How to hide in plain sight

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Do Things Hide In Plain Sight?
Video: How Do Things Hide In Plain Sight?


This article will teach you how to hide in plain sight. In other words, to be noticed and instantly forgotten. Mingle with the crowd. Whether it's at school, at work, or walking through a bad neighborhood, there are people you wouldn't want to meet.


  1. 1 Wear clothes that are familiar in your area. Don't wear a blue suit if everyone is wearing T-shirts and jeans.
  2. 2 Walk calmly, but do not wander aimlessly through the streets. Running is only useful in an emergency; otherwise, it looks suspicious. Walk with a confident and calm gait.
  3. 3 Observe your surroundings. Keep your head straight, look ahead, and watch those around you. If you want to look at a person, look in the face without eye contact. If you happen to meet your eyes, focus on something behind him, and then move your gaze to the other side, giving the impression that you were looking past the person. This can take practice.
  4. 4 Use the environment to your advantage. If you are close to a crowd, move towards it and stay there. You will seem less obvious in the crowd. Try to avoid extended open areas, alone you may seem strange. Cutting paths and knowing the area well is very helpful.
  5. 5 Don't be embarrassed, as this will raise suspicion or draw attention. Act as if you should be there.
  6. 6People look for anomalies (strange behavior)


  • Try to wear casual, simple, normal civilian clothes. It will help you blend in with the crowd / crowd / people around you.
  • Try to look like you know exactly where you are going. If people see your mindless pacing or meet your gaze, notice your head or the way you look around, you will not create the desired impression.
  • If you have a cell phone with you, grab it and simulate a phone call (or call someone you know). This will reduce the likelihood that people will suspect something.
  • If you do come across people you were trying to avoid because of an uncomfortable situation, or just in a rush for some reason, you will have to hurry up. This is not desirable - a fast moving person is more noticeable than a slow one. If you have to run, lower your head and try not to bump into people. Slow down in crowded places and accelerate in empty areas.
  • In some situations, when you are looking for a specific door or similar object, you naturally fall back on the “searching” look. This raises questions from people who, in an effort to be helpful, may ask uncomfortable questions. If you run into someone you don't know in an almost deserted place, chances are you will be asked if you a) Lost someone b) Know where you should be. To avoid these questions, slow down, thoughtfully look back for a moment, and then act as if you remembered / understood something and return to normal speed.
  • Look straight ahead and walk with a confident, calm gait. Try to look busy. If you are in a tourist area, pretend to be sightseeing. This is all in order to merge with others.
  • When you walk with a specific goal, don't bump into people and don't look upset; this will raise suspicion.