How to recognize symptoms of alcohol intoxication

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Acute Alcohol Intoxication
Video: Acute Alcohol Intoxication


Attention:this article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

By what signs can you determine that a person has gone too far, dangerously overdone, or is completely drunk? Are red eyes and rosy cheeks a valid criterion? Slurred speech - how serious is it? The following instructions will give you reliable ways to recognize the signs of alcohol intoxication.


  1. 1 Rate the person's propensity for drunkenness by their physical characteristics. Although alcohol affects everyone in the same way, the speed at which it does so depends on the person's physical characteristics (the characteristics of his body). When assessing the rate of exposure to alcohol, you should take into account body size, gender, frequency of consumption, strength of the drink, the amount of food eaten and related drugs used.
  2. 2 Note the decrease in inhibitory responses. If someone becomes more talkative, begins to lose a sense of the social framework, it can be confidently asserted that the person is experiencing alcohol intoxication (in other words, severe intoxication). Behavior more “noisy” than usual - and even sudden mood swings - is a clear worrying symptom.
  3. 3 When drunkenness increases, the person's thinking ability decreases. This manifests itself in inappropriate behavior, which in a normal situation, a person would not allow himself. Deterioration in thinking ability also manifests itself in the appearance of obscene expressions, vulgar jokes and excessive flirting with the surrounding people of the opposite sex. Moreover, if a person increases the dose of alcohol or gets involved in drinking games, this also indicates a decline in the ability to objectively assess what is happening.
  4. 4 When you see that the drinker's physical condition begins to deteriorate, the first thing you should do is stop the further flow of alcohol into the body of your friend (partner, family member, etc.) etc.). The first signs of a deteriorating physical condition appear in slurred speech, staggering, throwing objects (money, things, keys, etc.), loss of thought in the middle of a sentence. Also notice if the movements are slow (or when the person's movements remind you of the movements of a robot). My favorite sign is lighting a cigarette from the wrong end. On the contrary, signs such as redness of the eyes and glazed eyes, the smell of alcohol from the breath, are not symptoms of intoxication in themselves, but rather indicate the fact of use (or the presence of an allergy or other disease).
  5. 5 If you see that the user cannot control his movements and loses control over coordination, you should not leave him alone - he can be dangerous for himself and for others. If a person stumbles or staggers, loses orientation in space, drops things and cannot pick them up, then the degree of intoxication is aggravated.
  6. 6 Remember that the human body is able to develop resistance to alcohol, but in this case, this does not mean that intoxication does not occur. This only means that it becomes more difficult to visually identify intoxication.Some people develop such extreme tolerance to alcohol that the only way to determine their degree of intoxication is to count the amount of alcohol they have drunk; but keep in mind that it doesn't go unnoticed for them. Redness of the body can also be a sign of intoxication, but a rush of blood to the skin in itself is not a sign of intoxication; nevertheless, in some people, such reactions do accompany intoxication.


  • When determining the degree of intoxication, the type of alcohol does not matter (the dose does matter). Alcohol is classified as a drug. A bottle of beer (360 ml) contains the same amount of alcohol as 150 ml of wine, 30 ml of pure alcohol or 50 ml of 80% alcohol. The difference usually lies in the frequency with which a person drinks these drinks.
  • Items 1 and 2 describe signs of mental deterioration. This means that a person is able to perceive danger and return to responsible behavior only with the help of appropriate external intervention. Items 3 and 4 are signs of deterioration in physical condition. A person can harm himself and others.


  • Previously, visible signs of intoxication (problems with walking in a straight line, slurred speech, etc.) were considered a criterion for alcohol intoxication. The decision is currently being made based on the blood alcohol content.
  • Alcohol intoxication is accompanied by problems with walking, speech disorders; however, experts argue that hardy individuals may not exhibit these symptoms.
  • In most cases, a reliable sign of alcohol intoxication is an assessment of the concentration of alcohol in the blood: mild - 0.6-1.5 ppm, medium - 1.5-2 ppm, strong - 2-3 ppm.
  • John Brick, chief executive of Intoxikon International, an independent research firm on alcohol and other drugs, argues that impaired driving is the most deadly consequence of abuse. And assessing the degree of intoxication of a person still causes difficulties even for experienced observers (there are too many accompanying factors). "It is important to understand and be able to recognize alcohol intoxication - the risk of injury and accidents is too great," says John.
  • With an alcohol concentration of less than 1.5-2 ppm, visible signs are not reliable assessment criteria for most users, and the ability to recognize visual manifestations of intoxication is unlikely.
  • “Understanding and identifying the signs of intoxication is key when it comes to questions about whether to allow a person to drive and whether we should insist that the person stop elevating their blood alcohol concentration,” adds John Brick.