How to concentrate

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester
Video: How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester


Improving your concentration can help you achieve success at work and school and be a happier and more organized person. If you want to become more mindful, you need to learn how to avoid distractions, and clearly develop a specific strategy of actions to complete the task. If you want to learn how to become hyper-focused, follow our tips.


Part 1 of 4: How to Get Organized

  1. 1 Write a list of tasks. If you want to become more focused, make a to-do list every day so that it lies in front of you so that you can check what you have already completed. This list will help you point out how to achieve your goals. Instead of wasting your time, go through the to-do list and you can feel proud after completing them.
    • Write down at least three tasks you need to complete today; three tasks to complete tomorrow and three tasks to be completed next week. Start by doing the things you need to do today. Feeling satisfied with a job well done will help you get off to a good start on the rest of the assignments.
    • Reward yourself with work breaks. Every time you finish a task on your list, give yourself a chance to rest a little.
  2. 2 Prioritize. Remember that the most difficult and creative tasks need to be done in the morning, when you are overwhelmed with energy and inspiration. Leave light tasks (scheduling appointments, filling out paperwork, cleaning the office) for lunch when you are most tired.
    • Don't put off your hardest task for the evening. You will see how it flows smoothly the next day.
  3. 3 Organize your workspace. Organization of the workspace is the key to focus. It is much easier to focus if you know what is where in your office; where the table is, your bag, which creates an overall picture of the workspace. Organizing your workspace will save you a lot of time and motivate you to complete tasks.
    • Remove everything from the workspace that does not concern work. An exception may be photographs on the table. Everything else should be work-related. It doesn't matter what it is: paper, stapler or a set of pens.
    • Put your cell phone aside if you need to do some serious work. You can check it every hour, but you can't keep your phone on the table, otherwise you will feel an irresistible urge to look at it all the time.
    • Organize the process of filling out the documents. If you know exactly where all your documents are, you will save a lot of time throughout the day.
  4. 4 Time it right. Time management is the most important component of attention. When you start a new work day or write a list of tasks, write down how long you think it will take to complete each of them. You will have an idea of ​​what your working day will look like. At the beginning of the list, indicate those tasks that take a long time to complete. In the course of execution, they can be crossed out.
    • Set adequate goals for yourself - this rule can be applied to any task.You cannot allocate 20 minutes for something that will take an entire hour, otherwise failure to complete the assigned tasks will disappoint you.
    • If you completed the task earlier, take a short break. This method will give you motivation.
  5. 5 Incorporate breaks into your work schedule. Taking breaks is of the utmost importance, just like completing an assignment. If your schedule alternates with periods of maximum activity with short pauses, you will be more focused than if you spent the entire day at work without interruption.
    • Take breaks of 10-20 minutes every hour. This time can be used to make a phone call, answer a message from a friend, or have a cup of tea.
    • Think of breaks as a reward for your work. Use them as motivation. If you think like this, “Once I finish this document, I can have a delicious smoothie,” you will have a lot more motivation. If nothing positive is on the horizon, interest in the result will diminish.
    • One of the breaks can be used to exercise. Taking a 15-minute walk or jogging five flights of stairs will help you feel refreshed and energized.
    • Take a break to get some fresh air. You can't spend the whole day without leaving your home or office. Go outside to enjoy the morning freshness or catch the sun on your face. After the walk, you will become more focused and ready to go.

Part 2 of 4: How to Improve Your Concentration

  1. 1 Work on persistence of attention. Any of us can start with a certain level of concentration, but most believe that it needs to be improved over time. To improve persistence of attention, give yourself a certain amount of time, for example, half an hour, to do a certain task. When this time is up, see how much more you can work without being distracted from the task. It doesn't matter how much it is - 5 minutes or another half hour.
    • If you repeat this experiment, you will see that you are able to concentrate on one task for much longer than you expected. Continue to train your attention in this way until you feel the need to stop. The next day, try to concentrate longer.
  2. 2 Meditate. Meditation helps not only to relax, but also to improve your concentration step by step, provided that you meditate for 10–20 minutes every day. When you meditate, you concentrate on clearing your thoughts and focusing on your physical condition and breathing. These skills can be easily applied when you need to get the bad thoughts out of your head and focus on your work. You can meditate both in the morning and before bed. Both options can be used.
    • Find a relatively quiet place where you won't be distracted by outside sounds.
    • Find a comfortable spot and place your hands on your lap.
    • Work to relax your body. This should be done step by step until all parts of the body are relaxed.

