How to train a wild rabbit

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 26 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tame Wild Rabbit
Video: How To Tame Wild Rabbit


If rabbits are in the habit of your area, know: you can try to catch and tame a wild rabbit. That being said, you should be aware that wild rabbits often remain wild despite lengthy training. In addition, in many places it is legally prohibited to keep wild animals at home - the only exceptions are animal rehabilitation centers. If you are not sure if you can keep a wild rabbit at home, check with your veterinarian about the rules. If you need to catch a wild rabbit in order to move it to a safer location, there are different ways to do it safely and humanely.


Part 1 of 2: Let your bunny get used to you

  1. 1 Be prepared for the rabbit to want to run away from you. Many predators hunt rabbits, and therefore rabbits are always on the alert. This means that if you try to get close to a wild rabbit, it will most likely run away. It is a defensive reaction to run and hide when danger arises.
    • Do not try to stop the rabbit if it runs away. From this he will experience even more stress, which can even lead to the death of the animal, causing him a heart attack. Another cause of death is shock, which causes stasis and leads to death from exhaustion.
  2. 2 Get down to the ground next to the rabbit. To prevent the rabbit from seeing you as a threat, you need to become shorter. Once on the ground, you will shrink in size and no longer look threatening. If the rabbit decides to approach you, do not react at first. Sit still for as long as you need to - sometimes it takes hours. It can take a few days and many tries for a rabbit to get used to you.
  3. 3 You shouldn't smell like other animals. If you smell of animals that are predatory to rabbits, such as dogs or cats, a rabbit may not come near you. Change into clean clothes and wash your hands before going outside: you should not smell of other animals.
  4. 4 Make a food lane. To help your rabbit trust you, lay out a lane of food that rabbits love. The path should lead straight to you. You can use leafy vegetables such as lettuce, dandelion leaves, and carrot slices. This will help build the rabbit's trust and gradually tame it.
  5. 5 Talk to your rabbit lovingly. To tame the animal, talk to it quietly in a calm, gentle voice. This will calm him down and relieve his anxiety.
    • Never yell at your rabbit or make loud noises. Otherwise, he will run away and hide.
  6. 6 Know how to behave if your rabbit gets scared. If you startle a rabbit, it may freeze. This is a reflex that helps a rabbit to pretend to be dead or to hide and trick a predator. If the rabbit behaves this way in your presence, know that he is not happy with you and does not want you to touch him. In fact, he is in a panic.
    • When your rabbit is frozen, you may be tempted to take advantage of this and pick him up. This method is not at all good for helping a rabbit. Rather, from your touch, the rabbit will fall into a state of shock, which is very harmful for him.Shock can cause a heart attack and lead to the death of the animal.
  7. 7 Don't pick up the rabbit. If you do take a rabbit in your hands, do not lift it high in the air - rabbits live on the ground and can be very scared at the same time. It can also cause shock or heart attack.
    • Lifting your rabbit can seriously injure its paws.

Part 2 of 2: Using the Humane Trap

  1. 1 Choose a suitable trap. You can catch a rabbit without touching it with your hands. This option is preferable, since it is not so scary for the animal. For this purpose, you can acquire a trap. You can contact your local animal welfare society or buy a trap from the store.
    • You can also make a simple cardboard box trap that will cover the rabbit as it climbs inside. Simply turn the box upside down, lift one edge and prop it up with a stick. Punch a hole in the side of the box. Take a string, tie a carrot or other treat to one end, and place it inside the box. Thread the other end through the hole in the side of the box and tie it to the stick. The rabbit, having made his way into the box, grabs the treat, pulls the rope, pulls out the stick and the box covers it.
  2. 2 Use a treat to lure the rabbit into the trap. For this purpose, leafy vegetables, carrots, or dandelion leaves are suitable.
  3. 3 Place the trap in a safe place. If you want your rabbit to fall into a trap, place it where it feels safe. If the rabbit realizes that nothing threatens him, he calmly enters the trap to feast on the food left in it.
  4. 4 Choose the right time to set the trap. Rabbits are most active at sunrise and sunset, so try to prepare your trap for this time. Be sure to check the trap after dusk and dawn - it is possible that a rabbit has been caught in it.
  5. 5 Move the trap. If the rabbit is trapped, cover it with a blanket to calm it down. Carefully move the trap to where you want to release the rabbit. Place the trap on the ground and open it so the rabbit can escape.
    • Make sure you release your rabbit in a safe place. To choose the right location, you can consult with experts at your local animal welfare society or forestry.


  • Keeping wild animals, including rabbits, at home is often prohibited. In many countries it is not allowed to “tame” wild rabbits.
  • Never take wild bunnies out of the nest! From this they can get sick and even die. Only 10% of rabbits survive outside the nest.