Fight (for girls)

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Otter Boys Frightened by Girls’ Fight
Video: Otter Boys Frightened by Girls’ Fight


Boys aren't the only ones fighting; girls fight too! If you know you have to fight another girl and are a little scared, let wikiHow help you. It's always better to find a peaceful solution to the problem, but if that doesn't work you should be able to defend yourself. Start at Step 1 to learn how.

To step

  1. Try to find another solution first. Always talk to a parent or teacher before fighting. Try to solve the problems in a different, non-violent way. Of course we know you don't want to come off as a wimp, but if the other girls only like you because you're tough, then they don't really like you. They are not your real friends, and they never could be.
    • Fighting can have dire consequences. If you seriously injure the other girl, you could be arrested or otherwise get in trouble with the law - even if she started the fight. This can even happen accidentally, so try to defuse the situation in some other way.
  2. Don't fight on the school grounds. Schedule the fight somewhere outside of school. Fighting in the schoolyard can result in you being punished or even banned. It doesn't matter who started it, just don't fight on the school grounds. You can even get in trouble at school if the brawl didn't even take place at school.
  3. Make sure you always have a backup. Chances are that your opponent's friends will come to her aid; so make sure you also have backup. This way you can avoid getting seriously injured. If you have a few friends with you, the fight probably won't go to extremes, as both sides don't want the situation to get out of hand. Tell your friends that you hope to keep fighting to a minimum. They are only there to protect you!
  4. Never strike the first! You want to avoid fighting, if possible, at all costs. Argue with her, or try to kill her: whatever you do, don't be the one who delivers the first punch. If you stand your ground and don't piss her off too much, you may not even have to fight.
    • Try to enter into dialogue to avoid the fight. Say something like, "Anna, I'm more than fed up with this stuff. It's not going to change anything. Wouldn't we just be better off staying away from each other?" or "Is this really going to solve the problem? I would rather we could both walk away satisfied."
  5. Look for weak spots. While she's slogging you down, you need to stay calm and assess her vulnerabilities. If she's smaller than you, use your weight to outmaneuver her. If she's taller than you, aim for her legs and waist. If she has long hair, grab it and pull her head down so she can't see anything.
  6. Lean towards punches. When you see her going to hit you, tilt your head so that she will hit your forehead or the top of your head. This will hurt her hands and discourage her from lashing out again. It also does less damage to your body - your skull is incredibly strong!
  7. Turn your side over to avoid getting punched in the stomach. If she tries to punch you in the stomach, move your body so that it hits you in the side. This way you can protect your body and prevent serious injuries.
  8. Kick if you fall. Try to avoid falling on the ground at all costs, but if you do fall, throw good kicks to make sure your attacker stays away from you. Try to see your chance to get up again, but keep the other girl in sight at all times. If you can't, you can curl up like a ball to protect yourself.
  9. Don't hit your fist. Most people hold their fist wrong, which causes them to hurt themselves. Rather, hold your fist with one hand and make an angle with your elbow.
  10. Aim for where it hurts. Try to hit sensitive areas if you are going to throw a punch. The chest, stomach, face, knees, hands and feet - these are all places where it can hurt quickly.
  11. Let her exhaust herself. Try to avoid punches and blows as much as possible. Make sure she keeps moving. This will exhaust them, and the fight will end faster.
  12. Use a disabling move. You want to get her to the ground so you don't really have to fight and do a lot of damage. The best way to do this is to use her own body against her. Grab her little finger and pull it towards her elbow. Her arm will follow by itself. Guide her arm so that it is behind her back, then push her to the floor. Place your knee in the center of her back, and hold her arm firmly until she calms down.
    • Also try to get her hair. This won't do any damage, but will give you a chance to get her if she gets you first.


  • If you lose a piece of clothing, just keep fighting. Being embarrassed is one thing, being smashed together is quite another.
  • Put your feet apart so that you are standing firm when she tries to push you.
  • Never throw the first punch. If you are caught, the teacher or boss will think the other has started the fight.
  • Wait for her to get up; if she sits and you start fighting, you'll look like a coward.
  • Make sure you always have a wall behind you so that no one can stalk you from behind.
  • Don't be angry while fighting; if you do you will lose.
  • Wear something under your shirt so you will still be wearing something when the first shirt rips.
  • Wear leggings or sports shorts. It is difficult to move around properly if you are wearing tight jeans. Moreover, a laying is difficult to grasp.
  • Make sure your opponent can't grab your hair. If you have long hair, put it in a bun so she can't reach it.
  • If a girl pulls your hair, don't jerk off. Choose to move towards her. If she is smaller, you can choose to tackle her so that you sit on top of her. If she's stronger or longer, go for her crotch. Put your nails hard in her vagina - if you do, she's guaranteed to let your hair down.
  • If you want to drop her, wrap your legs around her and turn your knees up.
  • Consider cutting long hair short.
  • Protect your neck, because she could try to choke you.
  • If you are a girl with hair extensions, make sure they are properly attached; if not, your opponent will probably try to pull your extensions off.
  • Block your face to avoid visible injuries.


  • Always make sure you have a good reason to fight her.
  • People can seriously injure themselves when fighting! Make sure it's worth that risk.