How to be creative

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Hacks to being Creative
Video: 10 Hacks to being Creative


Creativity is a skill that takes time, practice and effort to develop. There are many areas you can focus on to improve your overall creativity. Engage in creative activities such as reading, writing, and listening to music to hone your craft. Learn as much as possible and be open to new ideas and experiences. Make lifestyle changes like walking more, exercising regularly, and sleeping more to give your brain the boost it needs to improve your creativity.


Method 1 of 3: Challenge Yourself with Creative Exercises

  1. 1 Take the 30 lap test. It can be done during a calm period at work. This exercise will help stimulate quick and creative thinking. First, draw 30 circles. Then make as many drawings of these circles as possible in one minute. The test can be taken over and over again, each time trying to break your own record.
    • The 30 Circle Test encourages creativity because it forces you to think in multiple directions at once. Many people tend to correct themselves and stop to consider whether it is worth wasting time on this or that idea. The 30-circle test makes a person think faster and experiment with ideas without rejecting them.
  2. 2 Doodle in your spare time. Drawing mindlessly is often considered a childish pastime, but it actually helps increase productivity. This process enhances your creativity by strengthening your interaction with the world and increasing your focus. Drawing scribble helps you not to lose interest during activities, from which, under other circumstances, you would be distracted. The more information you can absorb, the more creative you will become.
    • Draw scribbles if you feel like your thoughts are starting to wander. For example, if you notice that you are losing concentration during a work meeting, start sketching something on paper. You can also do this in class during boring lectures.
    • Try keeping a notebook to draw on when you feel bored or distracted.
  3. 3 Write short prose. Minor prose involves very short stories, usually no more than 100 words. Writing short prose will help you get more creative as you will be forced to tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end using only a few words.This will help you learn how to convey the information you need in a concise manner.
    • There are many short prose writing communities on the Internet. Try to join one of them, follow the recommendations and participate in contests.
  4. 4 Listen to music. Just turn on background music to help awaken your inspiration. Music helps you focus better and improves your overall concentration. Classical music is particularly beneficial for creativity and concentration.
    • There are no universal genres of music that work the same for everyone. While classical music has many beneficial effects, experiment a little to find the perfect sound to help you focus and get creative.
  5. 5 Do something with your own hands. When you create with your hands, you receive information from all your senses. This helps stimulate more creative thinking. If you want to improve your creativity, try manual activities. For example, try knitting, sewing, or other handicrafts to boost your creativity.
  6. 6 Play video games. Some video games are really great for developing a creative mind. Interactive games that require movement stimulate multiple senses at the same time, aiding creative thinking. Games like Wii Tennis or Dance Dance Revolution are great. Avoid games that require you to sit still for long periods of time.
  7. 7 Read more. Reading is great for developing creativity. Get in the habit of reading regularly. Choose from a variety of genres and styles to broaden your horizons and truly boost your creativity. Try to make time for reading every day.
    • Try joining a book club. This will help you navigate if you are unsure of which books to start with.
    • Sign up to the library so as not to spend money on buying books.

Method 2 of 3: Expand your knowledge

  1. 1 Improve your knowledge. Part of being a creative person is to become an expert in one area or area and learn as much as possible about it. Start by reading articles and watching videos on a specific topic to gather more information. If possible, enroll in an introductory course at your local school or recreation center (for example, take a drawing class for beginners).
    • Get inspired by exploring other people's creative work in a field that interests you. For example, if you are learning to paint, visit a museum or art gallery.
  2. 2 Be open to new experiences. The most creative people are ready to tackle several ideas at once, expand their horizons and be surprised. Don't resist or reject things that are unfamiliar to you, and grab opportunities to try new creative endeavors. For example, try clay sculpting even if you think you won't like it or you won't succeed.
  3. 3 Use games to develop creativity. Childishness will help your creative side by temporarily freeing adults from the troubles and allowing you to think broadly. Use toys and art supplies to stimulate your imagination and create new connections. If you're short on creative ideas, take the time to paint a fancy picture or put together a construction set or lego.
  4. 4 Share your knowledge and explain it. It is said that a person remembers 90% of what he has learned by teaching it to someone else. By retelling the newfound knowledge to yourself and others, you can consolidate it in your memory. When learning something new, make it a rule to explain it to yourself in your head. Imagine that you are giving a TED lecture or teaching someone about the topic.
    • If you're feeling particularly confident, shoot a video based on your knowledge to post online, or explain it to a friend or colleague.
  5. 5 Encourage yourself to come up with new ideas. Engage in activities that actively challenge you to come up with new ideas. For example, play word associations by writing down one word and then any other words that are associated with it. Use analogy to find similarities between two seemingly dissimilar things to detail and explore your associations with each one.
    • For example, look for similarities between the tutorial and your iPod.
    • If you feel stuck, try a few word association games or search the internet for synonyms.
  6. 6 Take time to brainstorm. Creativity takes practice, so take time each day to retreat in a calm or inspiring place and generate new ideas. For example, visit a quiet park or sit in the library and let your thoughts float freely. Write down all your ideas (good or bad) in a notebook, tablet, or computer. Don't stop to edit or rethink them.
    • Find convenient times regularly. For example, if you're always free after lunch, take an hour after your meal, remove distractions, and devote yourself to new ideas.

Method 3 of 3: Change Your Lifestyle

  1. 1 Chat with different people. To kickstart your creativity, communicate as much as possible, especially with people who are not like you. Spend time with those whose life experiences and worldviews are different from yours, and then you can broaden your horizons and look at everyday things with a fresh perspective. To make new acquaintances, attend events or do something outside of your normal life, and, if possible, initiate conversations.
    • For example, if the art world has not yet been explored by you, visit a gallery or museum and strike up a conversation with an artist or philanthropist. Break the ice by saying something like, "I'm new to the art world. Is this your passion?"
    • Try changing your routes to increase your chances of meeting new people.
  2. 2 Take a walk whenever possible. The walk will give you time to reflect on your ideas, allowing you to abstract and plunge into creative thoughts. In addition, you will have the opportunity to make contact with a new environment or nature, which can inspire you creatively. Make it a rule to walk several times a week (or, if possible, every day) for at least 15 minutes.
  3. 3 Go in for sports. Regular exercise stimulates creativity, reduces stress and improves cognitive function. Schedule your workouts with about 30 minutes a day for these activities. Choose light cardio activities such as walking, jogging, or cycling.
  4. 4 Get enough sleep. Sleep keeps the mind refreshed and refreshed, which stimulates creativity. The brain is also very active during sleep, so if you “sleep with the problem,” you are allowing your mind to reevaluate the connections and formulate new ideas on the subject. Aim to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep every night and stay on track.


  • If you have a creativity deficit, find ways to exercise your right brain. This promotes the development of creative thinking.