How to hold a conference

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Tips for Running More Effective Meetings | The Distilled Man
Video: 8 Tips for Running More Effective Meetings | The Distilled Man


Conference skills are important for educators, business leaders and other professionals. At an effective conference, participants are able to gain new knowledge and skills, as well as be charged with enthusiasm. Carrying out such an event involves several stages, for example planning and, ultimately, assessment and analysis. We offer you some basic strategies for working at the conference.


  1. 1 Define the purpose of the conference. Are you intending to teach a skill, convey information or raise awareness to participants? Set tasks. This analysis may result in a list of specific skills that you intend to teach, specific topics to consider, or simply a sense of complete control over the conference.
  2. 2 Plan carefully.
    • Review the conference in all its details. If you need to convey information, consider what specifically you will be discussing. And when it comes to learning new skills, identify the activities that you intend to include in the conference.
    • Organize and coordinate. You may want to invite other experts for short presentations - contact them in advance. If you need additional funds and materials, collect them on time. Notify participants if they need specific preparation for the conference.
  3. 3 Arrive early enough.
    • Install all equipment before participants arrive. If you are using video materials or other media, check the functionality of your technique.
    • Arrange the chairs prior to the event. Depending on the specifics of the conference, you can place them in a circle, in a row or at the tables.
    • Distribute materials. If your conference requires special items, arrange them on tables or chairs to save some time for the event itself.
    • Greet participants upon arrival. Arriving at the site in advance, you can calmly finish all the preparations, relax and get to know the participants better. This will help you build relationships even before the conference starts.
  4. 4 Greet everyone again and start the introductory part. Introduce yourself, explain the objectives of the conference, and ask participants to introduce themselves in return. Limit each to a few questions.For example, participants can provide their name and the purpose of their arrival at the conference.
  5. 5 Create opportunities for interaction. Provide information in short blocks and allow questions to be asked. To solve the problems, divide the participants into groups: have the person in charge provide a report on behalf of the entire team.
  6. 6 Take breaks. Small pauses will help organize the information received on the shelves. Schedule and notify participants of the length of each break. This will allow them to plan phone calls and other personal matters.
  7. 7 At the end of the conference, ask the participants to fill out the questionnaire. Include questions to help you measure the effectiveness of the event. Ask how the conference can be improved in the future.
  8. 8 Keep in touch with participants. Ask about the results of their work some time after the conference. Sometimes people need time to reflect on their experiences at an event. By keeping in touch after a few days or weeks, you can make important discoveries about the work done.