How to recognize implantation bleeding

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to recognize Implantation Bleeding? - Dr. Shefali Tyagi
Video: How to recognize Implantation Bleeding? - Dr. Shefali Tyagi


For many women, a small amount of blood or light bleeding can be the first sign of pregnancy. When a fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the uterus, bleeding may occur due to rupture of small veins, but this does not happen in all cases. It can be difficult to tell the difference between implantation bleeding and the onset of menstruation, but there are special signs to look out for. For example, implantation bleeding is not profuse and ends faster than menstruation. You can also pay attention to early signs of pregnancy, however, only a pregnancy test and a doctor can confirm the presence or absence of pregnancy.


Method 1 of 3: Common Symptoms of Implant Bleeding

  1. 1 Pay attention to bleeding that started a few days before your period. Implantation bleeding is usually observed 6–12 days after conception. This usually means that any bleeding will start within a week or within a week of the expected date of your next period.
    • If bleeding began before or after this period, it is unlikely to be implantation, although this option cannot be ruled out. Implantation can take place at different times.

    Advice: If you have a regular menstrual cycle, start recording dates so you know exactly when your next period will start. If you do not know how long your cycle is, it will be difficult for you to understand whether you are experiencing bleeding: implantation or menstrual bleeding.

  2. 2 Pay attention to the color of the discharge. Menstrual bleeding usually starts with a brownish or bright pink discharge and then turns bright or dark red over 1 to 2 days. Implantation bleeding usually does not change color from brownish or pink.
    • Remember that implantation bleeding may look different from woman to woman. In some cases, the discharge is bright red, like at the beginning of your period.
    • If you have bright red discharge and you know or suspect you are pregnant, see your doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will determine the cause of the bleeding.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the abundance of discharge. See if there are any clots in your blood. Most often, implantation bleeding is scanty and leaves only drops of blood. There are usually no blood clots with implantation bleeding.
    • The bleeding may be light, but constant.You may just find drops of blood on your laundry or toilet paper.
  4. 4 Expect bleeding to stop within three days. One of the features of implantation bleeding is that it does not last long - from a couple of hours to three days. Menstruation usually lasts longer (on average 3-7 days, although this depends on the characteristics of the body).
    • If the bleeding persists for more than three days, even if it is less severe than usual, the bleeding may be menstruation.
  5. 5 Take a home pregnancy test a few days after the bleeding stops. Vaginal bleeding can begin for a number of reasons. To make sure you have had implantation bleeding, do a home pregnancy test. As a rule, most tests detect pregnancy after one day of missed period, so wait at least three days after the bleeding has stopped.
    • You can buy a home pregnancy test in almost all pharmacies. If you cannot afford these costs, find out if the test can be taken for free at the clinic.

Method 2 of 3: Other signs of pregnancy

  1. 1 Pay attention to mild uterine cramps. Implantation bleeding is often accompanied by cramps, but they are not as severe as during menstruation. Cramping can feel like a dull pain in the lower abdomen. Pulling sensations, tingling sensations may also appear.
    • If you experience severe pain or severe cramps, but you are not menstruating, see your doctor to rule out serious illness.
  2. 2 Pay attention to breast enlargement and tenderness. Breast changes are one of the first signs of pregnancy. Around the same time that implantation bleeding occurs, the breasts may begin to feel heavy, larger, and sore. The increase in size can be noticeable visually.
    • In addition, the nipples can become very sensitive to touch.
  3. 3 Think if you are getting tired more. Fatigue is another early sign of pregnancy. You may feel tired even if you get enough sleep, or get tired faster than usual.
    • At the beginning of pregnancy, fatigue can be severe. It can make it difficult for you to work and do your daily activities.
  4. 4 Pay attention to nausea, vomiting, and changes in appetite. Nausea and hypersensitivity to some foods can occur at any time of the day. Although these symptoms usually appear about a month after conception, they may appear earlier.
    • Not everyone has these symptoms, so don't rule out pregnancy just because you don't have nausea.
    • You may now notice that certain foods or odors are now making you feel nauseous or your appetite has decreased.
  5. 5 Pay attention to mood swings. Dramatic changes in hormonal levels early in pregnancy can affect your emotional state. If you see physical signs of pregnancy, start monitoring the emotional ones as well. These signs include:
    • mood swings;
    • unreasonable sadness or desire to cry;
    • irritability, anxiety;
    • concentration problems.
  6. 6 Pay attention to headaches or dizziness. Abrupt changes in the body at the beginning of pregnancy can lead to poor general well-being, including headaches, dizziness, and weakness. You may even have a high fever, which could lead to the pregnancy being mistaken for a cold or flu.

    Did you know? Nasal congestion is one of the early signs of pregnancy that many overlook. It is explained by an increase in blood flow to the nasal passages.

Method 3 of 3: Seeing a doctor

  1. 1 Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice unusual bleeding. Whatever the result of a home pregnancy test, it is important to see your doctor if you start bleeding that does not coincide with your period.Make an appointment with your gynecologist to identify a possible cause of the bleeding.
    • Vaginal bleeding can be a sign of not only egg implantation, but also other problems: hormonal disorders, infections, irritation after sexual intercourse, and some types of cancer.
    • It is especially important to see your doctor if you have heavy bleeding and know you are pregnant. But do not worry ahead of time, as it may turn out that everything is in order.

    Advice: Although the causes of mid-cycle bleeding can be serious, try not to be nervous. Usually scanty bleeding is harmless.

  2. 2 Tell your doctor about your symptoms. Your doctor will ask you questions about your general health, symptoms, and whether you are currently sexually active. Give your doctor as much information as possible so that he can make an accurate diagnosis.
    • Tell your doctor what medications you are currently taking. Some medications, including birth control pills, can cause light bleeding between periods.
  3. 3 Ask your doctor for a pregnancy test. Even if you did the test at home, you should have it done by a doctor. The doctor will be able to confirm or rule out pregnancy as the cause of bleeding and other symptoms. Tell your doctor that you may be pregnant and ask them to check it.
    • Your doctor may order a blood test or use urine.
  4. 4 Agree to further tests if your doctor recommends them. If it turns out that you are not pregnant, or if your doctor suspects you have a medical condition, he or she may order an examination for you. Your doctor will examine your pelvic organs to make sure they are healthy. In addition, you may be assigned:
    • a cytological smear from the mucous membrane of the cervix to exclude cervical cancer or other abnormalities;
    • tests for sexually transmitted infections;
    • blood tests to measure hormone levels to check for possible thyroid problems and polycystic ovary disease.


  • Implantation bleeding does not always occur, but only in a third of pregnancy cases. If you have not had bleeding but have other symptoms (nausea, fatigue, missed periods), you may be pregnant.