How to ride a roller coaster

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 5 Tips To Not be Scared of Roller Coasters and Ride Any Ride!
Video: Top 5 Tips To Not be Scared of Roller Coasters and Ride Any Ride!


Nothing is more breathtaking than a roller coaster ride. If you are still unlucky enough to ride, then you will naturally be nervous before your first ride. However, knowing what to expect from your first roller coaster ride will make you feel less constrained and eventually overcome your fear. So if you want to ride the slides for the first time, here are some tips on how to choose the right slide, how to stay safe and get the most out of your experience.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing a Roller Coaster

  1. 1 Explore the different types of roller coasters - there are a lot of them, because your choice depends on how exciting the ride will be. Some people love old-school wooden slides for the feeling of going back several decades, while others, on the contrary, prefer new, super-fast slides with "dead loops" to fully experience themselves. It all depends on you, but it would be good to know what to expect from the different types of roller coasters.
    • Wooden roller coaster - the oldest type of slides, considered a classic. A ride on such slides is the best solution for the first time. They are triggered by a traditional chain hoist mechanism, when the train is lifted by a cable to the highest point of the track and then the train rushes forward using gravity and inertia, passing all the turns at high speed. As a rule, such slides do not have areas where the train goes upside down. A typical example of a classic wooden roller coaster is the American Eagle, located at Six Flags America.
    • Metal roller coaster have complex tracks made with metal structures. Trains move not only due to inertia, therefore, a ride on metal slides is more maneuverable and exciting, thanks to all kinds of "loops" and "corkscrews" that the train goes through on its way. Most modern roller coasters are of this type.
  2. 2 Check what seats the slide is equipped with. Not all slides are designed the same, so some may be slightly more comfortable for the first ride. Knowing the different varieties will help you make the right choice. For a beginner, slides with classic soft seats are the best choice - they are comfortable, safe and, as a rule, the tracks are extremely simple for them.
    • Floorless roller coaster trains, for example, allow the legs to hang freely in the air - this gives the feeling of free fall as the train rushes down. In most roller coasters, however, the rider's position is completely locked, eliminating the slightest movement.
    • The slides, equipped with spring suspensions, give a sensation similar to a boat ride. As a rule, they have small trains, so each rider has his own transport. Throughout the entire track, the car can freely deflect back and forth with the help of the soft suspension, especially when cornering.
  3. 3 Start with small slides. If you are inexperienced in roller coaster riding, then a miniature version of the roller coaster will be enough for you to get used to it. In all amusement parks, as a rule, there are several types of slides, differing in speed, track length and its complexity. Small slides, as a rule, do not have "loops" and "coups", but you will still be breathtaking on the turns, which the composition will pass at high speed. Most often they also have a short track, so you may not have time to get scared at all.
    • On the other hand, depending on your temperament, it may even be better if you choose a large hill with a difficult track. Having a ride on the most terrible of the slides, you simply have nothing to be afraid of.
  4. 4 Make sure you meet the rider's height and weight requirements. As a rule, all amusement parks have a special line with the minimum allowed rider height.This is not done to punish children who want to ride big slides, but for the safety of all riders. The seats and harnesses are large enough to accommodate everyone, so children and especially short people can slip out under the harness.
  5. 5 If you are not fit for height, do not stand in line anyway. Usually, before you get into the car, the park workers measure your height with a ruler and do not admit those who do not meet the requirements. It will be a shame to wait a few hours to be rejected at the last moment.
    • Most amusement parks warn about the dangers of roller coaster rides for pregnant women, people with heart problems and other health problems. These caveats are usually posted at the front of the line next to growth requirements. Do not ride the slides if you have doubts about your health.
  6. 6 Choose a slide with a small queue. To get to the most popular slides, you have to spend several hours in line, so this must be taken into account if you want to ride. Sometimes it is worth waiting a few hours in line for an unforgettable experience of a big slide, on the other hand, you can ride others without standing in line too much.
    • Think in advance about what you will do while standing in line, call your friends to have more fun while waiting. Waiting alone is incredibly boring, and reading a book or talking with friends is the best solution in this case. Be polite and respectful of everyone in line with you.
    • Some parks sell tickets that allow you to skip-the-line at any time you want. Such tickets are generally more expensive than standard tickets, but they allow you to more efficiently manage your time in the amusement park.
  7. 7 Choose your seat. Usually, at the end of the queue, it splits into several streams, since people want to be closer to the selected places in the composition in advance. If you managed to choose a seat for yourself while still standing in line, then stand in the right lane. Any of the locations will be an excellent choice for your first trip.
    • Some opt for the front seats because of their good looks, while others prefer to sit at the end of the train, as the forces of gravity will work as strong as possible and the ride will be especially exciting, although the view will not be very good.
    • If you do not have any wishes and preferences, take a seat in the shortest queue. Less waiting, less stress, more fun!

