How to entertain yourself without using foreign objects

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
We Challenged Kids to Stay Completely Still | Don’t You Dare | HiHo Kids
Video: We Challenged Kids to Stay Completely Still | Don’t You Dare | HiHo Kids


There is nothing worse than realizing that you have a lot of free time, but nothing to keep yourself busy. Luckily for you, there are many ways to entertain yourself without foreign objects. You just need to get creative and be ready to try some new tricks.


Part 1 of 3: Have fun with a friend

  1. 1 Play "You'd better ...". Give a friend two options to choose from and ask which one would prefer. For example: "Would you rather give up food or sleep?" For more fun, choose ridiculous or silly options.
  2. 2 Play Broken Phone. Everyone sits in a line or circle and the person at the end whispers a proposal in the ear of the one sitting next to him. That person passes the message on and on until it goes full circle. The last player says out loud what he heard, and the one who started the phrase reveals what was actually said.
    • For the game to be successful, you will need a company of at least five people.
  3. 3 Sing the song. Start humming a popular song and let your friends join in. If you know several songs by the same artist, make a medley of these tunes. Let everyone try to sing harmonies and change melodies for different singers.
    • If you are feeling very excited, dance to a specific song. Practice playing it, and maybe you can even present it somewhere, for example, at a talent show or in front of classmates.
    • You can also improvise. To do this, simply start humming any melody that comes to your mind. Let your friends compose harmonies on the fly to match your melody. The whole point of improvisation is not to judge yourself.
  4. 4 Play Peepers. Sit opposite each other. Find a comfortable position in which you can sit for a while. Make eye contact with each other without blinking or looking away. The one who blinks first, looks away or laughs - lost.
    • It is allowed to make faces in order to "break" the partner. But be careful not to inadvertently laugh yourself.
  5. 5 Give your friend a haircut. If your boyfriend or girlfriend has long hair, play with it. Braid or tie them into a ponytail. Experiment with different styles and looks. Many people feel pleasantly relaxed when someone plays with their hair. It's also a great way to strengthen your bond, keep yourself occupied, and spend time.
  6. 6 Play clap games. There are many games that only require two pairs of hands and a little concentration. Ninja Strikes is a great example. To play this game, place your hands on top of your friend's hands, palms down. While maintaining eye contact, wait for your friend to try to punch you in the arms, and when it does, hold back his arms before contact occurs. If he did manage to hit you, then change positions. If not, your partner can try again.
    • Be careful not to hit too hard as this can cause pain and redness.

Part 2 of 3: Have fun in public

  1. 1 Make a list of activities for the day. Lists are wonderful, they help you organize and prioritize yourself. Make a mental list of everything you need to do in a day and make it clear in what order you will perform these tasks.
    • When building your to-do list, put quality over quantity. Don't list something just because it can be easily crossed out.
  2. 2 Check how long you can hold your breath. Learning not to breathe for long periods is beneficial for some sports, such as swimming and surfing. It's also a great way to keep yourself busy when you have nothing else to do.Try using your watch to see how long you can hold your breath now. Continue training and track how much this figure increases over time.
    • Remember that holding the breath for too long can be harmful to health, it can lead to loss of consciousness, even death.
  3. 3 Use your imagination. Whatever your fantasy, live it in your head for a few minutes. Imagination is important as it reignites your passions and stimulates your creativity. Let your mind drift in any direction it wants. It is likely that you will be brought to some interesting place and time will pass quickly.
    • If you are fantasizing in class, at least try to look as if you are listening to what is happening around you.
  4. 4 Remember something nice. Think of a fun trip you recently took or a fun party you attended. Think of all the details that made the experience so enjoyable and try to bring them back to mind. Play a slideshow of the memories associated with the incident in your mind. Walking the nooks and crannies of memory will keep your mind busy and help you remember happy moments.
  5. 5 Take a nap. When you sleep, time flies by. A short nap for just 20 minutes can help refresh your mind, invigorate your mind, lift your mood, and increase productivity.

Part 3 of 3: Get active

  1. 1 Practice. Many exercises can be performed without equipment, using only your own body weight. If you're bored, physical activity is a good way to not only tire your body, but also stimulate your brain. Try one of the following exercises that do not require additional items:
    • push ups;
    • squats;
    • jumping;
    • lunges;
    • deep squats.
  2. 2 Stretch your body. Stretching is not only good for flexibility, it can also improve memory and mood. For stretching exercises that will relax you and help you stay in shape, try touching your toes or extending your arms over your head to stretch your body.
    • For maximum benefit, try to stretch at least once a day.
  3. 3 Give yourself a hand massage. Your hands are constantly busy while you are fingering the keyboard of your phone or computer. To get them a little rest, rub your palm with your fingers in a circular motion. Also rub the muscle between your thumb and forefinger.


  • When it comes to entertaining yourself without using objects, the variety of methods is endless. Your imagination is your best friend, so feel free to trust it when it comes to spending time.


  • Try not to get distracted during class. If you do not listen to the teacher for a long time, this will significantly affect your grades and academic success.