    James brown

    Meditation Teacher James Brown is a teacher of Vedic meditation, a simple and accessible form of meditation of ancient origins. Lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. To become a teacher, he completed a rigorous two-year training program with Vedic masters, including 4 months of immersion in the Himalayas. Over the years, he has trained thousands of people from San Francisco to Oslo - individually, in companies and at events.

    James brown
    Meditation teacher

    Meditation can improve your ability to focus and concentrate. James Brown, a meditation teacher, says: “We use the words 'focus' and 'concentrate' interchangeably, but they are really different things. To focus is to deliberately narrow your attention, and to concentrate is to make an effort to keep it narrowed. "

  3. 3 Read more. Reading is a great way to concentrate.Try to read for half an hour without interruption. Train your focus by reading for an hour or two, taking only short breaks. If you are able to concentrate on any book that lies in front of you, be it a romance or biography, you can also concentrate on your work.
    • After reading a few pages, ask yourself questions to make sure that you understand what you are reading and that all your attention and emotions are focused on the reading.
    • Reading in the morning is a great way to wake up your brain from sleep. Reading before bed is a great bedtime method.
    • Make it a goal to read for half an hour a day. In this case, the TV needs to be given less than half an hour. The concentration created during reading can be disrupted by watching a huge amount of TV ads.
  4. 4 Less multitasking. Many people find that multitasking is a great way to get things done faster and complete two or three tasks at a time. Remember that multitasking hurts your ability to concentrate. When you do several tasks at the same time, you think that you have achieved more, but in fact you have not devoted all your attention and desire to any of them and damaged your focus.
    • Work to complete only one task at a time, and you will see that the pace of its completion has increased.
    • If you are constantly chatting online with your friends while you get work done, you are drawn into one of the worst forms of multitasking. Chatting with a friend can cut your productivity in half.
    • If you work from home, avoid the temptation to do the housework while studying or working. You can wash the dishes, but this will significantly slow down the pace of the task.

Part 3 of 4: How to Prepare

  1. 1 Analyze. Have you ever had a day like this that you "worked" and then wondered why the results were insignificant? If this happened to you, you need to analyze your mistakes before starting a new unsuccessful day. Before starting work, you need to write down everything that was successful and not successful during the working or school day to make sure that everything will work out in the future.
    • You were supposed to study, and you spent all day gossiping with your schoolmate? In this case, you need to do your homework alone.
    • Were you supposed to work in your office, and you spent the whole day solving your colleagues' problems, and did nothing for yourself? In this case, you need to help less and become a little more selfish.
    • Have you spent an entire day chaotic reading articles posted on Facebook, chatting with friends and discussing plans for the evening? It is best to do this after the end of the working day.
    • Before starting your day, write down what is holding you back from achieving your goals to reduce the likelihood of mistakes.
  2. 2 Prepare well for the job. It doesn't matter if you go to the library or to the office for an 8-hour day, you need to prepare well for the work ahead so that the day starts with a positive attitude. You need to find motivation to complete all the tasks.
    • Get a good night's sleep. Get up and go to bed at the same time to feel refreshed and refreshed after waking up and not feeling overwhelmed and tired.
    • Eat healthy breakfast foods. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you need to eat enough to get the energy you need to do your job. You can not overeat, so as not to be indifferent and inert in relation to what is happening around. Eat carbohydrate-rich foods such as oatmeal or wheat porridge. For breakfast, you need to eat foods containing proteins (eggs, lean turkey meat), as well as fruits and vegetables.
    • Take time to charge.15–20 minutes of walking, light cardio, squats, or abdominal exercises will tone your heart muscle without fatigue.
    • Monitor your caffeine intake. Coffee helps you to shake things up in the morning, but try not to consume more than one cup a day, otherwise you will feel overwhelmed by lunch. Change to a low caffeine tea or try to wean yourself off caffeine if you want a productive day.
  3. 3 Choose the right time and place. Most likely, you do not have the prerogative to start and end the work day as you wish if you work in an office. If you have a flexible schedule, you can start work at a time when you are more alert, and choose an environment that helps you tune in to work.
    • Remember that each of us has different hours of greatest productivity. Some people are most productive in the morning, while others need to tune in to work during the day. Pick a time when your body is ready to say "Let's go!" instead of the phrase "I want to sleep."
    • Finding a suitable working environment is very important. Some people enjoy working outside the home and feel quite comfortable. Others are motivated by working in a coffee shop or library, where everyone is busy with their own business.
  4. 4 Try to anticipate your needs. If you want to be as productive and focused as possible, you need to anticipate your needs before doing anything. You will not be able to concentrate if your body requires rest.
    • Stock up on healthy snacks like nuts, apples, bananas, and carrots. This will help stimulate your body so you won't run to the nearest stall for far less healthy snacks.
    • Drink plenty. Wherever you go, always carry a water bottle with you to stay hydrated.
    • Wear multiple layers of clothing. If the room where you work is too hot or cold, you should be prepared to take off a few items, or, conversely, put on a scarf or sweater. You cannot jeopardize your concentration if you are sweating or shivering from the cold and cannot help yourself.

