How to make yogurt parfait

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 6 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Fruit, Granola & Yogurt Parfaits | Healthy Breakfast Recipe
Video: Fruit, Granola & Yogurt Parfaits | Healthy Breakfast Recipe


Yogurt parfaits often contain some of the staples for breakfast: yogurt, muesli, strawberries and blueberries. The great thing about parfaits is its versatility. You can cook it to your liking! This is one of the most delicious breakfast items, and best of all, it's easy to prepare. Kids and adults alike will love this good-tasting, easy-to-prepare, and very healthy treat.


Parfait with yoghurt:

  • One glass of yogurt, of your choice
  • Fruits, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, etc. (not necessary)
  • Granola (rolled oats cereal with natural additives)
  • Cereals (optional)
  • Fruit jam or marmalade (optional)

Parfait with yogurt - energetic :

  • 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt, flavored or Greek style, plus extra
  • Chia seeds, goji berries, flaxseed (whole or ground) mixed together
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Blueberries (other berries can be substituted)
  • Muesli or granola
  • Dark chocolate


Method 1 of 2: Parfait with Yogurt

  1. 1 Find and stack the ingredients. You will find the ingredients in the list above. The great thing about parfait ingredients is that they are completely replaceable. Store them close to each other at your workplace.
  2. 2 Place the glass in the middle. You will be putting the ingredients in this container, so try to keep it close to food. Chill the glass beforehand in the freezer or refrigerator. This will keep the food cool and fresh.
  3. 3 Add a quarter cup of yogurt. Don't add all of the yogurt at once; you still have to leave room in the glass for the other ingredients. At this point, you can add any other ingredients to the parfait. This is your choice; this is what makes the parfait so unique. You can add strawberry jam for some sweetness, oatmeal, oatmeal, muesli, fruit, or whatever you like. Remember to leave some room in the glass for the final step.
  4. 4 Add the remaining three quarters of a cup of yogurt. You want more yogurt at the top, then at the bottom. If you have too much yogurt at the bottom, all cereals and fruits will drown and become soggy in the yogurt. We recommend using plain yogurt for the real flavor of the ingredients, but if you want to enhance the flavor of the fruit, add flavored yogurt. You can substitute flavored yogurt for fruit. Serve fresh, preferably right after you cook it. If you don't like it as we suggested, then the granola or cereal will turn out raw.
  5. 5 Ready.

Method 2 of 2: Parfait with Yogurt - Energetic

  1. 1 Place 2-3 tablespoons of your choice of yogurt in a tall glass.
  2. 2 Add a mixture of chia seeds, goji berries, and flaxseeds to the yogurt. Add ground cinnamon and blueberries. (You can make changes to make it to your liking, for example by adding banana, apples, strawberries, etc.)
  3. 3 Add another spoon or two of yogurt.
  4. 4 Add muesli or granola of your choice.
  5. 5 Add another mixture of chia, goji, and less flaxseed.
  6. 6 Sprinkle a little chocolate over the top. Enjoy a healthy snack.
  7. 7finished>


  • Try chilling a glass or bowl before adding ingredients. It's easy to do (about 30 minutes in the fridge or 10 minutes in the freezer will do it) and the food will stay cold longer.
  • To reduce the amount of sugar, use plain yogurt. If plain yogurt tastes too savory for you, add a dash of sugar to the sliced ​​fruit and let it rest for a while to blend. You can make your own yogurt parfait, as sweet (or not) as you want.
  • Do not stir the ingredients.
  • Try crumbling cookies or putting in pieces.
  • Do not use a glass. Try the parfait in a bowl or maybe on a platter. These are all personal preferences.
  • Organization is the key to success!


  • As with any food that needs to be refrigerated, make sure the yoghurt is stored properly and is served fresh.

What do you need

  • Wineglass
  • A spoon
  • Scapula
  • Kitchen towels