How to hang paper lanterns

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Hang Paper Lanterns!
Video: How To Hang Paper Lanterns!


Paper lanterns will be a wonderful decoration for bedrooms, patios and festive grounds. Having made or bought paper lanterns, you need to decide where and how to hang them. This will require the flashlights themselves, hooks and a drill for mounting on a hard surface.


Method 1 of 3: Indoors

  1. 1 Lanterns should fit into the interior. Gorgeous lanterns won't impress guests if the colors don't match the interior. Make sure they play with the patterns, colors, or theme of your room. Choose flashlights in a suitable color from a store or online.
    • Combine colors. If the room is decorated in natural, pearl, warm or cool colors, then lanterns should meet these categories. For example, lanterns of warm colors like orange and yellow will go well with a red ottoman. If the bed is covered with a dark blue blanket, then choose lanterns in cool colors - blue, white or dark green.
    • Combine patterns. Not only do paper lanterns come in a variety of colors, but also patterns. If a chair or bed is decorated with floral patterns, then lanterns should complement the picture. Match them with a diamond, spiral or checkered pattern. It is also necessary to ensure that the flashlights do not get out of the picture and do not overload the room.
  2. 2 Select the type of flashlights. Lanterns can serve as a purely decorative function, and some of them are equipped with small bulbs. Consider using lights as spotlights to help you choose the type of product you want. Many flashlights are battery powered or plugged into a power cord.
  3. 3 Select hooks. Hooks are usually used as a suspension. Paper lanterns are very lightweight so no massive mounts are required. Buy small threaded hooks from your hardware store or hardware store. Choose small and inconspicuous hooks that match the color of the walls.
  4. 4 Location option. Determine how all the hooks will be positioned before drilling the holes. Imagine the room and the location of the lanterns. You can hang them in rows across the room, place them in one corner, above a bed or an armchair.Get inspiration from interior decorating websites or ask friends for advice.
  5. 5 Mark the attachment points for the flashlights. Use a pencil to mark the location of the flashlights on the wall or ceiling. Imagine how they will look there. Intended points can be marked and erased at any time, while mistakenly drilled holes will need to be repaired.
  6. 6 Install hooks in drywall or wood. Currently, the ceilings and walls in rooms are increasingly sheathed with plasterboard. Such material is not able to withstand a lot of weight, but since paper lanterns are much lighter than paintings and mirrors, hooks for them can be safely screwed directly into drywall. You can also attach lanterns to wood surfaces such as cabinets or shelves.
    • Drill a mounting hole. It may seem that the hook is quite convenient to screw in by hand without unnecessary action, but it is much easier to make the installation holes. Use a drill with the same diameter as the hook shank (not thread width). Turn on your drill and drill through the plasterboard wall or ceiling.
    • Screw in the hook. Insert the hook into the hole and start screwing into the wall. Apply pressure and turn the hook clockwise until it is screwed in all the way to the base.
  7. 7 Use adhesive hooks for hard surfaces. Some houses have concrete or brick walls that are very difficult to drill through. It is better to use adhesive hooks on such surfaces. They are designed to be lighter than threaded hooks, but a paper torch will hold up just fine. Strong glue can hold the hooks in place for several years without having to drill through the walls.
  8. 8 Secure the lanterns with fishing line. Use thread or fishing line to hang the lanterns from the hooks. The choice depends on the required level of "invisibility" of the thread. You can get sturdy thread from art stores and fishing line from fishing shops.
    • Cut the thread to the required length. If all lanterns should hang at the same height, then cut all the threads to the same length. If you want to arrange them unevenly, then you can cut off the fishing line or threads of different lengths.
    • Tighten a small loop at the end of the thread. Most often, paper lanterns have a special “C” shaped attachment. Thanks to this bracket, there is no need to tie the line directly to the flashlight. Make a small loop at the end of the line and thread it through the “C” brace. The knot should be tight enough not to slide off the bracket.
    • Tighten another loop at the other end of the thread. Make the same knot at the other end of the thread and attach to the crochet hook.
  9. 9 Plug in the light bulbs. Some lights are equipped with small bulbs that need to be plugged into the mains. Fixing such flashlights is a little more difficult, since they have a wire. Screw in additional hooks and run the wire through them all the way to the outlet. If the wire is too short, use an extension cord. Choose battery powered light bulbs to avoid this hassle.
  10. 10 Never use candles in flashlights. Traditionally, paper lanterns have used candles instead of bulbs, but open flames are dangerous (especially indoors). Use incandescent bulbs or small LED bulbs to prevent fire hazard. Often, flashlights are equipped with bulbs in advance for convenience.