Part 4 of 4: Avoiding Sources of Distraction

  1. 1 Avoid the internet. It is filled with interesting and valuable information, but when it comes time to get going, the internet can be very distracting. If you really want to get the job done, you need to avoid Facebook and chatting with friends during your work day. If there is such a need, you can check your mail several times a day.
    • If you spot an interesting article, tell yourself that you will read it during the break, but not before.
    • Avoid personal correspondence while working. This is distracting and you will spend more time completing tasks than you intended.
    • If you don't need the Internet for work, pull out the cable. You can access the Internet every two hours.
    • Online sources of distraction consume all of your work time. If you go to Facebok or check your email every 15 minutes, try to increase this interval to half an hour. You will see if you can check your mail 2-3 times a day and completely stop using Facebook at work.
    • If you need the Internet for work, try not to open more than five tabs at the same time. Concentrate on what needs to be done and carry on with the task. If you have twice as many bookmarks open than you need to, your brain will automatically tune in to multitask.
  2. 2 Don't let other people distract you from your work. People are the main source of distraction if you work in an office or library. Don't let them distract you from your goals. You may be tempted to chat with colleagues while you work. In this case, the pace of work will slow down and you will spend more time doing it.
    • Give your employees the opportunity to understand that it is very important for you to do your job.It doesn't matter if you work at home or in the office. Your colleagues won't interfere when they see how committed you are to your work.
    • Do not take private calls or messages unless absolutely necessary. Ask your family and friends to call you only when needed, and you will receive fewer messages.
    • If you have a school or university buddy working with you, make sure you both are at work. You can even clap your hands if your colleagues are distracted to remind them of the importance of staying focused.
  3. 3 Don't let your surroundings distract you. Any work environment can be distracting if you're not paying attention. But if you're in the mood for work, you can use your environment to your advantage. Here's how to do it:
    • If you work in a noisy public space, get noise-canceling headphones or listen to music without words to concentrate on your work.
    • If you are sitting next to a person on the phone, or next to a couple of friends who are actively discussing something, you will move away from them, even if you are attached to your workplace.
    • If you work in a room where the TV is working, do not look up at it more than once an hour, otherwise you will get carried away by watching.
  4. 4 Stay motivated. If you want to avoid sources of distraction and become more focused, it is best to find motivation to complete the task. You need to write down what motivates you to work, and refer to this reason several times a day to remind yourself how important it is to focus and not be distracted by extraneous things.
    • Consider the importance of your job. Reassure yourself that when you give grades to students, it is very important to provide them with feedback. If you complete a project, you are doing it for the company's success.
    • Consider your position. What is the benefit to you if the job gets done? If you are preparing for a test, you may be able to get a good grade or improve your GPA. If you've contracted with a client, you can qualify for a promotion.
    • Think about what kind of reward you will receive for your work. Remind yourself of interesting things to do after work ends. It could be a yoga class, meeting an old friend over ice cream, or a great dinner with your sweetheart.


  • Exercise helps improve concentration. A 20 minute run won't take up a lot of your time, but it can work wonders.
  • Try to relax as much as possible so as not to reflect or worry about extraneous things.


  • Failure to focus is not always the result of a lack of motivation or laziness. Certain medical conditions, such as ADHD, can make it difficult to concentrate. If you are trying to focus but are constantly distracted by something, you most likely need a doctor's advice.