How to develop a positive attitude

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


A willingness to act and a positive attitude are beneficial at work, in school, and in many social situations. If you perceive the situation in a positive light, then you will open up new opportunities and challenges. Treat each task with enthusiasm to motivate yourself. Set yourself up in a positive way - speak positive words and resist the negativity. Strive to change your lifestyle. Daily activities like meditation can help you stay connected to reality and empower you to have a positive outlook on life.


Part 1 of 3: How to motivate yourself

  1. 1 Think of fear as a positive aspect. Our beliefs about fear largely determine our motivation. View fear as a challenge, not an obstacle that slows you down or prevents you from moving forward. If you want to develop a positive attitude, then seek to consciously change your perception of fear.
    • Fear is based on the unknown factor. In every situation, there is a possibility of failure or error. Ignorance of the result can make a person refuse any opportunity.
    • Strive to stop being afraid and embrace the unknown factor. Of course, there is a certain probability of failure, but such a prospect always goes hand in hand with the probability of success. The more risk you take, the higher your chances of success.
    • The next time you fear a new challenge, remind yourself of the possibility of success. Uncertainty is not always a bad thing, and even in the worst case scenario, you will get a new chance in the future.
  2. 2 Reward yourself for completing tasks. Motivate yourself as this is the cornerstone of a positive attitude. Start rewarding yourself for your courage. It often takes time for success, and a person has almost no influence on external rewards. Hence, learn to reward yourself on your own. Work for your own sense of success and pride so you don't give up on new opportunities. This will allow you to cultivate the required positive attitude.
    • People do not fully understand the motivational importance of the reward factor. In fact, reward accounts for nearly three-quarters of the motivation to do anything at all. However, you hardly get a reward every time you take on a new work assignment or cross off items from your to-do list.
    • Hence, start rewarding yourself. Pamper and reward yourself. For example, spend an evening with friends when you complete an extra assignment at work.
  3. 3 Feel the urgency of each situation. Procrastination weakens the willingness to act. Many are sure that it is always possible to do a business, take a risk or take an opportunity tomorrow. However, successful people don't put off things until tomorrow. They live in the here and now, strive to complete the task as soon as possible. If you want to develop a positive attitude, fill your life with a sense of urgency and urgency.
    • Try not to procrastinate and do your best today. Remember: nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. For example, you might think, "I will not check the report now. I will do it tomorrow morning."
    • Contrast your thoughts with this idea: "What if I don't have free time in the morning? If I need to urgently solve another problem?" Motivate yourself to check the report now.
  4. 4 Keep the big picture in mind. People with a positive attitude and a willingness to take action do not dwell on small tasks and opportunities. They have bigger goals in mind. Keep your long-term goals in mind and don't give in to fleeting desires or emotions.
    • For example, the boss asks who can stay after work and help with a new project. You want to go home and relax after a hard day. Someone with a positive attitude will take up the challenge, but you are tired and sleepy.
    • Forget about the present feeling and think about the future. Yes, today must have been a tough day, but think about the future benefits. You have the opportunity to show yourself as a hardworking employee. With the next promotion opportunity, you will have an advantage over other colleagues.
  5. 5 Learn from your mistakes. It is your reaction to failure that determines your ability to maintain a positive attitude. If you kill yourself for every failure, you run the risk of burnout quickly. It is necessary to get up after a fall in order to wake up the next day and try again.
    • In case of failure, remember your positive qualities. Think about your own abilities and pleasant moments in life. Remember that one minor mistake does not negate your successes and achievements.
    • Strive to learn from the lessons. Sometimes failure is caused by factors that are beyond our control, but evaluate your actions in the situation. Could you have done otherwise? If so, treat the situation as a lesson, not a waste of time and energy.
  6. 6 Build self-confidence. Trust that you are able to achieve your goals and influence the situation. This is an important component of a positive attitude.
    • Find an example to follow.Do you know people who believe in themselves? Such a person can be a great role model in your desire to develop a positive attitude.
    • Reflect on your accomplishments. Think about your goals and other accomplishments that you can be proud of. This will help you understand that you are capable of influencing your future.
    • Implement the goals one at a time. If you take on too much, you run the risk of undermining your self-confidence, as the challenges you face can be discouraging. Implement your goals one at a time.
    • Surround yourself with caring people. It will be easier for you to build confidence in yourself by spending time with those who believe in you and encourage you. Avoid those who belittle your dignity and discourage action.