Method 2 of 3: Outdoors

  1. 1 Choose suitable flashlights. When decorating a yard, there are as many different factors to consider as when decorating a room. First of all, pay attention to the issues of reliability and color scheme. Lanterns should correspond to the chosen theme of the site or yard design.
    • Use outdoor lanterns. Paper lanterns are great for indoor use, but they are easily destroyed by water. It is better to choose products that are intended for the street.They are usually made from silk or nylon and are sold in jewelry stores, home improvement stores, and online.
    • Choose a suitable color scheme. Unlike rooms that have a certain style of decoration, it is easier to choose colors to decorate the yard. Make sure to match the lanterns with the furniture on the terrace, or choose bright colors - red, blue, yellow. White lanterns create a relaxed and dreamlike atmosphere after dark.
  2. 2 Location options. Lanterns can be placed directly in the air, on a fence or hedge. In each case, you get a special atmosphere. The choice depends on your personal preference. You will also need a variety of tools and accessories.
    • Hang your lanterns high in the air. If there are large trees nearby, then you can hang lanterns directly on the branches. You can also buy flashlight stands and stands. In some stores you can find special stands for Chinese lanterns, but any stand will work as long as you can attach a hook to it.
    • Decorate your fence. If the yard is fenced off with a high fence, then attach the lanterns directly to the boards without any hooks.
    • Hang lanterns on the deck railing. To attach lanterns to wooden railings, drills and hooks are indispensable. If the fence is forged, then the flashlights can be simply tied.
  3. 3 Drill holes. If you cannot do without hooks during fastening, then drill holes for installation. Use a drill bit the same diameter as the hook shank to drill holes in the wooden railing. Remove the drill, insert the hook into the hole and turn clockwise until you screw it all the way down.
  4. 4 Secure the lanterns. Attach the lanterns when all the hooks and poles are ready. Use thread or fishing line for discreet attachment. Tighten a small loop at the end of the thread and thread it over the clip in the flashlight. Tie the other end of the line or thread with a strong knot to a fence, hook, tree branch or post.

Method 3 of 3: Party

  1. 1 Decide on a topic. Whether you are planning a wedding party, family reunion, or just a picnic, the lanterns should match the theme you choose. So, white lanterns work well for a wedding, and bright colors will liven up a summer party. Choose the best option in stores or online.
    • Choose a suitable color scheme. For New Years, opt for reds and greens, while Easter parties are best done in pastel colors like pink, light purple and light yellow.
    • Consider the theme of the holiday. Some paper lanterns are decorated with special patterns - Christmas trees and snowmen for the New Year or hearts for Valentine's Day.
    • If you are celebrating a victory in a sporting event, then choose lanterns in your team's colors.
  2. 2 Choose suitable hooks. Parties are held in different conditions: under a canopy, in gazebos and even on yachts. The fastening elements must be comfortable and easy to dismantle. Attach lanterns to adhesive hooks or tie directly to poles and rafters.
  3. 3 Location options. Choose suitable locations and height for the flashlights. Design ideas can be found on design websites and other creative portals. Place the lanterns taller than a person's height so that they do not interfere with anyone.
    • Tie lanterns to poles and rafters. If the event will take place under a canopy or in a gazebo, then tie the lanterns to the supporting elements of the structure to get a canopy with lighting.
    • Group the lanterns. Arrange the lanterns in groups at different heights to create eye-catching pockets of light. Select a point in the gazebo and tie five or ten lanterns at different heights to the support. Use different sized lanterns to make the composition look even more eclectic.
    • Light up the paths with flashlights. Secure paper lanterns low to the ground on low supports.You can use houseplant supports or make your own hook racks. Place the props along the paths and paths to illuminate the party area.
  4. 4 Secure the lanterns with thread. Determine the desired height and secure the lanterns with string or fishing line to create the illusion that they are floating in the air. Tighten a secure loop at the end of the line or thread and thread it over the bracket in the flashlight. Tie the other end of the thread to the support of the canopy or put it on the hook.


  • Use a ladder to hang the lanterns comfortably and safely at the desired height.
  • Ask a friend to help you. When using a ladder, you always need an assistant who will tell you how the flashlight looks from below.


  • Do not use candles or other open flames in flashlights to avoid the risk of fire. Use battery powered or mains powered LED bulbs.
  • Be careful when working with power tools. Use safety glasses.

What do you need

  • Paper lanterns of the desired shape and size
  • Adhesive or screw hooks
  • Fishing line or thread
  • Stairs