How to check if Windows XP is activated

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Activating Windows XP in 2021
Video: Activating Windows XP in 2021


Windows XP activation is essential if you want to take full advantage of its features, and after 30 days, you simply have no choice. If you do not know if your copy of the operating system is activated, there are several ways to check this. If you have not yet activated Windows XP, it will only take you a few minutes.


Part 1 of 2: Checking the activation status

  1. 1 Find the keychain in the notification area. This icon will be in the notification area if your copy of Windows XP has not been activated. If you click on it, then launch the activation wizard. If this icon is not here, it usually means that Windows XP is activated, but still go to the next step to verify this for sure.
  2. 2 Open the Run dialog box. This can be done both from the Start menu and using the keyboard shortcut ⊞ Win+R.
  3. 3 Enter in the field.oobe / msoobe / aand press↵ Enter. This will launch the Windows Activation Wizard.
  4. 4 Examine the window. If Windows has been successfully activated, you will see the message "Windows has already been activated". If the operating system has not yet been activated, you can start the activation process.
  5. 5 Check how much time you have left for activation. You can check the activation status in the "System Information" window. If your operating system is not yet activated, in this window you will see how many days after you will be forced to activate Windows.
    • Click on the Start menu and select All Programs → Accessories → System Tools → System Information.
    • Click on "System Information" in the left pane. It should be open by default.
    • Find the "Activation Status" entry. The list will not be sorted alphabetically. If your copy of Windows has been activated, the entry will say "activated" or there will be no entry at all. If your operating system is not yet activated, the Activation Status entry will display the number of days you have left before activation.

Part 2 of 2: Activating Windows

  1. 1 Run the Windows Activation Wizard. The easiest way is to press ⊞ Win+R and introduce oobe / msoobe / a.
  2. 2 Enter your product key. If your operating system is not yet activated, then you will be asked to enter an activation key consisting of 25 characters. You can find this key on your Windows XP disc or on a sticker on your computer.
  3. 3 Internet activation. If you have an active internet connection, then online activation will be the fastest way.You can also activate the OS through a Dial-Up connection.
    • If you have used this product key in the past to activate another computer, then you may need to contact Microsoft by phone to activate Windows XP.
  4. 4 Activate Windows by phone if you don't have internet. If you don't have an internet connection, you can activate your copy of Windows XP by calling the Microsoft Activation Center. Provide your support representative with your installation ID, which is displayed in the activation wizard, and then enter the code provided by the representative. When you enter the code, Windows XP will be activated.