How to attract women

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To "Attract" Women WITHOUT Saying A Word | The C-Zone Effect
Video: How To "Attract" Women WITHOUT Saying A Word | The C-Zone Effect


It is impossible to make all the women in the world want to be with you, although there are many ways to increase your chances of attracting as many people as possible. If you want to know how to attract different women, your search is over.


Method 1 of 3: Make yourself comfortable

  1. 1 Be confident in who you are. The first step to liking women is liking yourself. If you are not in harmony with yourself, then the woman on the other side of the room will not be impressed either. Here are some ways to build self-confidence:
    • Know your best qualities, be it your sense of humor or your ability to get anyone to talk. Emphasize them when meeting someone.
    • Work on your flaws. Nobody is perfect, but you can get better if you work on yourself.
    • Confidence is the key to success, but if you too much happy with yourself, you can look arrogant, and this turns people off.
    • Learn to laugh at yourself. By not belittling your dignity and making jokes about yourself from time to time, you will show that you are not taking yourself seriously.
  2. 2 Make yourself comfortable with your looks. You don't need to be a bodybuilder to have a healthy body and enjoy the way you look. If you are insecure about your body, you will not be able to attract women. Here are some ways to accept your appearance:
    • Be brave and enroll in a dance or yoga class. You will not only improve your shape, but you will definitely get to know the ladies.
    • Going to the gym several times a week can improve your cardiovascular system, muscle tone, and self-esteem.
    • Eat right. Eat three times a day and try to consume as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Avoid processed or fatty foods, but allow yourself to indulge in your favorite foods from time to time.
    • Dress well. Wear fit pants, clean shirts, and shoes that suit your look. If you try to look good, women will think that you are also diligent in other aspects of your life.
  3. 3 Love what you do. If you want to attract women, you need to enjoy not only who you are and how you look, but also how you spend most of your time. If you don't like your job or school, it will show, and women will be put off by your negative attitude. Here's how to do it:
    • If you are working, try to love your job as much as possible by building relationships with colleagues, noticing the positive aspects of your work, and trying to do your best to be happy.
    • If you are studying, focus on the subjects you enjoy the most so that the girls will see that you are interested in something. You will learn better, learn more, and become a more interesting person.
    • Take up hobbies that will improve your life. If you don't already have a hobby, pick something you really enjoy, like running, reading history books, or making furniture. Unless you spend all your time on a hobby, you will not only become more attractive to women, but you will become better as you do what interests you.
    • Let's face it - now you can do what you don't really like. Work to change that, try to keep complaints to a minimum so women don't see you as a pessimist.

Method 2 of 3: Be a dynamic person

  1. 1 Be educated. You will attract women if you become a sophisticated person and see what is out of your field of vision. If you work to become more cultured, you will not only become more attractive to women, but you will be more informed about life. Here's how to do it:
    • Learn a new language. You can enjoy a new culture, and if you learn a sexy language like Italian or French, women will be amazed and fascinated when you compliment them in a foreign language.
    • Read different books. Reading fiction and nonfiction by various authors will help you understand how big the world really is, and you will have topics for conversation with the ladies.
    • Travel if you can. See the world or at least part of your country. You will learn a lot about the world and meet many interesting people, including sexy ladies.
    • Watch different films. If you watch classics and modern films, you will be able to appreciate the complexity of human life. Your love of cinema will also allow you to impress women with your opinions when you ask them out on dates.
    • Discover the cuisines of the world. Don't get hung up on pizza and pasta - try a new Korean or Vietnamese cafe in your area. This will help you find a great new place to date.
  2. 2 Develop many healthy and interesting relationships. If you have great relationships with your family and close friends, women will want to be a part of your life. Women are wary of guys without friends or close relationships with at least some relatives, because this may mean that they do not know how to get along with people or do not see the point in friendship.Here's how to improve your relationships with people:
    • Try to visit or talk to your family members as often as possible. The way you treat your family - especially your mother - says a lot about you, and you will attract women if you are a loving son. You shouldn't look like a mama's boy, but show how much you love your mom from time to time, and then women will think that you are caring.
    • Build relationships with close friends. While it can be fun to be friends with everyone at university or your cool new job, having different friends will make you a more interesting person. It's not bad if you have a few friends at university, but if you keep in touch with your soccer teammates, you can learn more about the world. Plus, women will be attracted to your ability to get along with different people.
    • Get rid of dead weight. If you're spending time with a rude or unpleasant person just because you've been friends for a long time, it's time to reevaluate your friendship. Plus, if you're constantly in the company of someone boring or rude, women will think you are the same.
  3. 3 Develop useful skills. If you are not only fun to spend time with, but you also know a lot, women will be attracted to your masculinity and ability to act. Here are some examples:
    • Learn to cook. Start by adding some simple recipes to your menu. Once you've mastered something, like the perfect steak or glazed salmon, you can invite women to dinner. You will look sexy in a chef's apron, whether you are standing at the grill or in front of the stove.
    • Learn to do housework. Whether you know how to fix a leak or fix a table, women will appreciate your skills and may even ask for your help.
  4. 4 Develop a sense of humor. You can be interesting and cultured, but you won't get very far if you don't know how to make a girl laugh. If you have a good sense of humor, you will be more attractive to women. Here's how to do it:
    • Be smart. You don't need to be the loudest or most outgoing person in the room, but if you make a relevant or witty comment in time, women will be amazed.
    • Take the right approach. If you have a hilarious comment, make sure you say it loudly enough that no one else speaks. If you have to repeat a joke, it will no longer be funny.
    • Be relevant. Joke right with the right people. If you spend time with your best friends, your friends can be more vulgar than with a new group of girls, and especially if this is your first time meeting with your loved one's parents.

Method 3 of 3: Make her feel special

  1. 1 Don't be afraid to compliment women. You don't need to do this often, but the right compliment at the right time can attract a woman with your honesty and courage. Here's how to do it:
    • When you first meet a girl, tell her that you like her jewelry, hairstyle, or one of her accessories.
    • Once you get to know her better, you can become bolder. Say "Have you ever been told that you have very expressive eyes?" Or "You have a very cute laugh." Don't be afraid to make her blush.
    • Comment on her character. Hear what she has to say and tell her that she looks like a good friend, or that she has a great sense of humor.
  2. 2 Show interest in her life. Your lady will be impressed with your interests and prospects, but you should respond to her by showing your interest in her hobbies. Here's how to show that you care:
    • Remember what she is telling you. If you've met before, mention small details from your past conversation, such as her sister's name or the city where she studied abroad, she will be attracted by your concern.
    • Ask the right questions. You can ask her questions to get her opinion without sounding like you are interrogating.Start small and ask her for her opinion on not-so-controversial topics, and once you get to know her better, you can dig deeper and talk about how to allocate time between work and friends, or what she is looking for in a relationship.
    • Tease her. Once you get to know her well enough and are aware of her phobias, don't be afraid to play a trick on her, if only she likes it.
  3. 3 Be a considerate gentleman. Once a woman is passionate enough to go out on a date with you, you need to keep her interested by dating. Here's how to make her know that you care when you go out on a date:
    • Be a gentleman. Open doors for her, give flowers and give your coat if she is frozen.
    • Don't forget the little things. Send her messages all week to show that you think of her. Give her small gifts.
    • Tell her you had a great time. Be honest. If you had a great time, tell her so that you can meet again.
    • Once you're used to each other, find a reason to touch her. Become an expert on how to touch a girl.


  • Don't be discouraged if you've tried everything and still haven't been able to attract that very woman. You have definitely become more attractive to women!