How to vomit without getting dirty

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Actors Fake Puke In Movies And TV | Movies Insider
Video: How Actors Fake Puke In Movies And TV | Movies Insider


Although vomiting may start suddenly, it is most often preceded by certain symptoms. Vomiting can be associated with a variety of medical conditions, dizziness, overeating, or a lot of alcohol. In any case, this is a very unpleasant and painful condition. In order not to aggravate your situation with a feeling of embarrassment and shame, try to vomit without staining everything around.


Part 1 of 3: How to Prepare for Vomiting

  1. 1 Learn to recognize the symptoms of impending vomiting. Vomiting may start suddenly, but there are usually certain symptoms that indicate vomiting. If you experience any of the following symptoms, go to the toilet, trash can, or some secluded spot outside:
    • Nausea
    • Feeling that vomiting is about to begin
    • Abdominal pain
    • Contraction of the stomach
    • Dizziness
    • Other manifestations of stomach problems such as diarrhea
  2. 2 Try to cope with the feeling of nausea. If you are seriously ill, have food poisoning, or have drunk too much alcohol, no matter what you do, vomiting will still start. If you are experiencing mild nausea, there are a few things you can do to manage the feeling and prevent vomiting. Try the following tips:
    • Go outside and get some fresh air
    • Take a slow, deep breath through your mouth.
    • Suck on a mint or chew gum
    • Smell your wrist or armpit (the smell of perfume or deodorant can help the body to distract from the feeling of nausea)
    • Smell something that has a strong scent, such as an essential oil
    • Pinch your hand or pull your hair (physical sensations can help the body get distracted)
  3. 3 Try to predict where the vomiting will occur. If you succeed, think about where exactly you will vomit. The best place is a toilet, where you can use the toilet. If you don't have time to reach it, find a plastic bag or trash can. This will make everything around less dirty.
    • If you need to induce vomiting, do it in the toilet, if there is a trash can or plastic bag nearby. If you feel vomiting is about to begin, stay close to the toilet or hold a trash can or bag in your hands.

Part 2 of 3: How to avoid getting dirty yourself while vomiting

  1. 1 Try not to get dirty yourself. Taking care not to get everything dirty, think about your cleanliness. If you managed to run to the toilet, found a trash can, or ran out into the street to a deserted place, prepare for what is about to happen.
    • If you have long hair, tie it up with something, tuck it behind your ears, or just hold it behind your head with your hand. It will be very difficult to clear them of vomit, and in this form you are unlikely to want to appear to others.
    • Remove any long jewelry from your neck, or at least hide them under your clothes. They can have the same problems as long hair.
    • Try to keep vomit away from shoes, pants, and hands (if you are on all fours). Direct the stream of vomit forward, away from you.
    • If you are indoors, keep your head over a toilet or trash can. Try to keep your head low enough to prevent vomit from splashing around the container or getting dirty.
    • If you get sick and are in bed, prepare more towels and place a trash can next to it. You can pull out into a folded towel if you don't have time to reach the toilet or if you can't reach the trash can. Washing a towel is much easier than cleaning vomit from the bed and carpet.
  2. 2 Get yourself in order. After vomiting, you may feel weak, as vomiting is stressful for the body. In addition, there may be a natural feeling of disgust due to the horrible taste in the mouth and throat. Even if you managed to vomit without getting dirty yourself and everything around, try to put yourself in order. It will help you feel better.
    • Brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth. Use a mouthwash if possible, but plain water can also be used.
    • Wash your face with clean, cold water. Thoroughly rinse off any remaining vomit from lips, chin, or facial hair.
    • To freshen your breath, suck on a mint or chew gum.
    • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  3. 3 Replenish fluid loss. After vomiting, the body will experience mild to moderate dehydration. Regardless of what caused the vomiting, the body loses water and nutrients with the vomit.
    • Drink a glass of cold water slowly if you feel the vomiting won't recur and your stomach can hold onto the water. Do not drink quickly or in large sips. Drink slowly and in small amounts.
    • If you feel like you can hold water in your stomach, try drinking some sports or other electrolyte-rich drink (such as Gatorade, Powerade, Pedialyte).
    • Don't eat anything until you feel like nothing else bothers you.
    • After the vomiting stops, just sit and rest for a few minutes. In order for the body to recover and replenish the loss of fluid, try to move less after vomiting.

Part 3 of 3: Avoiding Nausea and Vomiting

  1. 1 Stay away from unpleasant odors. Often, it is the smells that provoke an attack of nausea. Even the smell of certain foods that someone is cooking or eating can cause nausea and vomiting.
    • If you've already been vomiting and feeling nauseous again, stay away from the kitchen where food is being prepared or taken. Avoid any unpleasant odors, such as the smell of the toilet or someone's vomit (as well as their type).
  2. 2 Eat less. Overeating is often the cause of nausea and vomiting. If you are often nauseous or your stomach has shrunk, you should not eat too much too quickly. This is an important condition for a calm and stable stomach.
    • Instead of eating a lot of food in one or two meals, eat small meals several times a day.
    • Eat light meals. Try to avoid food that can trigger stomach problems. This applies to sweet, spicy, sour, fried and fatty foods.
    • Try not to consume whole milk and dairy products. It is also worth giving up carbonated drinks, since it is often because of them that the normal functioning of the stomach is disrupted.
  3. 3 Give up alcohol. One of the main causes of nausea and vomiting is excessive alcohol consumption. If you have stomach problems, even a small amount of alcohol can trigger an attack of nausea. Therefore, it is better not to abuse alcoholic beverages, and if alcohol causes nausea, do not drink it at all.
  4. 4 Get help if needed. Vomiting can be caused by consuming too much alcohol and food, or by fever. In this case, vomiting is a natural reaction of the body to stomach contents or viruses. However, nausea and vomiting can be a symptom of a more serious illness, which is important to identify in a timely manner. See your doctor as soon as possible if you notice any of the following:
    • You know or suspect that you have swallowed some kind of poisonous substance
    • Vomiting is a consequence of traumatic brain injury
    • Vomiting of "coffee grounds" or vomit contains blood impurities of bright red, brown, black
    • Dehydration after vomiting
    • Headache, stiff neck, or confusion
    • Vomiting four or more times during the day
    • Bloating or bloating of the abdomen, accompanied by nausea and vomiting


  • It is most convenient to kneel near the toilet like a dog or a cat. It is necessary to bend forward so that the nose is "higher" than the mouth.
  • Try to breathe calmly while vomiting. Think that vomiting should end quickly, and there is nothing to worry about.
  • If you know that certain foods, drinks, or activities provoke vomiting, then try to avoid them.
  • If you have long hair, have someone hold it from the back. Try to carry a ribbon or elastic with you to tie your hair in if you vomit.


  • It is better to vomit down the toilet rather than down the sink, as vomit can clog the drain.
  • Do not keep vomit in your mouth. Stomach contents are very acidic and can burn your throat or damage your tooth enamel.
  • In no case lie on your back if you feel that vomiting is about to begin or it has just ended. Weakness can make you fall asleep and choke on vomit.

What do you need

  • Bucket / bowl / toilet or special large bag
  • Towel and napkins to wipe your mouth
  • A place where you can get rid of vomit (toilet is best)
  • A person who can help you
  • Water for drinking and washing
  • Medicines for the prevention and treatment of nausea

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