How to breed cockatiels

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to breed cockatiel | Cockatiel breeding tips | Guide for cockatiel breeding
Video: How to breed cockatiel | Cockatiel breeding tips | Guide for cockatiel breeding


Cockatiels reproduce quite easily in captivity, however, it is necessary to approach them responsibly and to know in advance where new birds can be attached. Before you start breeding cockatiels, you should make sure that the male and female are suitable for mating, and provide them with everything necessary for breeding.


Part 1 of 3: Finding the Right Pair

  1. 1 Make sure the cockatiels are old enough. The male and female must be at least 18 months old to breed. Younger females may have problems laying eggs (egg stuck) and birds that are too young may not take good care of their offspring.
    • Eggs may become stuck in the hatch during laying. This can cause infection and even death.
  2. 2 Make sure the birds are not related. Close relatives are more likely to have weak or sick offspring. If you do not know if the birds are relatives, inquire where you purchased the cockatiel. Do not cross birds if they are related.
  3. 3 Check how healthy the birds are. Before crossing, it is better to show the veterinarian to check the state of their health. The veterinarian will be able to detect possible diseases or deficiencies in birds. Among other things, the health of the cockatiels is evidenced by their weight.
    • Overweight... Excess weight increases the likelihood of infertility in both males and females, as well as the risk of eggs getting stuck in females. If you suspect that your pet is overweight, try feeling the brisket of the bird. If you cannot find this bone, then the cockatiel is overweight.
    • Underweight... Lack of weight may indicate that the cockatiel is sick, or the second bird drives her away from the feeder and does not allow her to eat. Before you start breeding cockatiels, find out what caused the underweight of the bird.
  4. 4 Remember that not all cockatiels make good parents. If the birds neglect or take poor care of the offspring, you will have to take care of the chicks yourself. You must have enough time and energy to raise the chicks.

Part 2 of 3: Preparing for Breeding

  1. 1 Provide natural or bright artificial light for 10-12 hours a day. Cockatiels are capable of breeding offspring at any time of the year, but for this they need enough light. Make sure your pets get 10-12 hours of natural or bright artificial light a day.
  2. 2 Feed your birds well. Birds need to eat well before breeding. Feed your pets a well-balanced food for cockatiels. Take care of your cockatiels and make sure they have enough food and water. If one bird drives the other away from food and water, place a second feeder and drinker. The following food is good for Corellas.
    • seed mixture for cockatiels;
    • soft foods: greens, pasta, boiled rice, boiled beans, wet wheat bread;
    • germinated seeds;
    • sepia or mineral stone to provide the birds with calcium;
    • food and vitamin supplements such as spirulina, echinacea, iodine (add them to feed);
    • fresh clean water (change the water a couple of times a day).
  3. 3 Place a couple of cockatiels together in a large cage. Birds will need enough space for reproduction, and even more after hatching. The cage should be at least 180 x 90 x 90 cm in size. You can place a pair in the same cage a few weeks before you put the nest house in it so that the cockatiels get to know each other and are ready to mate.
    • Choose a quiet place in the house for the cage so that the birds can retire and mate peacefully, hatch eggs and raise chicks.
  4. 4 Make a nesting house. After the birds have been together for at least two weeks and get used to each other, it is necessary to provide them with a nest. Consider the following when choosing a birdhouse:
    • Material... Parrot houses are made from a variety of materials, including metal, plastic and wood. It is best to use a wooden house so that the cockatiels can, if desired, expand the entrance with their beak.
    • Dimensions (edit)... For Corells, a house measuring 30 x 30 centimeters is enough.
    • Rear door... Some houses have a door on the back so you can check the chicks' health without disturbing the female.
    • Litter... Parent cockatiels line the nest to keep the chicks comfortable and safe. For bedding, it is best to use dust-free pine shavings or unpainted paper. For example, newsprint or white paper towels will work. Do not use cedarwood shavings, as the oils they contain are harmful to chicks and can kill them.

Part 3 of 3: Breeding

  1. 1 Track how the male arranges the nest. If the male has started preparing the nest, it means that the cockatiels are going to mate. The male will enlarge the hole in the nesting box to a suitable size and place the bedding as he pleases. After the male has arranged the nest, he will launch the female into it.
  2. 2 Watch for signs of mating. When it is time for mating, the male will perform a mating dance. During this dance, he will quickly nod his head, bounce and sing. In addition, you may notice that birds often brush each other's feathers. When the female is ready to mate, she will sit down. In this position, the male will be able to fertilize her.
    • Mating lasts about one minute, after which the male flies away.
    • About two weeks after mating, the female will lay eggs.
  3. 3 Let your parents hatch the eggs. The female and male will take turns incubating the eggs, but the female will sit on the eggs most of the time. You may notice that the parents pluck out some of the feathers to expose a small patch of skin. Birds do this because bare skin transfers heat to the eggs better.
    • Corella hatches chicks for about three weeks, however keep in mind that the female lays eggs for about a week. The female will lay one egg every 48 hours or so until she has laid two to eight eggs.
    • The male cockatiel brings food to the female while she incubates the eggs.
  4. 4 Leave the birds alone. After 21 days, chicks will hatch from the eggs. You can discreetly look into the nest to make sure there are no dead or sick chicks in it, but other than that, try not to disturb the birds. Let the parents take care of their offspring themselves.
    • Cockatiel chicks are not able to eat without the help of their parents until they are 8-10 weeks old. After that, it is advisable to settle young males and females in different cages in order to prevent their mating. Under favorable conditions siblings can mate, so it is best to separate them to avoid unwanted offspring.
  5. 5 Reduce the birds' willingness to mate. After the cockatiels have hatched their chicks, certain measures can be taken to prevent them from mating again. These measures are listed below.
    • Reduce illumination... Shorten the daylight hours slightly to reduce the birds' readiness to mate. For example, you can illuminate a cell not for 10-12, but for about 8 hours a day. This will simulate winter conditions and reduce the chances of cockatiels mating.
    • Remove the house... After the cockatiels raise their chicks and stop using the nesting house, you can get it out of the cage.
    • Don't give soft food to birds... Do not feed the birds soft foods such as pasta, beans, wet bread. However, make sure that the cockatiels are still getting enough wholesome food.


  • Before you try to breed cockatiels on your own, read as much as possible on this topic and consult with experienced people.
  • Find a veterinarian who specializes in poultry to seek help if you have any problems.
  • If the female seems tired, it may be due to the formation and bearing of eggs.
  • Make sure the egg-laying site is convenient. For example, if you made or bought a wooden house, cover it with cotton wool to prevent the birds from getting hurt.
  • About one to two weeks after the chicks emerge, start picking them up in a way that does not stress the mother cockatiel.


  • Before you start breeding cockatiels, look for responsible buyers in advance. You are unlikely to be happy to contain additional Corells if you cannot sell them.