How to Spread Gossip

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Demonstration of how Rumours and Gossip spread at school
Video: Demonstration of how Rumours and Gossip spread at school


Gossip is spread by ordinary people, the media and even the government to manipulate public opinion. Gossip can hurt or be devastating. They spread in and out of control. Therefore, it is always very important to carefully consider the possible consequences before spreading rumors. These consequences can affect your environment as well. Once you start gossip, you can't stop it.


Method 1 of 3: Create convincing gossip

  1. 1 Define your goal. Perhaps you want to humiliate someone, end a relationship, and undermine the credibility of government. Or you want to start gossip about yourself in order to draw more attention to your person. There can be many reasons for launching rumors, however, in order for the gossip to bear fruit, you must determine in advance what it is aimed at.
    • Consider if there is no more ethical way to achieve your goal. If the gossip is not true, then you are deceiving the trust of others. It might not be worth it.
  2. 2 Try to inflame the public. Most of the widespread gossip elicits an emotional response from a huge number of people. During World War II, both England and Germany created anti-gossip propaganda posters as war gossip caused panic among the population. These rumors spread so quickly that they made people nervous and afraid. If you want to create a stir with your gossip, it must be credible enough to spark conversation.
    • Try to pick a topic that touches a lot of people. Most people are concerned about their own safety, appearance, money. For example, if you spread a rumor about winning the lottery, chances are it will spread quickly and have a big impact on those around you.
  3. 3 Satisfy the desire of the public. If many people want to believe that this is true, then they will. If the movie is very popular, it will be very easy to spread the word about a sequel to it. True or not, a large number of people are likely to believe it because they hope it is true. People spread rumors about celebrities because they envy them and hope to belittle and tarnish their image. Hearing, uniting the desires of many people, gives them the same impression.
  4. 4 Make the rumor believable. Gossip can be shocking, but it shouldn't sound funny. Many people may believe that you survived the bear attack and survived. However, few will believe that you were attacked by a panda with a samurai sword. For a rumor to take hold, it must inspire confidence.
  5. 5 Don't overcomplicate. Try to avoid excessive detail, otherwise the main idea of ​​the gossip will get lost. Add one or two clarifications, that will be enough. However, try to keep your hearing simple and count on the snowball effect. Gossipers usually add details on their own.
    • For example, if you launch a rumor that someone has had plastic surgery, even the smallest detail can distract from the mainstream news. If you say that someone spent $ 8,000 to get Angelina Jolie's lips after the first surgery, you will confuse people. Is this gossip that the person has spent a lot of money, that they had surgery, or that they have an unhealthy obsession with Angelina Jolie? Don't overcomplicate.

Method 2 of 3: Spreading Gossip

  1. 1 Convince others to pick up on your gossip. For a rumor to spread, you need to get someone to believe you. Some people are more naive than others and are more likely to take everything at face value. Others may demand proof or ask about the source of the gossip. Try to avoid overly curious people.
  2. 2 Focus on the talkers. If you tell gossip to a humble person, chances are it won't come up often.However, if you share with someone who loves to chat and has a lot of friends, the rumor quickly spreads.
    • In addition, it is not a bad idea to expose the main gossip as a source of rumor. Often such people talk so much that they forget from whom and what they heard.
  3. 3 Use multiple ways of transmitting gossip. Consider if you can spread the word in ways other than word of mouth.
    • Try creating a fake social media account and spreading gossip online. Since almost all people communicate on social media, the rumor spreads quickly.
    • Place clues around. It may not be easy, but it will help you fix your hearing for a long time. If you say that you saw someone eating dog food, hardly anyone will believe you. However, if you scatter pieces of this food around this person's table, and people notice it, then your gossip will suddenly become believable and spread.

Method 3 of 3: Covering Your Tracks

  1. 1 Make the rumor difficult to disprove. Don't write stories that are easy to verify, or your hearing will quickly die. If gossip cannot be discredited with evidence, it has a better chance of spreading.
    • For example, if you say that someone lost an arm in an accident, the hearing will live on until the person is seen with both hands intact. However, if you start up a rumor that a man in a car hit a homeless person, it will be difficult to prove that you are lying.
  2. 2 Keep partners to a minimum. You may need the help of one or two accomplices, but do not expand this circle. The more people know about gossip, the more likely it is that someone will admit to the truth. Use only those who know how to keep secrets. It can be difficult to credit successful gossip.
  3. 3 Don't let gossip lead back to you. It is best to first tell the rumor to a trusted friend. Ask him not to tell who the gossip came from, as they themselves allegedly promised to keep a secret. If somehow the gossip comes back to you, all you have to do is deny everything until proven.


  • First, try triggering a small, harmless ear. This will help you determine how to spread the gossip later.
  • Rumors don't have to be negative. You can always try to present yourself in the best possible light.


  • Be aware that you may face the consequences of spreading false information at work, school, or public defamation.
  • Never use gossip to bully anyone. It is completely wrong and ugly to come up with stories to offend a person.

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