How to take action to end animal cruelty

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stop Animal Abuse | Kyle Chung | TEDxPascoCountySchools
Video: Stop Animal Abuse | Kyle Chung | TEDxPascoCountySchools


Animal cruelty wounds and kills them every year, and some people can't stand it anymore. If you would like to learn how to take action to end cruelty to animals, please continue reading further in this text.


  1. 1 Go vegan or vegetarian. Why don't you tell people that you are against animal cruelty ... did you eat a pig for breakfast? No one will believe you are serious unless you show that you do not eat meat. This means not just saying that you are a vegetarian, but also stopping eating meat altogether. You can become a vegetarian, but becoming a vegan is even better because you will not eat everything that comes from the animal kingdom, which prevents any support for animal cruelty.
  2. 2 Invite others to join you. If you have no one to support you, then no one will take you seriously. You can find supporters by organizing meetings or writing banners.
  3. 3 Protests and rallies. Rallies can be held anywhere. But keep in mind: if you are against animal bullying, make sure you are not on foreign territory or people can take legal action and call the police. But you're still allowed to speak near service areas as long as you are not in their territory. For example: if you were going to protest against KFC, then you will need to do it opposite, across the street from the restaurant. It can be anywhere: in a park, at a concert, or across the street from a restaurant that promotes animal cruelty. The main organizer must come up with a date and place for the protest, as well as get a lot of people to support the protest. An example of an unsuccessful rally is when you alone are the organizer of the show. Make sure in advance that many people come to the protest and that they are serious. Make banners about cruelty to animals, just in case, make them for those who come to the rally unprepared.
  4. 4 PETA support. This is a union against cruelty to animals. You can follow the Peta2 link to create a social media account where there are many other vegetarians and vegans who want to help the common cause of animal welfare. Websites will regularly inform you about upcoming events and send you updates on the fight against animal cruelty. You can advise your friends to register on the site too. And you can win points on the site by replying to forum posts, and from those points, you can get free anti-violence logos on things like stickers, badges and buttons. You can also win points by convincing someone to become a vegetarian or vegan.Donations to PETA are of great help to them in their quest to eradicate animal cruelty to the end.
  5. 5 What is needed for the petition. Print out a few numbered pages, and on the first page write “Say NO to Animal Cruelty”. You can wear it wherever you want and constantly ask people to sign it. But be aware that you will not be able to go to restaurants that serve meat because their management will think that you can interfere with their business. A good place to get a signature from people who support you for a rally will be parks or squares, because these are places for this kind of events.
  6. 6 Be against animal testing.There are many people who do not eat meat, but they conduct various kinds of tests on animals, which are also very harmful to their health. You can buy flyers and distribute them to others so everyone knows you are against animal experimentation.
  7. 7 Let the others know. Many people do not know how the cruelty that happens every day is hidden. Your job is to end this. Hand out brochures informing people about what is happening and what they can do to stop it. If you want to make sure you don't waste your time giving brochures to people who don't want to take them, ask the people walking on the sidewalk if they know what's going on. If they say no, hand them the package, explaining that it has everything they need to know about animal welfare. It's better than putting envelopes in people's mailboxes, because this is how you communicate with everyone personally and discuss the problem.
  8. 8 Write letters to your congressman and senator on specific issues where you feel you are right. You can also attach copies of your petition to show the work and effort you put into your letter.


  • Tell people on a regular basis that you are totally against animal cruelty if they offer you something that contributes to it.
  • Treat other people with respect, not everyone will look at things the same way you do.
  • Give out items like bumper stickers and anti-brutality buttons.
  • Go vegan or vegetarian.


  • Don't preach or ask people to listen to you because they won't. Seek to communicate and persuade without acting on them with preachings. People quickly close down if they feel that you are pressing them and do not give them the opportunity to choose a solution on their own.