How to check tenant details

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tenant screening background check for landlords (8 steps you cannot skip!)
Video: Tenant screening background check for landlords (8 steps you cannot skip!)


Verifying tenant data is very important to the home owner. This check will help identify potential problems before a rental agreement is signed. If it turns out that a tenant has had a problem in the past, the landlord can decide whether to sign a lease with that tenant. Next, you will learn how to check tenant details.


  1. 1 Conduct a telephone interview.
    • It is very likely that a potential tenant will contact you via email or phone in response to a rental announcement.
    • Ask the potential renter for his or her name, date of birth, contact information, the date he or she wants to start renting and if he or she has references from the previous place of residence. Be aware that preference should be given to tenants with such recommendations, as you can find out about them much more easily than about first-time tenants.
    • Ask why a potential tenant wants to move.
    • Ask him about the number of people who plan to move into the rental housing.
    • If possible, ask the potential renter if they have pets, what kind of animals they are and what size they are.
    • Ask if any of the renters are smokers.
    • Inform the potential tenant about the monthly rent, the security deposit, and any other possible fees. This will help exclude those who cannot or will not pay these fees.
  2. 2 Evaluate the responses of the potential tenant.
    • Make sure they are in line with community rules and regulations.
    • Please rate whether you are happy with the answers provided.
  3. 3 Invite a potential tenant for a personal interview.
    • If a potential tenant has gone through your telephone interview, invite him or her to your interview.
    • Take note of the potential tenant's appearance. An unkempt person is likely to have an unkempt home.
    • If possible, look at the potential renter's car. Make sure the car is clean and well maintained, as this may indicate how the person will treat their home.
    • Pay attention to the behavior of the potential tenant. Make sure he or she is polite, as this could indicate his or her potential future behavior.
  4. 4 Let the potential tenant complete the application.
    • If you are interested in seeing this person as your tenant, ask him / her to complete an application.
  5. 5 Contact the people who have provided recommendations for a potential tenant.
    • Ask them how long they knew or were familiar with the potential tenant.
    • Ask for their opinion on the reliability and nature of the potential tenant.
  6. 6 Contact the previous landlords that the potential tenant listed on their application.
    • Ask them if there have been any complaints about this tenant.
    • Ask about the condition of the property left after the tenant left.
    • Find out if all payments were made on time.
  7. 7 Contact the current or previous employer that the potential tenant indicated on the application.
    • Talk to your HR department and / or your manager.
    • Find out about the potential tenant's reputation when he / she worked here.
    • Find out the reason for leaving this job.
  8. 8 Make sure the information received is authentic.
    • Find out about the past of a potential tenant on the Internet.
    • Make sure everything the potential tenant tells you is true.


  • If a potential tenant shows no respect, then it is best not to have any business with such a tenant.For example, if he / she lights a cigarette inside the house without your permission, then this indicates his / her level of disrespect for you.
  • There is a service in the United States called Rate the previous tenant and you will receive a free search coupon. This ticket can be used to screen out a new tenant, after which you can search for him / her to evict.
  • If there is some discrepancy between your verification and the information provided by the potential tenant, it is best not to deal with that tenant. He / she may be dishonest.
  • Check with a lawyer knowledgeable about tenancy laws for the appropriate forms to be obtained during the tenant checkout.