Part 2 of 3: How to feel comfortable and safe

  1. 1 Ride on an empty stomach. It seems that this is obvious, but many riders forget about it, and besides, there are always many places in the amusement park where you can eat. Rides on some slides give an almost complete feeling of weightlessness at some moments, and this can cause discomfort in the stomach and even nausea. For most people, this is an integral part of the trip, however, if you go for a drive with a full stomach, whatever you eat may end up behind your car. Don't eat before the roller coaster, but rather indulge yourself with something after the roller coaster to reward yourself for your courage.
    • It would also be nice to go to the toilet before getting in line, because it will be ridiculous if you realize the need to leave when there are only a few minutes left in the queue.
  2. 2 Take your seat on the train and sit down. Most slides have adjustable metal "seat belts" that you can lower to your liking. If you cannot figure out how to do this, then do not worry, because the park employees check every passenger before the train leaves. Listen carefully to all instructions given by the amusement park staff. The situation when you go on a trip with an unfastened seat belt is out of the question, so just sit back and relax.
    • Since every seat and security lock is different, you may not be able to tell where yours are. In this case, just wait for a park worker to come up to you and ask for his help. If you suspect that something is wrong with your security lock, immediately call a park employee.
    • Make sure to sit comfortably. Roller coaster tracks have sharp changes in height and "bumps", so throughout the ride you will periodically bounce up. If it is comfortable for you to sit, then these bumps will simply take your breath away, otherwise they can cause you some inconvenience - the trip will be tough. If you feel that the seat is not quite comfortable, talk to the park staff or simply change the position of your body before lowering the protective structure and closing the lock.
  3. 3 Before starting your ride, remove any items that might fly off you while you ride the roller coaster. As a rule, in front of any attraction in the park there is a luggage room where you can put your bag and things during the arrival. The most frequent "victims" of roller coasters are glasses, hats, necklaces and other accessories and jewelry. And then it is almost impossible to find and return the things that flew from you during the check-in.
    • Always put your glasses in your bag or pocket. It would be nice to think about this in advance, and not when you are already sitting in a chair and are about to rush along the track of the American race.
    • If you are wearing a baseball cap, then sometimes it is quite easy to put it on with a visor back, if it holds well on your head, although it is better if you take it off and hold it in your hands, either put it in your bag or leave it with someone who was left waiting you downstairs.
  4. 4 Relax. While you wait for the start of the race, your nerves may start to play a little naughty. If you have never ridden a slide before, then it is absolutely normal for you to be suspicious of any knocking or squeaking, and it seems to you that something might go wrong. Try to relax and enjoy your ride with your adrenaline rush. Roller coasters are durable and safe structures.
    • Hold on tight and don't let go if you don't feel comfortable. Most roller coasters are equipped with handles that give you a sense of greater control over the situation. Grab them and go for fun!

Do not fidget or wrestle with the safety panel after the start of the race. Yes, it is true that 300 people are injured and injured every year on roller coasters, but somewhere around 300 million, on the other hand, ride the roller coaster during the same year absolutely without any incident. rules regarding the minimum allowable height. If you follow the rules and sit still, everything will be fine.

