How to work with the program "Cheat Engine"

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Wizard 101 speed hack with cheat engine (5.5)
Video: Wizard 101 speed hack with cheat engine (5.5)


This article will show you how to use the Cheat Engine program in some PC games.


Part 1 of 3: How Cheat Engine Works

  1. 1 Remember how the Cheat Engine works. The Cheat Engine can access data that is in the computer's RAM - some of this data is related to game values. For example, if the health of the game character is expressed as a number (eg, 100), the number “100” is a value. Using the Cheat Engine, such values ​​can be found in the computer's RAM and then changed.
    • If you change the value, you can, for example, get more items, improve the character's health, and so on.
  2. 2 Please be aware that the Cheat Engine does not work with all games. If the game is protected against cheat codes or is a multiplayer online game, it will not work with the Cheat Engine - if you try to use the Cheat Engine, your account or profile for online play will be blocked.
    • If you manage to get items that are sold for real money in the game using the Cheat Engine, you may be prosecuted for theft.
    • Cheat Engine is quality software, so most games have some sort of protection against it.
  3. 3 Remember which games can work with the Cheat Engine. Older single-player games and some single-player Steam games should work with the Cheat Engine, but such games should display some value on the screen that can be found and changed.
    • Many online flash games that lack multiplayer and high scores are also compatible with the Cheat Engine.

Part 2 of 3: How to Install Cheat Engine

  1. 1 Open the Cheat Engine page. Go to in your computer's web browser.
  2. 2 Click on Download Cheat Engine (Download Cheat Engine). This button is in the middle of the page.
    • This button will also indicate the current version of the Cheat Engine, for example, “Download Cheat Engine 6.7”.
    • To download Cheat Engine for macOS, click Download Cheat Engine 6.2 For Mac.
  3. 3 Refuse to install additional software. Click Decline in the window and then click Decline again when prompted. This will begin downloading the Cheat Engine installation file to your computer.
    • Skip this step on a Mac - as soon as you click the download button, the download process for the DMG file will start.
  4. 4 Install Cheat Engine. The process depends on the operating system of the computer:
    • Windows - double click on the Cheat Engine installation file, click “Yes” at the prompt, click “Next”, check the box next to “I agree” and click “Next”, three times click on “ Next, uncheck I agree to install McAfee WebAdvisor, click Next and click Install. When the installation process is complete, click Next and click Finish.
    • Mac - double click on the downloaded DMG file, allow installation of third-party programs, drag the Cheat Engine icon to the Applications folder and follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. 5 Start Cheat Engine. Open the start menu (Windows) or Launchpad (Mac), then click Cheat Engine.
    • You may need to click Yes or Open first.

Part 3 of 3: How to Use the Cheat Engine

  1. 1 Start the game. Launch the game you want to use with Cheat Engine.
    • Remember, this does not have to be a multiplayer online or server game.
  2. 2 Select the game element you want to change the value of. To change the value, an element must be expressed as a number (for example, a character's health is expressed as a number).
    • The number should be displayed on the screen. For example, to change the amount of a specific item in your inventory, first open your inventory to display the current amount of that item.
  3. 3 Minimize the game window. Now open the Cheat Engine window.
    • Do not stop the game.
  4. 4 Click on the Processes icon in the Cheat Engine window. It looks like a computer and is located in the upper left corner. A pop-up window will open with a list of programs that are running on your computer.
  5. 5 Choose your gameplay. Scroll through the list of processes, find the running game in it and click on its name. To use the Cheat Engine for a game that is running in a browser, click on the browser name.
    • If the game you want is not in the Processes list, you cannot use the Cheat Engine with that game.
    • You may need to click on the Processes tab at the top of the window first.
  6. 6 Click on OK. It's at the bottom of the window. The game will open in the Cheat Engine.
  7. 7 Find the number you want to change. Enter the number that represents the desired game item in the “Value” text box at the top of the Cheat Engine window, and then click “First Scan”.
    • For example, if the game item you want is 20, enter 20 in the Value text box.
  8. 8 Make the number change. Your actions will depend on the game; for example, if you want to change the character's health level, harm yourself in some way so that the health level decreases.
    • That is, you need to make the number displayed on the screen change (decrease or increase).
  9. 9 Minimize the game window and then find a new number. Enter a new number in the Value field and click Next Scan. This will reduce the number of values ​​that appear in the left pane of the Cheat Engine window.
  10. 10 Repeat the search process until there are 4 or fewer values ​​left in the left pane. That is, make the number displayed on the screen (in the game window) change, and then look for a new number in the Cheat Engine program.
    • Eventually, the previous number you are looking for will appear in the “Previous” column and the current number in the “Value” column.
  11. 11 Select values. Click on the top value, hold ⇧ Shift and click on the bottom value. All values ​​will be highlighted.
  12. 12 Add values ​​to the address list. Click on the red diagonal arrow in the lower right corner of the list of values. This will move the values ​​to the address list at the bottom of the window.
  13. 13 Select all values. Click one value at the bottom of the window and then click Ctrl+A (Windows) or ⌘ Command+A (Mac).
  14. 14 Click on ↵ Enter. A pop-up window will appear with a text box.
    • You may have to double-click the value to open this field.
  15. 15 Enter the number you want. Enter the number to be assigned to the selected game item in the pop-up window.
    • For example, to get 1000 items, enter 1000.
  16. 16 Click on OK. It's at the bottom of the window. All current values ​​will be updated.
  17. 17 Check if the number has changed in the game. When you open the game, the number you entered should be displayed instead of the number you wanted to change.
    • You may need to change the number one more time before it appears in the game.


  • Cheat Engine is designed to change minor elements of the game - if you change the value of a larger element, the game may break.


  • If you use Cheat Engine on a VAC or other fraud-protected server, your account will be blocked.
  • Roblox cannot be hacked with the Cheat Engine - if you do, your account will be blocked.