How to independently publish a magazine

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to publish your own print magazine ๐Ÿ—ž
Video: How to publish your own print magazine ๐Ÿ—ž


Are you interested in some topic and want to share your knowledge with the world? Do you want to apply all your knowledge of the Russian language? Do you want to spend all your time editing, printing, mailing and advertising the magazine? Self-publishing of a magazine is difficult, but it is one of the most profitable jobs! If you are fired up by this, then try the cost!


  1. 1 Explore. Don't be fooled. Publishing a magazine can end up being a costly affair, both mentally and financially. Therefore, before you start, you need to do some research.
    • Is there any magazine already published with the same theme?
    • Why is he successful?
    • Or why is he not successful?
    • Where will your magazine be better?
    • Or will your magazine be one of a kind?
    • What will your target audience look for in your magazine?
    • What other magazines are targeting this same target audience?
    • From which magazines can you learn successful solutions?
    • And which ones - mistakes?
  2. 2 Estimate options and costs. Realistic. Yes, yes, we know that in a year your magazine will have a circulation of 1 million copies and a profit of 85 percent.But let's pretend, just fantasize, that you run into some problems in the process.
    • What printing options are there for your budget?
    • How many pages should be in color and how many in black and white?
    • What's your target circulation?
    • What are the distribution and delivery options?
    • Are you considering sponsorship?
    • Is it possible to attract advertisers for the first issue?
  3. 3 Find a specific target audience, not just a broad audience. You must clearly understand who your target audience will be. Without this understanding, it will be quite difficult for you to correctly compose the layout, promote the magazine, or attract serious advertisers. Assuming you know the main topic of your magazine well, this should not be difficult. Sign up to discussion groups (like Yahoo), subscribe to other magazines on this topic, join local clubs, and more.
  4. 4 Make a website. Before you start promoting your magazine, you MUST create a website. The site should be done as professionally as possible. Do not advertise the fact that this is all the work of one person.
    • The site should have a section for employees. In it, you can report on the deadline, what articles you would like to receive, and inform reporters about how you will use their work. Also post information about the amount of payment and the rights that you are buying.
    • It is also worth making it possible to subscribe to the magazine through the site. Payments can be accepted through Paypal, this solution is especially convenient at the initial stage. If you don't want to subscribe online, then make sure your address is easy to find and let readers know what types of payments you accept.
  5. 5 Look for authors. Post invitations to collaborate in groups and forums. Try to get featured on several popular blogs. If you are looking for more general articles, then try posting ads in libraries. Also try to place a small ad in a magazine with a similar audience. Invitations to cooperation will not only attract authors, but also warm up the interest of readers. Don't forget to link to your site!
  6. 6 Look for advertisers. Since you are just going to publish a magazine, you should set the advertising fee to a minimum. Find out who will be interested in advertising in your magazine and contact them (don't be picky). You may be able to find advertisers among users of groups and forums who place links in their signatures to the websites of their firms or businesses.
  7. 7 Edit. Having received a whole bunch of all kinds of articles, choose the most interesting and beautifully written from them and take a red pen. Don't be overly critical - authors love to write for magazines that don't distort their work much.
  8. 8 Submit revised articles to authors for review. You don't have to wait for them to confirm all the edits, but give them the opportunity to question or challenge the decisions you made.
  9. 9 Start to typeset. Professional typesetters use paid desktop publishing systems like QuarkXPress (the industry standard), Adobe InDesign (or its older version of PageMaker), and freeware programs like Scribus, and even word processors that support typesetting (like Writer). Explore the program inside and out. Look for designs in other magazines. You can also look for books on layout. Have the authors of the submitted articles provided them with photographs? Do you have a collection of photographs for a magazine? If not, you can buy stock photos online, which are very easy to find. A collection of cheap stock photos could be your best buy.
  10. 10 Once you've finished your cover and page layout, find a reliable and profitable printing company. The price of printing can vary a lot, so spend some time looking for the most profitable and high-quality printing house. Look for one that does digital rather than offset printing - this will save you tons of money.
  11. 11 If the budget does not allow the printing house, then buy a quality black and white laser printer with two-sided printing. Experience has shown that duplex printing is the most important function of a printer. If you spend some time searching, you can find a good printer for a couple hundred dollars. It will be enough for the inner pages of the magazine. The cover, if possible, still needs to be printed in a printing house.
  12. 12 While printing is going on, promote, promote and promote again. Internet forums, other magazines, blogs (it might even be worth starting a blog), social networks, Google AdWords, etc.
  13. 13 Send out the circulation! To store a subscriber base, a program like Excel or its free counterpart Calc is quite enough, but it is better to create a separate database. Discuss the best delivery method with the courier. They already have proven and proven solutions that will allow you to save money.


  • Don't be afraid to connect with experts on your magazine's subject matter and ask them to write an article.
  • CorelDraw is a very efficient page layout tool that costs much less than Adobe products.
  • Try to make your site an interesting and useful resource, not just a subscription tool. If you can populate the site with high-demand articles, then it will be easier for you to gain subscribers.
  • Get the ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), the required international identifier for your journal.
  • Become an expert in your field. Publishing your own magazine will boost your status, but also blogging (preferably daily), speaking at conferences and meetings, writing a book, etc. From time to time (but not too often) writing for your magazine is also a good idea.
  • Store receipts and keep track of all expenses and income.
  • Delight your subscribers. You can find tips on how to do this in books on marketing. But the general rule is that readers should get everything they expect and more. Surprise them with bonuses from time to time.


  • You may need to hire a few of your friends to help you. Just remember to pay them!
  • Get ready to grow. The more followers you have, the more time you need to spend on them.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
  • Follow the schedule. It's easy to be late with a print run, but your subscribers won't be happy about it.

What do you need

  • Audience.
  • A person who has a good knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • A person who can help you with the design.
  • Website.
  • A good black and white duplex printer.
  • Reliable typography for cover printing.
  • Fold stapler.
  • Text editor and other programs for layout, photo editing and spreadsheets.
  • A lot, a lot of time ...
  • Photoshop will be very helpful.