How to get tested for STDs and hide it from parents

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Taking the test is important because knowing you have an illness will enable you to begin treatment and prevent others from infecting you.


  1. 1 Visit your nearest family planning center. There, teenagers are given the opportunity to undergo free testing. Parents are not informed about the teenagers' visit to the center. You can research the legal framework in your region to find out at what age a teenager can be tested without parents (usually from 15-16 years old). If there is no family planning center nearby, visit the clinic, but, just in case, ask about the privacy policy. Often, the test can be taken immediately, but sometimes, if the institution is busy, you may be assigned a separate time.
  2. 2 Tell a friend or trusted adult about your plans and ask to accompany and support you. It's always easier if you have a friend nearby.
  3. 3 Be prepared to answer questions about your sexual history: how many partners did you have, etc. Realize that these questions are not asked to judge you, but to help.
  4. 4 Leave your friend's phone number instead of mine home or cell phone so you can be contacted confidentially when results are available.
  5. 5 Listen carefully to the advice of the center staff regarding safe sex and ask any questions you have. All information is strictly confidential.
  6. 6 If the results show that you do have an STD, the center can offer advice and / or help with talking to your parents if you wish.


  • Before you take it a step further and have sex with a new partner, it is recommended that you visit your doctor together and have a full screening for STDs. If you are not ready to discuss this issue with your partner, you should not have sex.
  • Family planning centers specialize in helping teenagers. If you are shy, know that this place helps many teenagers, and no one will judge you.


  • Withholding this issue from parents in the future can further complicate the situation. If something is bothering you, your parents can help you determine what is wrong and what to do about it.