How to make henna yourself

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Your First HENNA - Tutorial for Beginners
Video: Your First HENNA - Tutorial for Beginners


For thousands of years, people all over the world have used henna, hair and skin dye (body painting with henna is called mehndi or mehendi), which is made from the leaves of thornless lawsonia leaves (Lawsonia inermis). Sometimes used medicinally in desert and dry climates, henna is most often used for coloring hair and skin for decorative purposes for self-expression and flair, as well as for special celebrations such as weddings. Henna is easy to make on your own right at home, both from ready-made powder and from fresh leaves - you only need a few ingredients.


Method 1 of 2: Making henna powder

  1. 1 Understand the difference between different types of henna powder. There are a wide variety of henna powders on sale. Choose the freshest powder with no additives to get the deepest shade.
    • Only red color can be obtained from henna for use on skin or hair. If the powder is advertised as "black henna" or "white henna," then other chemicals have been added to the powder, which should be avoided.
    • The smell of fresh henna powder is similar to that of freshly cut hay or spinach. The range of its shades shifts from green to khaki. As practice shows, the brighter the color of the powder, the fresher it is.
    • Henna will not give an intense color if the powder is not fresh. Such a powder can be recognized by its brown color and faint odor (or no odor at all).
  2. 2 Buy henna powder. Before you start making a paste at home, you will have to buy the henna powder itself. To be sure to get the freshest powder without additives, choose a reliable supplier from your online or local store.
    • You can buy the powder from a reliable henna supplier online; be sure to read customer reviews before doing this.
    • You can also purchase henna powder from specialized stores. Again, choose the most reliable supplier among the importers, or contact someone who deals with art entrepreneurs who specialize in henna.
    • Do not buy henna at grocery or health food stores, as you can run into stale powder that contains various impurities.
  3. 3 Get everything you need ready. Once you get a good quality henna powder, you need a little more to make a paste, including a bowl and acidic liquid.
    • First you need the following: a bowl, preferably made of plastic, so that there is no reaction with henna; mixing spoon or spatula; acidic liquid, which can be lemon juice or apple cider vinegar; sugar; essential oil of lavender or tea tree.
    • Store henna powder in a dry and airtight container in a cool place. Henna is sensitive to light and heat, so certain conditions must be ensured to keep the powder as fresh as possible.
  4. 4 Make a paste of henna powder the day before you plan to use it. To make a henna paste, you need to mix the powder with other ingredients.
    • You will have to wait one day for the henna paste to become suitable for staining. This expectation will be rewarded by the fact that you end up with a very rich color.
  5. 5 Transfer the powder to a bowl. Transfer the dry henna powder to a small plastic or glass bowl.
    • First take some powder, 20 to 100 grams.
    • From 20 grams of powder, about 85 grams of paste will be obtained.
    • Use a plastic or glass bowl because other materials like metal or wood react with henna.
  6. 6 Stir ¼ cup acidic liquid with 20 grams of henna until smooth. Mixing the powder with an acidic liquid (lemon juice or apple cider vinegar) until smooth will provide an effective release of the coloring pigment from the henna.
    • Increase the amount of acidic liquid proportionally if using more than 20 grams of henna powder. For example, for 100 grams of henna powder, you need 1 ¼ cup of acidic liquid.
    • Any acidic liquid can be used, including lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice, or even apple cider vinegar. But lemon juice is the best option.
    • Do not use neutral liquids such as water, coffee or tea, as the intensity of the resulting color will be questionable.
    • If you are using fresh juice, be sure to strain it so the pulp does not get into the mixture.
    • Stir until smooth. If lumps or lumps of dry powder form, gradually add some more acidic liquid until you get the consistency of a smooth yogurt.
  7. 7 Add 1.5 teaspoons of sugar to the henna mixture. A little sugar in the mixture will provide better skin contact and moisture retention.
    • Adjust the amount of sugar proportionally if using more than 20 grams. For example, for 100 grams of powder, you need to take 7.5 teaspoons of sugar.
    • Sugar will not only ensure a homogeneous mixture, but will also dry quickly as it absorbs moisture.
  8. 8 Add 1.5 teaspoons of essential oil to the mixture. The essential oil in the mixture will not only produce an intense color, but also give it a pleasant scent.
    • You can use different types of essential oils in a mixture, including lavender, cajeput, or tea tree oil.
    • Do not use essential oils of mustard or clove, as they can harm you.
  9. 9 Check the mixture for uniformity. Add all the ingredients and stir the mixture again until the consistency is as smooth as possible.
    • Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 24 hours. For a rich color, cover the henna mixture and leave for one day, after the mixture is smooth.
    • Cover the paste tightly with plastic wrap to prevent air bubbles from forming. This will also prevent it from drying out too quickly.
    • Place the bowl in a warm, dry place at 24–29 ° C.
    • If the bowl is transparent, you can watch the henna mixture gradually release the coloring matter. You will see dark streaks inside the mixture.
  10. 10 It's time to use the henna blend! After a day, the henna aging process will be completed, and the mixture will release all the coloring matter. It is now ready for use on hair or body.
    • If you are planning to use henna mixture for body painting, read this article.
    • Before dyeing your hair, it's a good idea to read this article.

Method 2 of 2: Making Henna Leaves

  1. 1 Collect or buy fresh or dry thornless Lawsonia leaves. If you want to make your own paint from the foliage of a plant, collect or buy fresh or dried leaves. A natural product created with your own hands will allow you to get a deep, intense color.
    • The Latin name for thornless lawsonia is Lawsonia inermis.
    • If thornless lawsonia does not grow in your area, you can purchase the leaves of this plant in flower shops or from a trusted seller on the Internet.
  2. 2 Dry fresh leaves in the sun. If you are working with fresh leaves, dry them in the sun and then grind them into powder.
    • Dry the leaves until they begin to crunch like potato chips.
  3. 3 Separate the thornless twigs and veins from the dried leaves of the Lawsonia. This will give the final product a uniform and intense color.
  4. 4 Powder the leaves with a blender or mixer. To make henna from dried leaves, you first have to grind them into powder in a blender or mixer.
    • Grind the leaves to a fine powder. This will eliminate fine fiber residues and ultimately guarantee a homogeneous paste.
  5. 5 Store powder in a dry, airtight container in a cool place. Don't expose henna powder to moisture before it's time to use it. This will also keep it fresh, which is possible if you pour the powder into an airtight container and keep it in a cool, dark place.
  6. 6 Make a henna powder paste following the directions above. To use a homemade powder, you will first need to turn it into a paste using the method described in this article.
  7. 7 Use a henna blend! A day later, when the henna aging process is complete and the mixture has released all the coloring matter, it will be ready for use on the hair or body.
    • If you want to get a henna tattoo, read this article.
    • If you decide to dye your hair with henna, check out this article.