How to prove you're loyal to your boyfriend

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
20 Tips On How To Be A Perfect Girlfriend For Your Guy
Video: 20 Tips On How To Be A Perfect Girlfriend For Your Guy


You have passed through a shy moment when you have to confess your feelings to each other. Now you wonder how to let your boyfriend know that you only love him. In fact, your loyalty is shown through your daily interactions with him - including words and actions. In addition, you can also prove your feelings through communication with those around you.


Method 1 of 3: Verbal expression

  1. Show interest in chatting with him. Put affection in the conversation with open-ended questions that show you care. Communicate sincerely and deeply. This shows that you trust your boyfriend and that he will also give you trust.
    • You can ask about his daily routines, hobbies or family. In-depth conversations don't necessarily refer to the meaning of life or political issues.
    • You can ask questions about stories he has told to show that you remember every detail. Try asking questions like "How is your family? Is your mother's health still good?" or "I haven't heard you talking about growing ornamental plants for a long time. How are your pots?" You could also say, “I just saw an advertisement for adventure travel. Suddenly I think of you and want to go on your trip ".

  2. Listen. The way to let your boyfriend know you love him is to listen attentively.Sometimes, he will need your attention while telling a story. These things may not be important to you or seem meaningless, but they mean a lot to him. Listening will help you both feel connected and show you care for him.
    • When you talk, make sure to keep your eye contact and always look at him. Listen to what he says. You can repeat content, ask questions or add ideas to his story.
    • Avoid using electronic devices to keep you from being distracted while talking to him.

  3. Praise. Men often want to feel masculine and appreciated - two things that increase their self-esteem. You can also show him how you feel by complimenting him. Just make sure that the compliment is genuine and not misleading to avoid having the opposite effect on the relationship.
    • Find ways to compliment his manliness. For example, you might compliment him on something he did at home or on a project he recently completed at work. Notice the little things he does often, like opening the door for you. Tell him that you appreciate those things and feel special.
    • Reveal what he makes you feel proud of yourself. For example, if he compliments your looks, make sure you thank you for and let him know that compliments you all day,
    • Mention all the good things he has done for others. For example, you could say, "I really admire the way you take care of my children."

  4. Sincerely. Focus on building a sincere, open relationship with your boyfriend. Keeping it a secret and hiding something can make you two quarrel. When you try to hide something, he may find out and lose trust in you. Therefore, you should be open and honest with him.
    • Even if he doesn't discover what you are trying to hide, guilt will torment you and make you miserable.
  5. Avoid quarreling with him. Debates are part of a healthy relationship, but arguing without reason won't help you maintain a good relationship or show your affection for him. In his mind, a quarrel is a reason for you to break up and meet new people. Unfaithful people often go to war out of guilt. If you only love him, don't make him think differently.
    • If you feel uncomfortable about something, you should frankly tell him right away. Stressing your emotions will only make things worse and he doesn't understand why you're angry either. For example, if you are angry because he is late for an appointment but doesn't call or text you, you could say, “I feel sad because you didn't call or text me to let you know I'm going to be late. In the future, please stop doing this! "
    • Learn the rule of "peaceful debate". Speak calmly without having to raise your voice too much. Make sure you just blame the problem, not him. Give him a chance to speak and you listen. For example, if he did something that hurt you, explain why it was wrong without criticizing him.
    • For example, you would say "The way I treat you in that situation hurts you" instead of "I always ignore you and don't want to be with you!". You can also say “My words are really heavy and make you sad” instead of saying “You're a bad guy! I always treat you badly! ”.
  6. Admit when you're wrong. This is a clear sign of sincerity and loyalty. Everyone makes mistakes and so do you. If you know you've hurt him, admit it and apologize. After that, don't keep thinking about the same thing or keep repeating it with him. Instead, you will try to learn from your mistakes.
  7. Use honest words. Use the first person when speaking to show that you are honest with your feelings and thoughts. By using the first person, you are showing that you are not shy about putting yourself on a topic. Maintaining care for yourself also shows that you won't blame him for anything.
    • Try saying “I felt hurt by your actions last night”, “I'm not happy with the way you talked to me in front of your friends” or “I feel like you're being unfairly treated. ".
  8. Learn to compromise. Compromise is an important part of a serious relationship. That's how you show your love for him. When he wants to do something that you are not interested in, you can still compromise and accept. He knows you don't really want to do it, but will recognize your feelings for the way you are willing to do something with him.
    • When you agree to do something, don't talk about what you absolutely don't want to do. Instead, enjoy being around him, even if you don't like the activity or event.
    • Make sure he compromises and agrees to do something for you as well. Your compromise is part of a healthy relationship.
  9. Support his dream. You have dreams, so does he. Some dreams may never come true, but everyone needs something to think about and hope for. Encourage him to follow his dream instead of extinguishing everything. Dream with him and perhaps the two of you will create shared dreams.
    • For example, his dream is to set foot on a majestic mountain. Don't say he won't or he doesn't have the money and time. Instead, you would say, "That sure will be interesting!" or "You should start saving now to fulfill that dream".

