationship as much as possible. Yes, you can enjoy the same restaurants, shows and things that you loved to do together again, but it is important to "renew" the relationship - find new ways of leisure and time so that the girl does not feel like she is experiencing déjà vu.
    • You can brush up on happy moments, but try to avoid bad memories from your life together if you can't relate to them with humor.
    • Don't take relationships for granted. Just because you’re dating again doesn’t mean you shouldn’t rush to show your girlfriend how much you love her.
    • Do not hurry. Treat the relationship as if it were new, instead of plunging back into the old relationship. Don't be together all the time, even if it was before the breakup.
  2. 2 Don't repeat mistakes. You don't need to constantly think about unsuccessful relationships, but you need to be aware of what caused the breakup the last time. If it was because you spent too much time with your friends and you find yourself doing it again, settle down a little. And if it all ended because of the girl's act and everything repeats itself, have the courage to talk about it.
    • Think about how awful you felt after making mistakes the first time. You don't want to feel this pain again.
  3. 3 Don't get hung up on mistakes. While mistakes should always be kept in mind, you don't need to become obsessed with them, or you will set the relationship up for failure before it starts. When an unpleasant situation arises, you need to remember what happened last time and be careful, but do not constantly worry about possible mistakes, otherwise you will not be able to fully enjoy the time spent together.
    • If you constantly worry about the mistakes made, the girl will notice this, and the relationship will cease to give her pleasure.
  4. 4 Be yourself. Yes, you had to change significantly (for the better) in order to return the relationship, so be it, but you do not need to walk with your tail between your legs, as if you have so exhausted yourself with the changes that you cannot relax from the pain. In the end, she started dating you for the first time, loving who you are, so be sure to show her the personality traits she loved the most.
    • If you feel that you cannot be yourself without dooming the relationship to failure, then you should rethink your priorities.
    • Be confident in yourself. Remember, the girl loves you, not your meek version in need of her attention.


  • Be discerning. Assess your ex-girlfriend before you do anything - she may have changed for the better or for the worse. Either way, you either don't like these changes, or it might become easier to get her back.
  • When spending time alone with your ex, do not openly insult her new boyfriend, as this will make your true intentions apparent and embarrass you.
  • Set aside all disagreements and do not leave unresolved problems before embarking on this mission.