How to spend the night alone in your home

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A fun Friday night alone πŸ•
Video: A fun Friday night alone πŸ•


If your parents move out frequently and the house remains in your possession, you may be scared or bored. Maybe you don't know, but there are many ways to entertain yourself until they return.


  1. 1 Play with your pet. If you have a pet like a dog, go for a walk or play with it. You will also have a small company.
  2. 2 Close all windows and doors in the house. This will calm you down, as you will know that burglars will not enter the house. Ask your parents to set up burglar alarms to be on the safe side.
  3. 3 Chat with a friend. This will let you know that you are not alone.
  4. 4 Listen to your favorite music at a moderate volume. If you like to sing and dance, you are home alone, go crazy! Plus, loud music will help block out any scary sounds.
  5. 5 Watch TV or play video games, eat popcorn or pizza, or just sit back and relax. You finally made it to the TV!
  6. 6 Play music to calm yourself down. If you find it difficult to sleep, turn on quiet music.
  7. 7 Read a good book. It will help you forget about the world around you. If that doesn't work, you are most likely reading the wrong book. It's time to indulge in your favorite books.
  8. 8 Exercise. Do push-ups, jump rope, do whatever you can in the house. It will also help you fall asleep faster. But do not do this right before bed, as it will cheer you up and you will not be able to fall asleep.
  9. 9 Try to do what you have wanted for a long time, but did not succeed. For example, finish your talk or book, clean the room, or prepare a new recipe you find. Note: Only use the oven with parental permission.
  10. 10 Go to bed at an unspecified time. If you want, go to bed a little later than usual. But you won't have fun watching TV mindlessly until three in the morning. Not to mention that you will be moody in the morning if you do so.
  11. 11 β€˜β€™ ’You could also make a box of ideas’ ’. Just take a small box, rip up pieces of paper, write ideas on them, wrap them up, and drop them into the box. You can set rules, for example, you can write two ideas and choose the one you like best.
  12. 12 Pamper yourself and have a spa night. Shower with cleansers and scrubs. Moisturize skin and apply to hair. Dry them or let them dry naturally. Curl, straighten or style your hair.Get yourself a manicure and / or pedicure. Give yourself a foot massage. Take a soothing bath using bath bombs and / or bath salts. It will help you relax and fall asleep faster and look fantastic in the morning.
  13. 13 Check out fun sites like:
  14. 14 Entertain yourself. Watch TV or a movie, write an article on wikiHow, draw, play an instrument, or do something else fun.
  15. 15 If you can, invite a friend. Try to meet them as early as possible and see them off as late in the day as possible.
  16. 16 Look for new songs to listen to, or new movies to watch.
  17. 17 Have some snacks on hand. Pretzels, popcorn, chips and cookies are not healthy but delicious.
  18. 18 If you get scared at night, just hug a stuffed toy, or if you hear strange sounds, ignore them, pretend nothing happened.


  • Leaving the TV on for the background can help you feel more at ease and not lonely.
  • Every house has its own noises, and sometimes there are a lot of them! They are usually connected to water pipes or central heating pipes. Always keep an eye on them and know where they are coming from. Then you won't be surprised by fuzzy sounds. Remember that these noises also occur when the house is full of people.
  • Turn on some lights throughout the house. And leave the lamp when you go to bed. This way you will be much less scared. If you have a console or a good gaming computer, you can play some online games with your friends or other people on a public server.
  • Ask your parents before leaving if you can invite a friend to stay overnight. You won't be bored, lonely, or scared if someone is around.
  • Watch a funny / hilarious movie. I always watch funny anime.
  • You will most likely really feel lonely when it gets quiet and dark.
  • Don't think about scary things.
  • Sing it out loud. This will help you relax and not feel too lonely.
  • If you want to watch a movie, I do not advise you to watch something scary, because you can really have nightmares at night.
  • Think about happy times with friends or family.
  • If you're bored, surprise your parents with the cleaning.
  • A shower or bath will help you relax.
  • Remember, you are never alone! Someone is ALWAYS awake.


  • If you notice something bad, call your parents. If it's really serious, call the emergency services (in the US it's 911, in the UK it's 999, in Australia it's 000, in Russia it's 101).
  • Never try to experiment with food at home unless you really know how.
  • Never throw a party without parental permission. If you get caught, you will be punished and no longer trusted to stay at home alone. If you don't get caught, you will still feel guilty.
  • You still have to follow the house rules. If you don't, you can get into trouble.