Method 2 of 3: Demonstrating loyalty

  1. Do small but meaningful things for him. You can let your boyfriend feel your feelings by doing unexpected little things. For example, prepare a cup of coffee or his favorite drink in the morning, buy a snack he likes, or do something nice when he has just gone through a tiring day.
    • Find ways to help you show interest and concern for him. For example, cook his favorite meal when he is not happy, you will wear the outfit he likes or surprise with a trip to his favorite place for the weekend.
  2. Be intimate with your boyfriend. One of the best ways to show affection for your significant other is through intimate gestures. Hugging and kissing is an act that couples often use to show each other's feelings. You can also hold hands, cuddle or caress while chatting.
    • Of course, it is completely normal for the romance to become blurred after you've been together for a few years. Don't stop hugging or kissing him before going home after the date. Continue to cuddle when you two watch TV together. If you suddenly stop being intimate, he will think you're out of love.
  3. Keep it moderately informal. You should love and give your boyfriend lovely gifts on that special occasion. However, you should avoid expressing too much affection or buying gifts for him for no apparent reason. Just because you are unique doesn't mean you love him.
    • In addition, overly expressing your affection may make him think you are trying to make up for the guilt.
  4. Confident. If your partner is also modern, he will appreciate your sanity and confidence. When you let your confidence shine, you are bringing up the reason why he fell in love with you the first time you met him. You are also showing that you have the self-esteem that unfaithful lovers don't have.
    • Show your confidence by speaking out how you feel (calmly) when you're hurting him. Being weak is not part of sincere and loyal love.
  5. Keep promise. Sometimes you cannot foresee certain things in life. If you had to cancel your evening appointment because of a massive headache that popped up after lunch then that can be sympathetic. Conversely, if you repeatedly cancel your appointment because of “something unexpected happened,” he will gradually lose confidence in you.
  6. Trust him. You might get a little jealous when he looks at another subject.However, if he doesn't flirt with them, ignore you or receive suspicious messages, you don't need to worry about it. Fraudsters often accuse their lovers of being unfaithful when they don't have proof. Therefore, don't let him have reason to think that you are doing something wrong.
  7. Show him how important you are to you. Don't forget how important he is in your life. Tell how happy you are to be with him. Praise and do nice deeds for your boyfriend and say you love him. These small gestures can make him feel loved.
    • Avoid telling him too much about good-looking actors or ex-lovers. Even though he knows you'll never meet them, talking too much about them can be frustrating.
    • You can also stand by your boyfriend in front of other people if you have a chance.
    • Make sure to praise him in front of people important to you, such as your parents and friends.
  8. Let the person know you're thinking about them. Suddenly send him an emotional text or email. Occasionally write a sweet note for him. This will prove that you are always thinking of him as no one else when you are not together.
  9. Nice dress for him. Trying to look more special than usual when you both meet is one way to show your love. No matter how long you've been together, trying to take good care of your looks will remind him of why you love you and also show that you really love so you invest in looks for him.
    • For example, choose clothes that you know he deems sexy, take care of yourself, use the perfume he likes, and style his hair.
    • Although after a period of time together, you no longer care about looks, but dressing well will create a new feeling in the relationship.
  10. Take care of his hobbies. If your ex has a passion for a hobby, take care of it and ask him for further guidance on it; That way, he will understand how important he is to you.
    • For example, if your boyfriend is a football fan and you don't know much about the sport, ask him about the rules of the game and even ask him to take you to the soccer field to find understand the basics.
    • Or, if he loves video games, you can ask him to show you how to play your favorite game. Ask for tips and tricks he accumulated from that game.

Method 3 of 3: Communicating with others

  1. Encourage him to spend time with his friends. Being together is not the only way to show your feelings. Your ex needs friends and other joys by your side and your relationship. By encouraging him to meet his friends, you are proving that you love and trust him. Besides, every time you see him again, you will say that you miss him so that he knows that you are your only love.
    • Don't get angry when he wants to go to a sports game with his friends. Time apart and being with friends is completely beneficial for both.
    • However, make sure the time he spends with friends is at the right level. He can't ask you not to see your friends, but he can. Also, he shouldn't ignore the things the two do to hang out with friends.
  2. Spend time with him instead of social media. You should spend a lot of time together when you start a relationship. When you are dating, having dinner or watching television, your mind should be in the present. Enjoy what you're doing and talk to each other. Forget about phone and social media for a little while. This proves that you only love him and not the people in the virtual world.
    • You can spend a few hours updating the situation on social media, but there are times when you have to stop. If you spend time watching social media while he is around, you will make him think he is unloved. So instead of checking your phone during your appointment, you will spend time with him. Social media will not disappear even if you stop using it for a moment.
  3. Treat his friends with respect. You should be friendly and respectful of his friends. Being close with his friends is important because they are an important part of him. However, you shouldn't flirt with them. If you truly love your boyfriend, you will be friendly with his friends and go no further than that. Instead, showing him affection in the presence of his friends is a way to say that you only love him.
    • Being too close to his friends will affect their friendship and cause you to become suspicious. You can pat your shoulder after you get used to them, but holding your arm or standing too close will be considered flirting. These actions will make your boyfriend doubt your loyalty.
  4. Say good things about the person when they're not around. Telling others good things about your boyfriend even when he's not around is a great way to show loyalty. Friends and family members are likely to recount those good words when they meet the person.
    • Don't lament to your friends and family about any dissatisfaction in a relationship when he is not around.
  5. Don't lie. This is an obvious one. If you truly love your boyfriend, you won't do something wrong behind him. Always be faithful to let him know you're the only one in your heart. advertisement


  • Don't quit your job or meet your friends to make him happy. If he asks you to give up on close relationships, he is mistreating you.