How to communicate romantically on the phone

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to talk romantically with your boyfriend & girlfriend on phone
Video: How to talk romantically with your boyfriend & girlfriend on phone


Forced to be separated from your loved one? Even being hundreds of kilometers apart, you can maintain romance in a relationship. In this article, we'll show you how to learn to have romantic conversations on the phone, as well as some tricks on how to send flirty messages to keep the fire of love going even when you can't be together.


Method 1 of 2: Have romantic conversations

  1. 1 Tell your partner what you like. Want to do something romantic for your partner on the phone? Compliment him. Say that you can't stop thinking about something specific that you like about it. Compliment something special and unique about your partner.
    • Compliment his personality. Say, “I love talking to you. You always cheer me up. "
    • Compliment his looks.Say, “I can't stop thinking about your eyes. Miss you".
    • Highlight his talents. Say, "You are a great kissing man, and I'm just going crazy that I can't do this to you right now."
  2. 2 Plan the dates you go on. If you can't be together right now, then the least you can do is plan what you will do together in the future. Discuss dates you would like to go on, both quirky and standard.
    • Plan a phone vacation together and allow yourself to dream a little. Where would you go if you could take any direction? To the beach? On a cruise? Into the mountains? Plan it all out.
    • Plan your daily dates as well. Talk about how you want to visit the restaurant around the corner and snuggle up on the couch. Just discuss living together.
    • One good way to increase your sex drive is to talk about what you will be doing tonight. Tell your partner exactly what you are planning to do. In details.
  3. 3 Think back to the wonderful moments you had together. Another good way to spend quality time on the phone is to reminisce. Talk about past cool dates or fun activities together.
    • Talk about the first meeting or the first thing you noticed about your partner. Remembering the early stages of a relationship together is always great.
    • Another great way to create sex drive? Think back to what you did a few nights ago. Tell your partner what mind-blowing things he did to make sure he repeats them.
  4. 4 Imagine together. Sometimes a phone call is a great opportunity to talk about things that are usually embarrassing to discuss in person. Chatting on the phone may make it easier for you to have a casual conversation about your sex life. Discuss things you want to try with your partner and share what turns you on.
    • If you are not already sexually active (and even if you are), phone sex can be a new avenue for collaborative research.
  5. 5 Have regular phone dates. If you have to be constantly apart, it might be a good idea to have regular phone dates at set times so you feel like you're having a good time together. Set aside half an hour or an hour each day to see how each of you went through the day, talk about the future, or just have a little chat.
    • You may want to talk every day, or you may not. If you have to be apart for a long period of time, talk to your partner and find out how many phone calls each of you need.
  6. 6 Do something together on the phone. A great way to go on a date on the phone is to make a plan and do the same thing while you chat. Plan a fun and casual activity that you can do at home, and talk hands-free while doing it. This will create the illusion that you are together.
    • Watch the same episode of your favorite TV show or an important match and talk about it over the phone. Play your favorite movie. Even if you have to be silent most of the time, it will still create the illusion of working together.
    • Try to cook a new recipe together and try to do it at the same time. Communicate with each other during the process and laugh at your successes and failures. Send a friend to a friend photos of the final results and compare who did better.
    • If you have the opportunity to use Skype or other video chat, then the process will be even more fun. Even if you do not say anything, it will create the illusion that you are in the same room.
  7. 7 Just be together on the phone. Even if you really don't have anything to talk about, just being on the line with your partner is already a romantic gesture. Even if there are long periods of silence, it can be cozy and romantic to know that you are together, despite the fact that there are hundreds of miles between you. Chat before bed and keep your phone on the pillow.
    • Make sure you have an appropriate plan (for example, unlimited or family) connected if you are going to spend a lot of time just listening to each other breathing. This can be a romantic gesture or a huge waste of money and balance.

    John Keegan

    Dating Coach John Keegan is a dating coach and motivational speaker from New York City. Runs consulting firm The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his knowledge of dating, social dynamics and attraction mechanisms to help people find love. Teaches people and gives dating masterclasses all over the world, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Humans of New York and Men’s Health.

    John Keegan
    Dating coach

    The best thing to do when talking on the phone is to listen. If you are talking to your girlfriend, all she really wants is to know that you are listening and really hear her. That is why she is in a relationship with you - so that she is always listened to, heard and understood.

Method 2 of 2: Send romantic messages

  1. 1 Let your partner know that you are thinking about him throughout the day. If you have to be separated and cannot have a good conversation on the phone, a simple short message: “Thinking about you,” is a great way to remind your partner that you care about him. Here are some romantic messages to send throughout the day:
    • “You looked great this morning. I can't get your image out of my head. "
    • “I can't wait to see you today! I count the minutes. "
    • “The guy from work talks about his cats all the time. Miss you".
    • “I've been thinking about last night all day. I look forward to its repetition. "
  2. 2 Encourage your partner throughout the day. If you know your partner is facing a tough day at work or school, send them messages with words of encouragement. This will help remind him that you are on his side and that you are worried about him. Support it with posts like this:
    • “You're going to ruin everyone with your presentation, I just know that. Good luck!"
    • “Good luck on your test! I hold my fists for you! "
    • "There are only three hours left before you return home."
    • “It's almost Friday! You can do it!"
  3. 3 Keep each other informed. If you're apart during the day, it's always nice to know what your partner is up to. Ask what he is doing and tell him how your day is going using a reasonable number of messages. Just keep each other informed:
    • “I just finished writing my essay. Horror. At least this point has been fulfilled. Can't wait to see you tonight and blow off some steam ... ”.
    • “Today is such a wonderful day at the university! Flowers! Birds! I would like you to be here and see all this. "
    • “I came to work, and Anton ate his last pie and finished his coffee, and now I just scroll through the Instagram feed and kill time. And you what do you do?"
    • “Everyone on the subway looks gloomy this morning. Monday. And how are you?"
  4. 4 Plan impromptu dates. If you're out and about and a date spontaneously pops into your head, send a quick message to your partner to see what they think about it. As a rule, this is a good option for an already established relationship, and not for a first date. Here are some quick and easy ways to get in touch and schedule:
    • "When you get back from work, can I get you a pizza?"
    • ““ I'll be in the center later.Shall we have a cocktail at our place? "
    • I have a terrible day today. Here's what I'm thinking of doing later: You. I. Some wine. Dark Room .... and Empire Strikes Back in excellent quality. What do you think?"
    • "Today is a wonderful day. Let's meet in the park and take a walk! "
  5. 5 Send photos. If you look good, send your partner a photo to admire you. If you see anything funny while walking, send it to your partner to have a laugh with you. Sharing pictures can be a fun, easy, and quick way to keep in touch with no extra effort.
    • Be careful when submitting obscene images. Make sure you know and trust the person, and remember that sending unsolicited nude photos is not only unromantic, but also dangerous.
  6. 6 Send messages in moderation. Sure, it's great to have a couple of messages throughout the day, but be sure to save a few topics to discuss in person. Your dates can get a little boring if you share everything in messages. Some people love to send hundreds of messages a day, while others are annoyed by constant contact. Everyone's relationship is different. Find out how many messages are acceptable to your partner, and stay within that range. Don't annoy each other.