Part 3 of 3: How to Enjoy Your Trip

  1. 1 Always take your friends with you. Riding a roller coaster is a great experience together, while riding alone in an empty car is boring. Probably the funniest part of the ride is the laughter, shouting and funny comments of all the riders. If you decide to visit the amusement park with close friends, why not take a roller coaster ride, because it's incredibly fun?
    • If you are with friends, then you probably won't have enough time to worry about the upcoming arrival while you are standing in line. The wait will be easier and the trip will be less stressful - just focus on getting positive emotions.
    • Don't go up a hill that you are not ready for a ride with your ambitious friends. If they want to ride a super-scary huge roller coaster with an incredibly difficult track, and you do not, then just go to the other roller coaster that you like, and agree to meet with your friends after.
  2. 2 Climb the first height. Most roller coasters have one thing in common - a long and slow climb to the first highest elevation and the first big drop down. All classic slides have an opening slope, and once it's done the rest of the way is fast and fun. If you're nervous, just get it out of your head and have fun.
    • The long and slow climb before the first descent is the scariest part of the trip, because essentially nothing happens and the climb is excruciatingly slow. Try to enjoy the growing tension that it generates - very soon it will disappear.
    • Some riders get so scared that they close their eyes, but when you do not see what is happening around, the ride can lose all its fun. Try not to close your eyes throughout the trip - it will be much more fun.
  3. 3 Shout. When the very first descent begins, many people will scream with delight - join them! There are few times in life when you have a chance to be part of the general enthusiastic howl, one of them is riding a roller coaster. The level of adrenaline in the blood will jump and it's time to let out a scream along with the rest of the passengers of the train.
    • It is also true that when you scream with a group of people, you release the hormone oxytocin, which softens and calms the body under certain conditions. In other words, screaming can help you relax and even feel euphoric.
  4. 4 Look for roller coasters where the train can go in the opposite direction. If you made it past your first ride, congratulations! Now the fun begins. More often than not, people who have just rolled on a hill for the first time want to immediately go back to the queue. The thrill of a good roller coaster cannot be compared to anything else in the world. But what could be better? Ride the same slide, but backwards! If you managed to like the slide during the first ride, then you can rediscover it for yourself by simply rolling in the opposite direction.
    • Many slides travel in one main direction throughout the day, and only go in the opposite direction during certain hours. Check out the train timetables at the beginning of the line, or stay close to the track to see cars starting in the other direction.
    • Some slides run both forward and backward, thanks to two tracks along which trains move simultaneously. The "Racer" at King's Island amusement park is a typical example of the classic roller coaster, on which trains can move backwards.
  5. 5 Try a roller coaster ride. They start abruptly right from the landing site thanks to the hydraulic launching device and sometimes pick up speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour or even 130 km / h. You will have very little time to gather your courage, but you will quickly overcome fear. On such slides, trains will definitely ride upside down and make all kinds of loops and corkscrews. The most famous example of this kind of roller coaster is the Space Mountain ride at Disney World.
  6. 6 Take a ride on the upside-down train A new challenge? For many people, the upside down roller coaster ride is a great moment. At first it seems a lot more scary than it really is, in fact it is much more fun. Literally for a second you will feel weightlessness, then everything will stop. These slides are usually long and difficult, with a lot of crazy maneuvers. If you have already ridden the classic roller coaster, then it's time to increase the rates.
    • Many people are not so much afraid of steep descents or bouts of nausea on roller coasters, as they are afraid of winding sections of the track on which the train travels upside down. In fact, “dead loops” are one of the least dangerous sections of the track.
  7. 7 Try to ride all the roller coasters in the park. Amusement Park Olympic Games? Have time to ride all the slides in one day! This can be done if you correctly allocate your time and are willing to stand in rather long lines. It would be a good idea to plan your day ahead of time for this mission. After that, you will rightfully feel like a real crazy roller coaster rider.
    • To implement your plan, try to have time to ride the slides, in front of which the longest queues are traditionally lined up, in the morning, while there are still not so many people there. On the foam of the popular roller coaster, you will have time to ride later in the day.
  8. 8 Look for the harshest slides. If you decide to become a real daredevil racer, then it's time to find and test your courage on the biggest and most terrifying roller coaster in the world. Here is a rough list of the most exciting roller coasters on the planet:
    • Formula Ross in Abu Dhabi
    • Takabisha at Fuji-Q Highland Park
    • Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point Amusement Park
    • El Toro at Six Flags Great Adventure
    • The Colossus in Hyde Park.


  • Don't eat anything unless you know how your body will react to it on the roller coaster ride.
  • Some slides have a place where you can get out of the car if you change your mind about going.
  • Do not close your eyes during the trip if the track has many bends and turns, so that you know which way the train will go next.


  • Do not drink or eat anything before the trip if you feel motion sickness, otherwise you may vomit.
  • If you have health problems such as your heart, back or neck, you shouldn't go roller coaster.
  • Do not attempt to film on the roller coaster ride. This is against the rules of most parks, and you risk being kicked out of the park, it is even possible that your camera will be taken from you.
  • NEVER try to loosen your roll cage. Believe me, it was installed for a reason.