How to Write a Five Year Plan

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Craft a 5 Year Plan | Brian Tracy
Video: How to Craft a 5 Year Plan | Brian Tracy


Without a thorough and detailed plan, our goals in life will not be easily achieved. One may feel discouraged or scared to think about a distant future, but you can learn to break down long-term goals into a series of detailed steps to make big tasks easy. much more control. Learn how to choose the right items for your five-year plan, draw a sketch, and get started on completing a checklist in your plan.


Part 1 of 3: Select items

  1. Think about how you want to change. The five-year plan will cover very different aspects, depending on who you are and what you want in life. What will make your life easier? What will make you a happier person?
    • Look in the mirror and imagine yourself in five years. Where do you find yourself living? What are you doing? Be honest and realistic.
    • You may be quite happy and satisfied with your life; Your five-year plan will be to keep walking on the path you are on. If so, think more about what you need to get on with the life you enjoy.

    Advice: Be as honest as possible. Don't think about what you feel others are expecting from you; instead, think about what really makes you happy.

  2. Reflect on your personal goals. Personal goals represent the things you hope will bring about a change in your own life. Are you satisfied with yourself and with what you are doing? How do you want to change who you are? This goal can be anything from being more active in dating games to choosing to play banjo as a hobby. How would you like to change the way you spend your free time in the years to come? At what points do you want to improve yourself? Some examples of personal goals for the next five years include:
    • Start writing a novel
    • Less watching TV
    • Give up smoking
    • Form a band
    • Exercise more

  3. Think about your financial goals. How can you spend the next five years of your life moving toward financial security? How will you take steps to get closer to your dream career? Even if you are young and do not yet have a job, thinking about what career you want will help you figure out the next step to take. Examples of financial goals can include:
    • Save more money
    • Get a diploma
    • Recommend a promotion
    • Open a retirement fund
    • Find another job

  4. Think about entertainment goals. It is also a good idea to take the time to think about what you would like to enjoy in the next few years. Where do you want to travel? What would you like to do from now until you spin five more times around the sun? Recreational goals may include:
    • Parachuting, at least once
    • Join an anonymous date
    • Conquering the top of Lang biang
    • Traveling abroad
    • Go to a concert
  5. Think about family goals. If you are married, what goals do you have for your home? What do you hope to accomplish with your family or family? If you are not married or newlyweds what are your plans? What can you start to do to prepare for the future? Family goals can be:
    • Birth
    • Save money for your children to study
    • Starting for your child to go to school
    • Home repair
    • Move to a new larger house
    • Going on vacation with family

Part 2 of 3: Listing the list

  1. The list is as specific as possible. It is very difficult to know what to do with a five-year plan with items such as “Become a better person”, as it is difficult to define what needs to be done to get there. Instead, try to focus on clear goals that you can achieve in practice, or be able to learn the steps needed to get there. Set goals as specific as possible, and your plan will have a much higher chance of success.
  2. Identify the most important items in each list. Find in each category the things that you feel are most important to you right now. Try to limit yourself to a few important goals, as you'll have to narrow your focus and think specifically about sub-goals for each item.
    • Mark A, B, C in the margins of the paper for each item on the list. The A-marked goal is extremely important to you and what you need most. C-marked goal if achieved is good, but not too necessary or desirable. Goals in between the two categories will be marked with B. To figure out what should be your highest priority, be very honest.

    Advice: Alternatively, you can also order your list according to the amount of time it takes you to complete your goals. If you have two goals "learning Italian" and "living organized" on the list, perhaps one thing that can make big strides next week, the other will take longer.

  3. Make a separate list for each item. Once you've put your five-year plan in order of your most important items, pull out a new sheet of paper or open a new page. You need to write down each goal separately, especially if it is complicated and takes a lot of time to accomplish.
    • If the “get a diploma” item on the list is considered most important, make a separate list for each of the goals that you rank as very important. Even seemingly simple items such as “organized living” still require great attention.
  4. Define sub-goals for each item. What do you need to accomplish your long-term goals like living an organized life or getting a diploma? What does it take to realize your goals?
    • You may need to do a little research to find out what it takes to make your goals come true.
  5. List each item for each year. Once you've identified your sub-goals, break them up each year to turn your long-term goals into a series of short-term goals that you can accomplish in order. What do you need to accomplish to get closer to your first year goal? End of the second year? What can you do today to get started towards your long-term goals?

    Advice: For some goals, you can use the time-travel approach. Imagine yourself being the person you want to be five years later, after that visualize what will be necessary for you to reach that position. If you see yourself earning a diploma, finding a good job and having a home in a good location, what will it take to get you into that future? What would have happened in previous years?

  6. Narrow your focus. Make a list as specific as possible, further breaking down the items into more manageable chunks. How detailed a list is made depends on how much or how little you need to add to each item on the list and how many steps it will take to complete the five-year plan. If you want to get a diploma in five years, what do you hope to achieve by the end of this year? What can you accomplish by the end of this week to move closer to your goals? What can you do now? advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Complete the checklist h

  1. Use actual timelines. Set a specific timeframe in which you will achieve your goals. If you want to join a marathon, you can set a time frame for yourself about a year or two instead of rushing it.
    • Try not to get discouraged. Remember that you are thinking about your long-term goals. You need to keep breaking those big goals down into a series of smaller tasks that you can accomplish. Set smart goals and plan to get there.
  2. Check out the completed items. Don't underestimate the importance of signs that remind you of your journey towards your goals. Keep your five-year plan easy to follow and cross out each item when you're done. This will give you a visual reminder of what you've achieved.

    Advice: Take a minute to celebrate each time you complete a task. You are very close to your goals in life, so reward yourself with a special gift. A restaurant dinner, a few favorite drinks or a spa session. Take time for yourself.

  3. Pay attention to new targets that appear. The five-year plan can be a moving target. The job market can change dramatically and quickly, and the higher you go up the career ladder, the more you know what the market entails. The goal of becoming a lawyer may sound simple some years ago, but as you progress through your law school years, you now have a better understanding of what to do.
    • Refine your list of goals from time to time and include new experiences and new goals that arise. Adjust the five-year plan based on the new information. These are not failures, but a sign that you are learning more and moving closer to those goals.
  4. Memorize the important points for the job interview. Employers will usually ask you to describe your plan during the interview; That is also the potential benefit of the five-year plan. If you have this plan prepared, then it can help show that you are dedicated, organized, and have clear goals in mind. Present the job you're applying for as part of that goal, and you'll emerge as an attractive candidate. advertisement


  • One way to get there is to rewrite your daily goals with present time descriptions so that they are embedded in your subconscious mind.
  • If new methods come up in your mind, reconsider your main goal and “method A” to see if they are appropriate for your plan. If necessary, rewrite your main goals and methods to see if they make any changes.