How to Make a Good Impression in a High School Private School Interview

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make a Good Impression at a Private High School Interview
Video: Make a Good Impression at a Private High School Interview


Every year, many people aged 14-15 apply to private high school. Most of these schools have a very high level of competition. Admission requires a lot: grades, test scores, extracurricular activities and interviews. Here are a few key points to guide you through this crucial part of the introductory process.


Method 1 of 4: Part One: Impressive Appearance

  1. 1 Sleep well and eat. You need to look healthy, alert, and engaged, so get a good night's sleep the night before your interview.
  2. 2 Wear nice clothes. Wear business attire. This is usually a shirt and pants, or a pretty skirt (depending on your gender presentation). Clothes must be ironed.
  3. 3 Avoid stains and odors. Make sure your clothes are free of stains, clean and odorless. Also, it is best not to use strong perfume and cologne.
  4. 4 You look formal, but not too mature. You should look nice and have a good-looking appearance, but not try to look too grown-up. Girls should wear very light makeup, and boys should shave cleanly.
  5. 5 Look confident. Stand up and sit upright. Try not to get nervous. Show by your appearance that you are comfortable and pleasant to be there. This will make it clear to those present that you are good at dealing with stress.
  6. 6 Stop shaking and nervous. Don't add agility to your anxiety. Go to the bathroom before your interview and don't drink coffee in the morning.

Method 2 of 4: Part Two: Prepare a Great Resume

  1. 1 Get good grades. Before your interview, you should really focus on getting good grades and work hard on your schoolwork. Hopefully, if your grades are mediocre, your other skills and abilities will work in your favor. If you have poor grades, be prepared to give a reason.
  2. 2 Volunteering. On an application or resume, volunteering in your community will look great. There are many local organizations you can work for, and you can also volunteer online by patrolling edits on wikiHow or Wikipedia.
  3. 3 Have interesting hobbies and interests. Your hobbies and interests in the eyes of the school will show you as a versatile, harmonious personality. Don't come up with interests you don't have just to impress them. Any hobby can look attractive to your school if presented correctly.
    • For example, if you enjoy video games, share how research has shown that video games improve the ability to solve complex problems, as well as improve dexterity and motor control.
  4. 4 Lead an active lifestyle. Don't be the kind of person who spends all of his time on the couch. This will be seen when asked about your activities.Find some way to get out of the house and interact with the world, even if it's not a sport or some traditional physical activity.
  5. 5 Get recommendations. A letter of recommendation is a very important point. You can get it from current or former teachers. Just do not look for a teacher from the distant past and try to get recommendations from a specialist of the highest possible category and status.
  6. 6 Make everything presentable. Your resume, application form and all your papers must be clean and unwrinkled. They should look as pleasant and professional as possible in terms of design.

Method 3 of 4: Part Three: How to Behave

  1. 1 Don't behave normally. Don't act like you and the people interviewing are old friends. Become professional, serious, and respectful.
  2. 2 Be friendly to others. Don't act rude or like you don't want to be there. Act like a friendly person who enjoys interacting with others.
  3. 3 Be humble. It is bad form to talk about your family's money or brag about something else. If someone compliments you on something, try to look grateful and mention people who helped you achieve your goals.
  4. 4 Maintain eye contact. Make eye contact when talking to them. It shows confidence and respect.
  5. 5 Be polite. Thank them for meeting you, pay attention to what they are saying, show interest in their words, do not interrupt or try to speak at the same time. Thank them again after the interview is over.
  6. 6 Communicate intelligently. Avoid spoken language, slang, grammatical errors, etc. Instead, express yourself as best you can, try to talk about important things, and show that you are thinking about the topic of conversation.

Method 4 of 4: Part Four: What to Say?

  1. 1 Introduce yourself. When entering a room or meeting interviewees, be sure to introduce yourself. Shake your hand firmly (but not painfully) to show that you are interested in this meeting.
  2. 2 Ask questions. Come to the interview prepared. Find out more about the school and ask questions that show you were preparing. Ask questions in principle, because it shows that you are serious about what is happening.
  3. 3 Think about big goals for the future that you can share. Most likely, you will be asked about your goals for the future, so prepare your answer in advance. Decide on a few goals and prepare a couple of ways you can achieve them. The plan for achieving the goals is as important as the goals themselves.
  4. 4 Check out other common questions. Read about what other interview questions are often asked, as well as the best ways to answer them. Common questions are often the following:
    • What's your favorite subject? Why?
    • Do you want to go to this school?
    • How do you think you can contribute to the development of our team?
  5. 5 Talk to them. This is a job interview, so talk to them! Do not limit yourself to just one or two words in response. You don't have to dictate a whole book to them, yet there should be a conversation between you.
  6. 6 Write a letter of thanks. After the interview is over, write them a thank you letter and send it the next day.


  • Do not be nervous.
  • Show your good attitude towards them.
  • Always look completely alert and alert.
  • If your parents are attending the interview (a relatively common practice), remain calm, look at them when they speak, and try not to be annoyed by their words. You will create a very bad impression of yourself if it is seen that you are not getting along with your parents.
  • Be polite and wait until you are asked to sit down before you sit down. It is impolite to sit down even before you are interviewed.
  • Ask questions. You will look like you are really interested in school. Plus, it will give you the opportunity to listen instead of speaking.
  • Be extremely polite and remember to smile. They don't want an ill-bred rebel in their school.
  • If you find any questions difficult for you, prepare the answers in advance.
  • When sitting, do not spread your legs, keep them together. Girls can also cross their legs at the ankles.


  • Do not do it the following things, under no circumstances:
    • Wipe your nose
    • Brush your nails
    • Slouch
    • Reach out to people you know in class
    • Addressing the person who is interviewing you differently than the way he presented himself
    • Stare into nowhere with an absent gaze during an interview
    • Interrupt unnecessarily
    • Fall asleep