How to acquire thousands of YouTube subscribers

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Get Your First 1000 Subscribers on YouTube — 5 Tips
Video: How to Get Your First 1000 Subscribers on YouTube — 5 Tips


Want to be popular on YouTube? Do you have something that you want to show to as many people as possible? Or do you just want the world to laugh. Regardless of your ultimate goal, the path to achieving it is to continually gain subscribers. This guide will help you grow your channel's subscribers and views.


Method 1 of 4: Create Content Frequently

  1. 1 Post videos at least once a week. One of the most important principles in acquiring subscribers is to add as much different content as possible. The more videos you have, the more popular your channel is.
    • The more videos, the more people will find your channel for search queries.
  2. 2 Create a schedule and stick to it. Try to post videos on a regular basis every week. Let your subscribers know when the next video is coming, and they will definitely come back to your channel when it comes up.
    • People are more likely to follow someone who posts content regularly than someone who does it rarely and in no particular order.
  3. 3 Choose your tags (keywords) carefully for your video. Make sure all tags match your material clearly. If someone is looking for something and finds your video due to the fact that it is incorrectly subscribed, then that person will leave, and most likely will not return to your channel.
    • Good tags ensure that the video is viewed by the person who actually searched for it.
    • Use phrases as tags, as well as single words. Often people are looking for just phrases.
  4. 4 Take the time to come up with a good title. Videos with a good title will have a much higher priority in search results than videos with a bad title. For example, you made a video on how to make cookies. Bad title for the video is "Making Good Cookies." A good name might look like "Make delicious, crunchy cookies in less than 15 minutes."
    • The second title is more detailed and contains more keywords that search recognizes.
  5. 5 Write an appropriate description. Only the first few lines of your video description will be visible in search results, so make sure they are informative enough to give the viewer a clear idea of ​​what they're going to watch.
    • Add enough keywords to your description, but don't overdo it - the text should be easy to read.

Method 2 of 4: Material planning

  1. 1 Write a script. It is possible to create successful videos without having a script, but having one will provide your video with consistency. It will also help you stay on topic and ensure that your message gets across to the viewer.
  2. 2 Shoot what you like. The most successful videos are those that talk about what the author is very familiar with and what he likes. Don't try to follow the crowd and create videos based on current trends. You will be much more successful if you shoot what you like and develop in it.
  3. 3 An interesting start. The introduction is the most important part of the video. It should grab the viewer's attention, give an idea of ​​the theme and nature of the entire video, and leave a positive impression. You can personalize the intro, or use effects, slices of upcoming moments, and more.
    • Keep your introduction captivating but short. Viewers are not inclined to watch intros that are longer than 10-15 seconds. This includes the title, effects, and introductory remarks. Introduce them briefly, and then move on to the main part of your video.
  4. 4 The tempo of the video. It is very important that your video constantly holds the viewer's attention and does not let them get bored. Don't get hung up on uninteresting topics and keep going.
    • Don't try to fit too much information into one chunk. If your videos contain a lot of them, divide it into several parts. This will allow the viewer to avoid information overload.
    • On the other hand, make sure the amount of information justifies the length of the video. If the viewer loses interest, even for a second, they will most likely go looking for another video.
    • For longer videos, make small digits to slow down the tempo of the video. This will allow the viewer to process the information they received before moving on.
  5. 5 End the video with a call to action. At the end of your video, it's not enough to just say goodbye and turn off the camera. Ask a viewer to subscribe to your channel, leave a comment, or find you on Facebook. This is good contact with the viewer and will lead to more followers.
    • Use Annotations to insert a Subscribe button into your video. Make sure it is in a suitable place and does not get in the way, it is recommended to insert it at the end of the video.

Method 3 of 4: Video production

  1. 1 Edit your videos. Even basic editing will make your video stand out and help you distinguish it from thousands of similar videos on Youtube. Eliminate video silence, errors, and inappropriate footage.
    • Take the time to learn how to use video editing software. There are several free video editors, and some camcorders often come with software.
  2. 2 Design your transitions. If you are shooting serial production based on one general idea (instructions, overviews), define a set of effects and transitions that you will use for everyone. This will make your content stand out and present it more professional to the viewer.
    • Transitions have a big impact on the branding of your video. Building your own brand is a very important aspect of YouTube success, so try to do it as much as possible.
  3. 3 Practice your camera skills. Experiment with different frames. Explore your camera inside and out. Good camera work will actually help you attract and retain more followers.
    • Do not move the camera too much, unless you specifically intend to do so. For example, if you are talking into the camera and then want to show some object on the table, do not record the movement of the camera towards that object. On the contrary, shoot this segment separately so that the viewer does not have to watch the shaking camera.
    • Get the support of a friend or relative. Having an operator will ease your lot and help you feel more comfortable in front of the camera. Having a whole team will add professionalism to your video, and will greatly differ from a simple video shot on a webcam.

Method 4 of 4: Channel Development

  1. 1 Ensure consistency in your content. Make sure the content on your channel matches your channel's theme. For example, if you're starting a series of movie reviews, don't post recipe videos. You will lose subscribers if they find that your content doesn't live up to their expectations.
    • Create multiple feeds for different topics. This will allow your channels to link to each other, but you will also keep your content clearly delineated and the viewer will not be confused.
  2. 2 Keep in touch with your followers. Responding to good comments and various statements in the video will help strengthen your channel's community.
    • Also try to moderate your channel by removing inappropriate posts that might offend other subscribers. This will keep your channel friendly and popular.
  3. 3 Subscribe to other channels. Find channels that match your interests and subscribe to them. Leave thoughtful and helpful comments, and you may find that subscribers to that channel will come to your channel as well. YouTube is a community, and integrating with YouTube will allow you to achieve more than just posting videos.
    • Post video responses if available, but avoid spamming other channels with your videos. You will most likely be ignored or blocked, which will reduce your chances of acquiring subscribers. Treat other channels with respect and you will start to see growth.
  4. 4 Advertise your channel. Use other social services like Facebook and Twitter to advertise your channel. Notify your friends and followers that you have posted a new video. Make a short note of this when required.
    • If you have a blog, insert the link to your YouTube channel so your readers can easily find your videos.


  • Be unique. YouTube is looking for partners who offer what others do not have. Create a brand identity, name, sound, or whatever. If people are inspired, interested, or motivated by it, you can gain traction.
  • Don't insult other channels. Subscribers to that channel can dislik your videos and ask others to do the same.
  • Try to make videos every day if you can handle the weekly schedule - it will only strengthen your connection with your subscribers.
  • Be persistent, don't get discouraged as it takes time.
  • Avoid promises you can't keep. Methods such as "Follow-by-follow" (when you follow someone and they follow you back) take a lot of effort — you might get a lot of requests unexpectedly. At the same time, a large number of YouTube users do not approve of such a system. However, you can always remind people to like, comment and subscribe at the end of the video.
  • Confidence.
  • Thumbnails are a great way to attract followers. Make sure to manually preview the video and not use the automatic image.
  • Do not forget to mention the copyright holder (to avoid being accused of copyright infringement), and insert the necessary links to sources in the description. Also, always add as many tags as possible (but make sure they match the material).
  • Avoid obscene language in your videos. This will have a negative effect on people who watch your videos for the first time.
  • Another tip is to invest in advertising. YouTube brings "Popular Videos" to the top of the "Recommended Channels" list (on the right side of the page), and you can get to that list by paying a certain amount to Google.


  • Some people may not like your videos and leave rude comments. Don't take it personally and try to improve what they are complaining about.