Part 2 of 3: How to Maintain a Positive Mindset

  1. 1 Realize that you are in control of your attitude towards the situation. Many people are deluded and do not believe that they are able to control their feelings. This is how defeatist thinking arises, in which all failures and problems are viewed from a subjective point of view. Remember: you are in control of your attitude. You decide how to take experiences and impressions. Look at life from a positive angle to foster cheerfulness and a positive attitude.
    • People perceive situations in different ways. One person will miss the bus and see it as an opportunity to walk before a long day at work, while another will see it as a disaster.
    • A person is able to choose a point of view. Give preference to a positive attitude and do not over-dramatize the situation to motivate yourself and take advantage of new opportunities, as you will avoid emotional exhaustion.
  2. 2 Don't think about why you can't do something. When given the opportunity, many people immediately start thinking about why they will not be able to cope. The brain will instantly compose a list of your disabilities and shortcomings. Try to block such thoughts. If you need to do something, then you do not need to worry about your capabilities and doubt yourself.
    • Give up reflex excuses. For example, your boss asks you to prepare a paper for an important conference. You will probably immediately think: "I can't do it. I don't have time, and in general I don't know much about this topic."
    • Stop. Don't think about why you can't do it. Focus on opportunities to reach your goal. For example, think: "It won't be easy, but I can handle it. How can I find the time? What nuances of this topic should be clarified?"
  3. 3 Avoid negative people. Other people influence our attitude. Maintaining a positive attitude and dealing with your own negative thoughts is not easy. Don't let negative people encourage such thoughts. Limit your interactions with those who constantly complain.
    • You will quickly learn to weed out negative people. Perhaps there are employees in the office who complain about every failure. If you share good news with such a person, they may act indifferent or arrogant.
    • Don't expose yourself to someone else's negativity. Better to share the good news with someone who is positive and happy for you.
  4. 4 Use positive words. The words we use affect our mood. If you want to develop a positive attitude, talk as if you have already achieved your goal. Change your way of thinking, gradually build up intrinsic motivation and positive reactions to events.
    • Discard negative phrases. Rephrase thoughts like "I can't" and "This is impossible." Better to say, "It seems like you have to try hard."
    • Try to answer positively to a question about to-do. Say: "Everything is fine. How are you?"
    • If you need to express negative emotions, then relax the expression. For example, instead of: "Today my mother pissed me off," it is better to say: "I am a little angry with my mother."
  5. 5 Don't give in to irrational thoughts. Negative thoughts are often irrational and detrimental to positive attitudes. A negative attitude can convince you that you are incapable of something. Resist irrational thoughts. Recognize that such thoughts do not reflect your true ability.
    • If you value yourself or the situation poorly, stop. Ask yourself, "How can I best look at this situation?"
    • For example, at work, the deadlines for many projects are close. Instead of thinking: "I can't handle it. There are too many things to do," ask yourself: "How can I best look at this situation?"
    • Find a way to look at the situation, for example, "You have to work hard, but I can handle it."
  6. 6 Develop resilience. Resilience helps to recover faster after failures. It is important for a positive attitude, as failure is an integral part of life. To develop resilience:
    • Maintain good relationships with caring friends and family.
    • look to the future to better perceive the current situation;
    • regularly implement goals, even small ones;
    • find opportunities to get to know yourself better.

Part 3 of 3: How to Change Your Daily Habits

  1. 1 Express gratitude daily. Gratitude is important for a positive attitude, because feeling grateful will change your attitude towards life and energize you so that you don't miss out on new opportunities.
    • Keep a gratitude journal to write down specific aspects. Avoid generalizations. You don't have to say, "I am grateful to my friends." Better to say, "I am grateful to my friends for their support and care."
    • Learn gratitude in negative situations. For example, think: "It's a shame that Larissa and I broke up, but I'm grateful for the opportunity to end a failed relationship."
  2. 2 Smile often. This small change will significantly affect your mood. Smile often throughout the day. Smiling sends a signal to the brain that heightens the feeling of joy. Begin to smile consciously from time to time to improve your mood and motivate yourself for new achievements.
  3. 3 Practice meditation. Meditation can help reduce stress and restore energy. A positive attitude requires resilience and energy. Daily meditation helps you better understand reality and seize opportunities.
    • Practice meditation for at least 7 minutes every day.
    • Sign up for a meditation class or find video tutorials online.
  4. 4 Lead a healthy lifestyle. Physical sensations affect the emotional state. For a positive attitude, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.
    • Eat more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.
    • Exercise every day.
    • Maintain a healthy sleep schedule every night.


  • Use motivating quotes and videos for inspiration.
  • Consider why you haven't developed a positive attitude yet. Perhaps this is hindered by some events from the past.
  • If you have a good imagination, then mentally imagine yourself as a successful person.