How to run 1.5 km in 5 minutes

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Run a Faster 1500M
Video: Run a Faster 1500M


It's not easy to run 1.5 kilometers in 5 minutes. You need to exercise a lot and follow the right diet. However, it is quite possible. Train your body to endure long-distance running, strengthen your muscles and your cardiovascular system, and you can run a mile and a half in just five minutes.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing the Body

  1. 1 Make a workout schedule. You will never be able to run a mile and a half in five minutes if you do not develop a suitable training plan and schedule. It is best to train almost every day and include a variety of exercises in your workouts.
    • Start your week by jogging a long distance (run for at least 40 minutes, or about 5 kilometers) and gradually increase the load.
    • Rest the next day or do some other exercise such as yoga or weight lifting.
    • Set aside a few days for interval training or running in hilly terrain. Rest or do another sport the next day.
  2. 2 Eat right. To get your body in good shape and be able to run 1.5 km in 5 minutes, you should follow a healthy diet that will provide your body with the necessary energy and help it recover from workouts.
    • Get the proteins you need with eggs, sweet potatoes, salmon, and chicken. For example, salmon contains omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids that strengthen the heart and increase endurance.
    • Green, leafy vegetables such as kale contain vitamins A, B6, C, and K that are good for your health.
    • Eat whole grain pasta in moderation. This will provide your body with the carbohydrates it needs to build up muscle glycogen stores.
  3. 3 Work to improve your overall fitness. If you want to run a mile and a half in five minutes, you need to do more than just jogging and strengthen your muscles. This will not only allow you to run faster, but it will also help prevent injury and improve your fitness.
    • The plank exercise is a great way to strengthen your core, lower back, and shoulder muscles, which are areas that are important when running fast. Hold the plank for 45 seconds and do 3-5 reps.
    • The kettlebell squat will help you develop the muscles in your glutes and legs, as well as strengthen your core muscles. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 squats each.
    • Some yoga exercises can help you improve flexibility, as well as recuperate faster and simply relax.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise your body

  1. 1 Start running long distances. To run one and a half kilometers in five minutes, you should accustom your body to sufficiently long physical activity. To this end, start running long distances.
    • Try to run 8-10 kilometers at a time so that an average of one and a half kilometers will take you about 8 minutes.
    • Run a few days a week to train your body for long distances, and record the time you spend doing it.
    • As you train, try to improve your performance so that you can run a mile and a half for an average of 7 minutes.
  2. 2 Run short distances. Run short sprint intervals at least twice a week to train your body to run fast. Running long distances develops your heart and lungs, but does not necessarily increase your running speed.
    • 400 meters. Run 6 distances of 400 meters each, resting one minute after each run. Start at a relatively low speed and increase it with each run.
    • 600 meters. Run 6-8 distances of 600 meters. Rest between runs for 1-2 minutes.
    • Alternate between these sprint distances and run them on days when you don't have long distance races.
  3. 3 Run in hilly terrain. This is a great way to strengthen muscles and increase endurance. Choose lifts that will take you a few minutes to complete - this way you will properly strengthen your muscles.
    • Begin your climb by jogging, especially at the beginning of your workouts.
    • After about ¾ of the distance, accelerate and run the remaining quarter at a sprint pace. Repeat this run at least three times. Descend in moderate strides and use this time to recuperate.
    • Don't overdo it or do too many uphill runs in a week. Replace one or two sprint workouts with these races.
  4. 4 Track your progress. This will not only help you monitor your progress, but it will also increase your motivation to continue training. In addition, this way you can identify your weaknesses in which progress is not being made as quickly as you would like.
    • Buy a running watch or use the corresponding mobile phone app to track time and distance.
    • After each run, record the distance covered and the time taken. This way you can monitor your progress in training.

Part 3 of 3: Running

  1. 1 Stretch your muscles properly. While there is no magic formula for running a mile and a half in five minutes, you should first stretch and stretch your muscles to prevent cramps or injury during the run.
    • Stretch your back muscles, quads, adductors, hip flexors, calf muscles, and glutes.
    • Don't forget to stretch your muscles after your run.
    • If you have an expander, hook it around your foot, lie on the ground, and pull your hamstrings as you stretch your socks.
    • You can also stretch throughout the day. Every hour, get up to stretch, breathe deeply, and stretch your legs and shoulders for 1 minute on each side.
  2. 2 Prepare mentally. Covering a mile and a half in five minutes is not an easy task, but you have trained a lot and are now ready to cope with it. It's time to tune in your breathing, relax and imagine how you quickly run 1.5 kilometers in 5 minutes.
    • Imagine crossing the finish line. Imagine how happy you will be with this achievement.
    • Tell yourself in your mind that you will definitely do it in 5 minutes - this will set you in a positive mood and give you energy.
  3. 3 Warm up before your run. However, do not overdo it, so as not to get tired ahead of time. A short warm-up will raise your heart rate and activate your muscles.
    • Do a few short, quick runs to get your muscles used to the movement.
    • You can also jump a little to speed up your heart rate.
  4. 4 Calculate your speed. Although you only have to run 1.5 kilometers, you should maintain optimal running speed over most distances. Run with a wide stride and remember to breathe.
    • After one kilometer, you can accelerate. If you have enough strength left, make a sprint dash before the finish line.
    • After crossing the finish line, cool off: continue jogging for about a minute and gradually slow down until you move to a calm step.


  • Be sure to warm up before running. Do a few short sprint runs to speed up your heart rate. Imagine in your mind how you are covering the distance. Know what time to hit on each lap.
  • A water bottle is one of the basic things you will need during your runs and workouts. Energy drinks can also be drunk, but they contain sugar, which can contribute to dehydration, so consume them in moderation.
  • Your goal is to run at least a mile and a half without undue effort and gradually build up your speed and endurance so that within a month (or even a week) your time approaches five minutes. It shouldn't hurt you or be extremely stressful. Playing sports should be fun, not exhausting.
  • The average person should not be expected to run a mile and a half in five minutes without at least two years of constant exercise and cardio training. At the same time, you need to run at least 25-50 kilometers per week. Most people who can run one and a half kilometers in five minutes also run a distance of at least 11 kilometers at least once every 9-10 days. At the same time, relatively slow long-distance running is no less, if not important, than sprint races.
  • Compete with other runners! Rivalry will help you run faster and increase your motivation.
  • Be sure to stretch your muscles before and after your run to avoid injury.
  • Use a stopwatch to make sure you ran the first 400 meters normally. The first 100 meters should be covered in about 18-19 seconds. On the first 200 meters, it takes about 37 seconds. If so, you are at the right pace. Too fast a pace in the beginning can cause excessive fatigue in the second half of the distance. Paavo Nurmi, one of the greatest runners in history, was the first to use a stopwatch while running. This is an easy way to make sure you are on a good pace. Yes, the stopwatch is a little distracting, but it's worth it. With its help, you can break a long distance into shorter segments and overcome them in time. For convenience, wear the stopwatch while running with the dial on the inside of your wrist.
  • Eating a healthy diet will energize your body and help you run faster.
  • If someone is running in front of you, focus your gaze at the level of his shoulder blades and try to close the distance between you so as to keep up.